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favorite Favorite supermarket sauce?

This is a supermarket sauce? I can't even find it on the internet! Since it's you username is this something you are working on?
not exactly a supermarket sauce.


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What's your favorite supermarket hot sauce ? Not a great question since every location is different for what they offer locally & the fact that changes also over the years, I remember years ago hot sauce selections were very limited & offered, now a days more spice (hot sauce) is being offered in food selections.
Aside from me buying hot sauces from a online shop to fill the void of withdrawals , when I go to new locations be it next state over or even 1/2 state over šŸ˜ or different countries.
I stop at the grocery store & see what's to offer for hot sauce selection & buy to try it, heck some of it I have no clue as to what it says for ingredients (different language), I just go with it an try them. Some you like some so so or not. Got a local homemade Caribbean hot sauce that was just killer for heat an taste with a painted bottle, it was good !

So for the basic " SuperMarket" hot sauce that's offered everywhere, I'll go with Cholula or Tabasco, then sadly Melindas which is making a name on the shelves. Though don't get me wrong I'll buy an try any other name sauce on the shelf, always looking for something I haven't tried !
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What's your favorite supermarket hot sauce ? Not a great question since every location is different for what they offer locally & the fact that changes also over the years,
Sorry you don't think it's a great question I think the diversity actually makes it a more interesting question.
Sorry you don't think it's a great question I think the diversity actually makes it a more interesting question.

GREAT question No doubt. Example, local Rural King: they carry a WIDE variety of sauces that local Wally world, Kroger, and others do not. By contrast, our local Kroger has a Caribbean section that has a LOT of Caribbean hot sauces that are not carried by anybody else around here. Maybe Iā€™m just lucky to have so many local choices?! šŸ¤£šŸ˜‚
My favourite supermarket sauce is Encona, it was a staple in Caribbean dishes I had as a kid and its considered one of the spicier ones commercially available in supermarkets here in the UK,ie it wasnt Tabasco which was the other sauce pretty much found until recent years, WalkersWood & Grace is always a great find here in shops too.