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seeds-germination Free Dorset Seeds

I have an over supply of Dorset Naga seeds, that and Aji Lemon.

Anyone that would like some just shoot me a pm.
Thanks Scott it sounds like it will be hotter than the last...unreal
The last one was really tasty and hot, made me sweat. How hot do you think it was compared to other sauces? I've never had any other hot sauces but the ones I've made and they've mainly been sambals (indonesian chilli pastes).The hotter the better :mouthonfire:I'll have to make you some sauce to return the favour ;)
Compared to other sauces i would say that the last one was hotter than Blairs original Death Sauce but not as hot as fire, i tried though!

This one has more capsaicin content which means more heat :) I also think that the Vodka had a good role to play spreading the heat around. I thought the other one was nuclear but you finished the woozie in three days! Hopefully i can extent that to 4 days maybe. No wait 10 days, 700ml is a lot of sauce!
Yes i have tried your Wrath, i still have 3/4 of a woozie less than 8 feet away from me right now, the other bottle was consumed :)

Pm me your mailing addy and i will send em on out!
Hi Nova!
Would you also mail to Europe? I would really like to try the Dorsets. Maybe next year. Or this year for overwintering one or two plants.
Armadillo said:
Hi Nova!
Would you also mail to Europe? I would really like to try the Dorsets. Maybe next year. Or this year for overwintering one or two plants.

No worries mate :)
I sent a PM for some of the Aji Lemon's. I can't handle the Dorset's :oops: so I may as well leave them for those that can
Blister said:
I sent a PM for some of the Aji Lemon's. I can't handle the Dorset's :oops: so I may as well leave them for those that can

I don't feel challenged to eat Dorset poppers either. But they will make nice sauces.
Alright as of now i have sorted out,

lord viykor
beandip (new member)
foxprorawks (new member)

Others i am just waiting on pm's for addys.
Seeds for the above people should be sent out tomorrow apart from Junglerain, i will send his with the Aussie trading parcel.
Awesome, looking forward to trying something other than the habanero and fatalii plants. This is going to be like Christmas with less me hating my family and more peppers.