Fatalii smackdown

Fantastic Fatalli ya'll. Harvested 55 beautiful pods today in the pepper patch. Let's add some color to our Fatalli smackdown thread. Keep the pics coming everybody.:party::cool:

nice pods Cappy...I am about a week, maybe two away from a decent Fatalii harvest...
Some of the iron tongues around here might be able to snack on them all day, but in my experience they are hotter than most habs or congos. Not as hot as the nagas, or other superhots but these still pack a good punch. The flavor is exceptional though, which might make you want to snack on them all day.
FiveStar said:
Some of the iron tongues around here might be able to snack on them all day, but in my experience they are hotter than most habs or congos. Not as hot as the nagas, or other superhots but these still pack a good punch. The flavor is exceptional though, which might make you want to snack on them all day.
As one of the iron tongues here, I freely admit that Fatalii's are my kryptonite. The kill me every single time.
Very nice harvest of beautiful Fatalii pods PRF. How many plants were harvested?

Minion §1 said:
are fatailii the type of pepper you could snack on all day, or is it a bit too hot for that?

Is your exit area well tempered? If not you'll probably need to install a seatbelt on your toilet. :D
Silver_Surfer said:
Is your exit area well tempered? If not you'll probably need to install a seatbelt on your toilet.

or have one of these....
