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contest February Throwdown - Cast Iron Shenanigans

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El Jefe with the funnies.
I'll be laughing at his CI TD entry.
If he posts one...

he spends as much time on his throwdowns as he does in chat.

I'm in...I'm out...nothing to show for it.

JT, I'm sorry. I thought you knew.
Bear ate Wheebz face off.
He might recover, but it may be a while.
...for the record, Bear said he tasted like merkin. He would know.
Ah this explains his absence. I just thought he got fired from his job, lost his home, and his car broke down... again.
It was a preemtive strike DQ. I was foreseeing cooking in a wood-burning cast iron oven/stove with a method that would be considered outside the boundries of what this TD is about. But Prehensile has it now. [Edit: I think Prehensile strategically did not divulge his other CI wares until questions came up. I just wanted to make sure that someone at a campsite with a firepit surrounded by a cast iron ring who built a fire in it, then wrapped all their food in tinfoil and threw it in the fire boy scout style could not call that CI cooking.]

Certainly approved Pre!
im lurkin jay

just got my CI in the mail today

things heavy as shit, i cant hold it upright with one hand

its glorious
SL... I need your whip... to teach Bear not to eat all my pizza flavored Combos... that guy...

Sorry, SumBits, can't let you have it. You WIFE, on the other hand, she can use it all she needs to keep you and That Guy in line. ;)
fry some bacon in the little miss first.

Wheebz, what CI did you get? Or is it a secret.

All of my CI is lodge.
I have a deep 12 inch camping Dutch Oven w/ lid.
a 12 inch black skillet (the DO lid fits it) named Bubbles.
a 4 quart (I think) pot with a lid that doubles as another skillet.
Access to much more, quite easily.

Fried catfish is a good idea! Catfish is on sale at Publix this week in Miami, probably for you too.
Congrats Wheebz!!! I vote yes on the sammies! And may we please have pics to go with them? And a side of tots? I'm so hungry right now......
ended up making breakfast burritos

my gawd i love CI

but my gawd, i should have gotten a smaller skillet

this one doesnt even fit on my stove, i have to have 2 burners on at once to get it hot on both sides

It is a Lodge 15" pre-seasoned pan

and my lodge pan is pre-seasoned, but I tossed down some left over bacon grease from making BLT's last night just in case

worked like a charm

then I just threw a bunch of soap and hot water in there, and everything came right off

it was awesome

kidding about the soap
Sum - Going? Looks likes it's escalating already!!! You're just gonna get cockier 'cuz you'll have 5-O in your corner, chained to the stove, sipping Busch Light out of a straw 'cuz he's handcuffed to Bear, who's in the fetal position 'cuz he's a Scared Bear sucking his thumb!!!! Roundhouse that!

Wheebz - no pics for us starving waifs???
and yes

i used tots in my breakfast burritos

it was

tots with cumin, diced hab, minced garlic, red chili powder

then veggies with rosemary, onion, green pepper, mushrooms

then eggs with salt and pepper

and then pepperoni's and steak-ums with RockeMans Haba-peno and a touch of montreal steak seasoning

and I did it all in one pan, it was glorious

then i moved it all to the side, tossed down some butter, and threw down a cornmeal tortilla, covered it in cheese, packed it with the stuffings, folded it over, flipped it for 20 seconds, and on the plate topped with the home made salsa I made back from the Salsa Throwdown

so good
wheebz, well played with the soap joke.
You had me at first, but I knew you were up to something!!!
Enjoy the new appliance!
I got my flippy floppies on CJ! This weekend is gonna be nuts.

Bear just downed a fifth of Beam. And he just did a back-flip.

Rollerskates and cardboard are looking to be found in this house.
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