Finally A Forum For Me

Hey y'all. I have only grown peppers 2 seasons (with basketfulls of beautiful pods), but have missed the last couple because of studies and living abroad, however, I am looking forward to planting my seeds for the coming spring in North Carolina.

I was pretty thrilled to find this forum, and impressed by the amount of activity on here. I have been reading for a while and decided that it was time to join to contribute as well.

Happy Hot Peppering and Thanks for Having Me! :onfire:
Hi CapHigh, glad to have you here- have a present...
Welcome from Lake Constance, Germany!
We have been in Cherokee NC this summer and learned a lot about my wife's native American ancestors.

Novacastrian said:
Hi CapHigh, glad to have you here- have a present...

She would make a nice picture on a tractor in the chili fields...
sid says welcome to THP from Vermont (why are we all talking in third person?; I mean dont get Sid worng, Sid talks in the third person a lot.. and Sid means A LOT; but usually people look at Sid like Sid is narcissistic or something instead of just totally awesome)
Thanks for all of the welcome messages! It is nice to know there are some friendly folks here, and I am sure I will enjoy reading and contributing.

Armadillo said:
Welcome from Lake Constance, Germany!
We have been in Cherokee NC this summer and learned a lot about my wife's native American ancestors.

Chiliac said:
...from Germany.

Enjoy your stay!

To the Germans: I am actually living in Germany right now (moving back to the states soon). Ich kann nicht scharf essen finden! (I can't find spicy foods!) Even when something is advertised as spicy it seems to be a very mild spiciness. Do y'all have any tips on where to find some truly spicy foods? I have settled with buying a jar of pepperoni from Rewe, and cutting them up and putting it on all of my food, but I suppose the Germans don't have a natural tongue for spicy foods! Tips would be appreciated! :cool: :onfire: