Fatalii smackdown

First Ripe Red Fatalii

Before you ask, I have not tasted it yet...I am having BBQ tonight with some friends before we play a gig and will eat it then (and share it if waranted)...these red fatalii plants are going to be producers...I have 5 of them that probably have well over 100 pods on them (total) right now...

ABurningMouth said:
Wow Aji Chombo those look completely bug and disease free. Their color is a nice shade too.

Thanks :)

But I'm afriad it won't be for long. Found aphids (the little sugar-pooing bastards) on a couple of the plants today. Trying to control the infestation, but not being in the office this weekend means I'm at the mercy of whatever the little bugs do. :(

Thankfully the twins are in another office on a different floor, so that might buy me a couple of days.

Office aphids...I'm sure i've worked with some of them before. :)
for right now, I would just let the stake be a stabalizing force...just something the stem/growth can lean against...I have a bunch that are not staked and have been in the wind for months...the fataliis I am growing are very sturdy plants...the only ones that are staked are the ones that needed it after a big wind storm (they have been in at least 60 mph winds this year so far)
Aji Chombo said:
Thanks :)

But I'm afriad it won't be for long. Found aphids (the little sugar-pooing bastards) on a couple of the plants today. Trying to control the infestation, but not being in the office this weekend means I'm at the mercy of whatever the little bugs do. :(

Thankfully the twins are in another office on a different floor, so that might buy me a couple of days.

Office aphids...I'm sure i've worked with some of them before. :)

The twins look so lush and dark green...they are beautiful...sure hope the aphids don't find them...I work with a few office aphids too... :lol:
after i got up this morning, found my fatalii tipped over :(
neighbor's dog got to it...

luckely the plant didnt get burried when it happened. pretty sure it'll be alright
got a few big bricks and braced the sides of the pot. hope it's enough to keep the dog from tipping it over

Here's mine! picked a few buds off so far, and it's looking happy as a lark in the ProMix. I have 5 others in my raised bed, but this one hit the big pot first and has since taken off.

AJ, if it's worth mentioning, I'd love to hear how that red Fatali tasted. I'm very interested to know if these have that great fruitiness of the yellow fatalis.

Keep em coming guys.
Here's one of my chocolate fatalii's, a recent hail survivor.


And a regular fatalii that also had to face the screaming ice balls of death.


The leaning tower of fatalii.:)
I have 3 fataliis, all looking OK but the growth is slooooow. It's too cold - go figure... My tiny greenhouse is no help either when the sun is behind dark clouds 90% of the time. The weathermen claim that we will get actuall summer temperatures in a couple of weeks so I haven't given up hope yet.

Nice photo, MrArboc. Like the water drops on the leaves! :)

Can empathize with you about the weather. Liverpool has only just had its first truly sunny weekend after 10 days of gray clouds, rain, and temperatures around 10-15 celcius...:(

Very Jealous of Lee's Fatalii...mine are still so little in comparison... really fantastic looking plant.