misc f@#$ it im drinking ;)

you gonna let it grow brother Omri?...
mine were too Omri, until Jan 2006 and I decided never to cut it again...I wore it shaved until then
AlabamaJack said:
Keystone Light... yup... :lol:

:shocked: You know they make that here and I STILL don't drink it. Not too different from Coors Lt.

Oh and fineexampl, I believe the Creator's pepper of choice is the orange hab, and I'll take a growler of the Coal Train Porter please.:P
JayT said:
:shocked: You know they make that here and I STILL don't drink it. Not too different from Coors Lt.

Oh and fineexampl, I believe the Creator's pepper of choice is the orange hab, and I'll take a growler of the Coal Train Porter please.:P
yeah i noticed he uses hab in Zero after the fact. I was confused with 1-3 which are cayenne based.

I'm drinkin that growler i picked up in that last photo with all the goodies. It's not too bad. I used about a pint to flavor my beef stew that i have slowcooking.
JayT said:
**grabs coat, slams door, and heads for NJ**
it's already smellin good.

forgot to mention i added 2 giant red japs to the mix. i left them whole so it doesn't overpower. also have some fresh herbs from my own plants in there.

That growler in the fridge needs a friend and the Riverhorses need some of their cousins. The new liquor store is awesome!
imaguitargod said:
What's the flavor! What's the flavor! Must know!
Well, it was the Black Forest. Doesn't appear to be exclusive anymore.
oooooo i just found out that we live very near the #3 rated liqour store for beer in the world according to ratebeer.com. 6.6 miles away! :clap:
I've been drinking a fair amount of Ruination IPA from Stone lately..that stuff kicks ass! Between that and Smuttynose IPA, I was in IPA heaven..tonight I grabbed some Clipper City Heavy Seas Peg Leg (imperial stout) and their Loose Cannon (Hop cubed).
xgrafcorex said:
I've been drinking a fair amount of Ruination IPA from Stone lately..that stuff kicks ass! Between that and Smuttynose IPA, I was in IPA heaven..tonight I grabbed some Clipper City Heavy Seas Peg Leg (imperial stout) and their Loose Cannon (Hop cubed).
Out of all the microbrews i've had, Smuttynose was one of the most disappointing IMO. The flavors sounded good, but were not what i was hoping for with each variety. Right after that i bought some stuff from Victory and all was right in the world.

Final analysis on the Climax IPA growler! It's good..., but only if it's cold. Let it sit too long and it smells like week old Heineken.

Next flavor will have to be the Saranac Single Malt. I hope.
Today was a bad day. I went to the fancy new beer store to make up for it. I got some yummy new yumyums.

I got a bottle of Stone Vertical Epic Ale 08/08/08 and Trappistes Rochefort 6 (brewed and bottled by Trappist monks in Belgium). We also got a sixer of Saranac pumpkin ale. Yay!! I'm finishing off my Climax Brewery growler while the other chills to at least 53 degrees. Yes, i'll be drinking it NOT ice cold. These (not the Saranac) are premium beers, you Keystone Ice drinkin noobs!
Here's another project i'm working on. I grew stevia plants this summer to use in drinks and to help keep bugs away. I finally harvested all the leaves and such. I dried them in my dehydrator and bagged em up til i bought the Everclear. I stuck a good bunch in a 8oz jar and covered em in the Everclear to steep. The booze is now GREEN and will go into medicine droppers as i mentioned in the old thread. I'll let this stuff sit for a week or two and bottle it up for use in coffee and other stuff you might need to add a sweetener to. I'll also add chile peppers to some of it for some sweet heat.



