• Blog your pepper progress. The first image in your first post will be used to represent your Glog.

Ga GH's 2014 - The beginning

So it's official.


The 2014 season has just begun.

I planted the first six, on the right, 7 days ago. The second six a few days later.

First up is c. pubescen Canario.

More details later.
GA Growhead said:
I found the soil on a inside garden section at the wally world by my work. The one by me keeps it outside only. There is also a HD by me with some soil inside their greenhouse selection. Anytime I buy the bags that sit outside, there are usually gnats involved. Always worse in spring, summer times. Might not be as bad since they are probably frozen solid right now if outside.
It is very inconsistent in it's mix. If you buy the smallest, mid size and 3 cu ft bag all at the same time you would see a huge difference. It all works fine for me, the MC version is airy enough and doesn't hold too much water. Not happy about the added nutrients, but at the same time I won't have to feed them if I continuously pot up as when needed. A bit more maintenance free in that regard, but this bag also seems a bit on the hot side. This bag didn't bother the older pot ups or the wife's flowers last year of course. Going to score another inside bag soon. Waiting for them to finish putting the garden stuff back out at that one wally.
Everything looks to be adapting to it fine now. But... In summary, It work much better than there regular soil and it will get you thru.
I bought some FFOF recently, but waiting till the one gallon stage to use it. I am going to have some soil mix delivery, to have for pot ups and the new raised beds I have to build. Looking into the amendments to add to that, so hoping that will be all the soil I will have to buy this year once purchased.
I am already planning a small hoop house on one of the existing raised beds, to get plants out to harden and give me some space. DIY greenhouse!
Glad you got the garden expanding! I still gotta move some thornless blackberries and till to widen mine. Two (or three ;) ) more rows should do it. :D
Was hoping to wait after the last frost. I don't want to bring up all the good microbes, that I have added, to freeze. I have a ton of leaves and pine straw ready to go. Just waiting to till them in!
Thanks Charles!
Thanks Denniz! Keeping that reaper cross on the down low. ;) Its the only cross that took for me and ripened before the frost got everything. Trying to get the F2s going before I let that one out of the bag.
They show a bit of over fertilizing, but doing good otherwise. The younger guys and gals aren't as much effected, growing right into it.
Just noticed a couple of the pubescens have already forked. ? Do they split earlier than the chinense, anyone? Wasn't expecting that!
It took about four hours total, split thru the week. I drop the seeds on top, keeping track on a grid I printed out. Then went back and poked the seeds down with the back of a paint brush and lightly packed each pellet down, a couple rows at a time.
Thanks Adam. These are coming along nicely. Waiting on this round to pop and then starting round two. Atleast 50, if not 80, more varieties that I want to start, not including the annuums.
I am sure that I will have extras if you find you need some more plants. :D
Can you add potted plants in front of or behind your raised beds at the community grow?
Got to be careful with outdoor storage. I got a bag of organic garden soil from a box last year and I'm pretty sure it's been generating tiny black bugs... not gnats, something else. They don't seem to be hurting the plants, but its still something to be careful about. 
Yeah I have been toying with the idea of adding some containers where they let me. The risk is more that the pots will walk off, though this hasn't actually happened, I suspect it can. A couple of the growers stick pots around their beds... mostly marigolds but one person has a pretty big broccoli plant in a pot. Not sure how it's doing now. Sure I'll formulate some plans as plant out date approaches! Got to start some annuums soon!
Happy growing and keep on going strong!
GA Growhead said:
First jigsaw up has a secondary branch forming to.
Nice side branching on your round 1 seedlings Jason! A few of mine are doing the same thing. I think I'm gonna follow Jeff's (spicychicken) lead this year, and wait until I get 5 or 6 nodes worth of side branches started like this and then top the plant to force the secondary growth and get a bushier plant. Keep 'em green buddy!
Congrats on the newest editions!
How many square feet do you plant? 350 is simply a huge endeavor!
stickman said:
Nice side branching on your round 1 seedlings Jason! A few of mine are doing the same thing. I think I'm gonna follow Jeff's (spicychicken) lead this year, and wait until I get 5 or 6 nodes worth of side branches started like this and then top the plant to force the secondary growth and get a bushier plant. Keep 'em green buddy!
I have been topping due to plant height, but try and wait until I seed the branches emerging. Last year I did no topping, and they branched like crazy on their own
stickman said:
Nice side branching on your round 1 seedlings Jason! A few of mine are doing the same thing. I think I'm gonna follow Jeff's (spicychicken) lead this year, and wait until I get 5 or 6 nodes worth of side branches started like this and then top the plant to force the secondary growth and get a bushier plant. Keep 'em green buddy!
Thanks Rick. I topped a few last year and left some untopped from the same seeds. Seem to get a few more pods out of the smaller branchier guys. Not sure if that was the case, but it appeared that way.
Going to do a few again this year, with companion plants, to see if it really benefits me in my growing conditions. Plants can get six feet without by the end of the season and still be loaded up, so need to keep track to tell.
Stay green too!
maximumcapsicum said:
Yay more hooks! Happy growing Jason! Got to heat Atlanta up!
Didn't heat it up enough. 2" of snow up here. Took me 8 hours to get home from work, cause people don't know how to drive! OK, an hour beer break in there to wait it out at one point, but seriously! Utterly ridiculous! The side roads were grid locked in every direction around my house with many roads closed. Took hours to go one mile.
Did make it home to many new hooks and standing seedlings! Final a plus in the day!
Devv said:
Congrats on the newest editions!
How many square feet do you plant? 350 is simply a huge endeavor!
I have been topping due to plant height, but try and wait until I seed the branches emerging. Last year I did no topping, and they branched like crazy on their own
Right now the garden is roughly 625ft² and I have a ton of space for potted plants. After widen the garden to get me two (or three) more rows it will be around 1150ft². Definitely going to add more root pouches/grow bags. Was really impressed with the two I bought last year, and those were just 5 gallon bags. I have 10 seven gal bag already, but want to score more. Also want to add a raised bed on the opposite side of my yard for peppers. Have to build the wife two more for veggies, so why not one more for me. :D
Last season I really packed them in, 12 to 18 inches apart on average, keeping like plants the closer distance, while staggering a foot diagonally going down the rows.
Hoping to give each plants more space this year. Not looking good so far with numbers I'm wanting.
jedisushi06 said:
Brown Bhutlah SLP looks bitchin! 
She is a beast!

Will try to tally up the newest arrivals at some point.
Until then...
Here is a mini rocoto already splitting.

And orange manzano doing the same.
Geez...you guys with the head starts are killing me!!! :rofl: Gary brought up an interesting couple points on topping and trimming along with some stunning photos from Søren Friis Larsen creator of the Bhut Orange Copenhagen.
Start at post #24:
Pretty cool and interesting conversation further down. Got me rethinking my usual top and trim strategy...or at least on a few test plants. Less/more production aside...his way sure makes some perdy plants!
Those are looking great. That is some crazy early branching. You must have them under some really good light.
Good luck with your soil, that can always be like playing roulette with the outside bags. I found they are ok for going into the raised beds but to stay away from them with growing anything inside. Can't wait to see your plant out, that many varieties and plants amazes me. Happy growing.
Love the deep green on the rocoto leaves! They are enjoying those lights.
Bummer about the 8 hour commute. One of the reasons I moved into walking-commute distance. Course that seriously hampers my garden space options.
Stay warm, 285 is a wasteland.
Doubt I'll get 6' chinenses, but will do my best with what I got!
stc3248 said:
Geez...you guys with the head starts are killing me!!! :rofl: Gary brought up an interesting couple points on topping and trimming along with some stunning photos from Søren Friis Larsen creator of the Bhut Orange Copenhagen.
Start at post #24:
Pretty cool and interesting conversation further down. Got me rethinking my usual top and trim strategy...or at least on a few test plants. Less/more production aside...his way sure makes some perdy plants!
Interesting... that's what I did with my pepper plot the last couple of years. I trimmed the lower branches below the forks too, but at the time I did it because I had my plants a little too close together, and I wanted to open up the understory to let in light and air so there wouldn't be any problems due to fungus. It made harvesting the pods easier too.
stickman said:
Interesting... that's what I did with my pepper plot the last couple of years. I trimmed the lower branches below the forks too, but at the time I did it because I had my plants a little too close together, and I wanted to open up the understory to let in light and air so there wouldn't be any problems due to fungus. It made harvesting the pods easier too.
When you did that pruning at what point did you snip the lower branches? How did you decide when to stop cutting and let the flowers do their thing?