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Florida Trippin'

So, Sic/Lady Sic, did Granny happen to make an appearance at any of this? That would have been great. No wait. Wheebz LOVES Grannies. Better to keep her away. Good move.
no,the grandparents both had strokes. grandaddy had like 5,so they both had to move into assisted living there 93 and 96. so they both made it threw this trip unscathed,lol.
Ah.... good to hear neither got molested by either Bear or Wheebz, but sorry to hear about the strokes. Tough times - y'all probably needed the break, and I'm glad you got one!
CJ and Scov..........sooooo wish you guys would have been here on the farm for this............

SIC and I were looking out the kitchen window around 10am.......we see this HUGE gator crossing the pasture
tried to get a pic for you, but he turned his big butt around and went back to the pond..we lost him in the reeds

Now that is a FLORIDA moment
its hard getting laid when the only people there are married and with their significant other

although I did cuddle with scovie at one point if I remember correctly
I might have a pic of Weebz cuddling Bear, but I definitely have one of Weebz cuddling his pillow
Sorry, premature postage.

I talked with their house sitter today and she thought they were traveling today. I'll re-post later---

DAAAANNNNGGGG that mole looks so guuuud! Especially since I know it TASTES AWESUM!
Love the poem SL. Very fitting. My eyes are getting moist... must be all the hot sauce I consumed today.

So today (Tuesday) was a "chill" day. Drank some beers, hung out by the lake, watched the parrots fly by, and cooked some mean Mole for the night's dinner.

This is something to behold. Pics only go so far in describing the complexity of the process. Let me share.


Scovie taking over the SoFlo Skunkwerks facility!
Toasting up some pine nuts and sesame seeds.

Get your blender on.

Strain out the onions and throw them on the GROUND.

Stir it up like Bob Marley on a bad Speedball trip.

Chocolate and butter melting... mmmmmmmmmmmmmmm

Perfecting the art of perfectionist.

CJ jumps in the game with a hand to the face and some killer rice. Skunkwerks has been tag-teamed.

CJ then invaded FD's house and whipped up some refried beans Mexican style.

We've been Drunken Chef'n all day... I'm toasted.
Scovie's Souvenir from the SoFlo Posse

White shirts attract mess. Thankfully, Scovie was wearing one of them on this Holy Mole day. The white shirt magnitization attracted some mole in the form of drips.

Shirt ruined... or was it?

Freeze frames of greatness






This shirt should be framed and hung on a wall.

[Or auctioned off to the highest bidder.]
Just dropped Scovie and CJ off at Ft. Lauderdale airport. It was a great time all around. Scovie, CJ, you are welcome at my place anytime.
Perfect, I was wondering if and when they were flying back to WA. I know there's going to be a big party when they get there and the stories are going to fly.

Ann, if, errr, when the party happens we're depending on ya for the pics.

Sum, back to work ya dog! enough vaca. Only sayin cause I'M HAVING TO WORK!!
