• Blog your pepper progress. The first image in your first post will be used to represent your Glog.

Ga GH's 2014 - The beginning

So it's official.


The 2014 season has just begun.

I planted the first six, on the right, 7 days ago. The second six a few days later.

First up is c. pubescen Canario.

More details later.
stc3248 said:
Geez...you guys with the head starts are killing me!!! :rofl: Gary brought up an interesting couple points on topping and trimming along with some stunning photos from Søren Friis Larsen creator of the Bhut Orange Copenhagen.
Start at post #24:
Pretty cool and interesting conversation further down. Got me rethinking my usual top and trim strategy...or at least on a few test plants. Less/more production aside...his way sure makes some perdy plants!
I did read that Shane. Mad respect for that dude! I may play with a few in pouches, to try and get that perfect look. Wondering how production follows after trimming. Delayed or turned up? Sounds like another pod counting experiment!
Capsicum Select said:
Those are looking great. That is some crazy early branching. You must have them under some really good light.
Good luck with your soil, that can always be like playing roulette with the outside bags. I found they are ok for going into the raised beds but to stay away from them with growing anything inside. Can't wait to see your plant out, that many varieties and plants amazes me. Happy growing.
Thanks CapSelect!
Those are still under 2 T8 four foot two bulb fixtures. Haven't dropped them down to the T5s yet.
I really worry about soil induced bugs. Scoring those inside bags is key. If it's been outside, it stays outside.
This year will be interesting, that's for sure. Just a bit of time everyday and they are good ATM. I will be over it before long and ready to get them in the ground. :D Happy growing too!
meatfreak said:
Wow, Jason. The kids are getting big already :D Great job!
Thanks Stefan! They are sizing up and more new hooks every day!
capsidadburn said:
Great looking pubes Jason! Your garden space sounds monster-us!

Have a good one!

Thanks Mike! It hasn't taken over the whole yard yet, but the garden will be bigger than last year!
Happy early Friday!
maximumcapsicum said:
Love the deep green on the rocoto leaves! They are enjoying those lights.
Bummer about the 8 hour commute. One of the reasons I moved into walking-commute distance. Course that seriously hampers my garden space options.
Stay warm, 285 is a wasteland.
Doubt I'll get 6' chinenses, but will do my best with what I got!
HillBilly Jeff said:
Plants are looking great!!!  Love the Manzano!!
Thanks Guys! Loving the pubescens. Each one has it's own color and hairiness.

Took a few Picts of them. More splitting already. Still amazes me.



Adam, eight hours to go 20 miles was ridiculous. I still have 3" of snow in the front yard (shady north side) that is just as dry and fluffy as yesterday. Shoveled off most of the driveway, in hoping to pull the cars up tomorrow, when I got home from work. That about killed me. The roads around my neighborhood are still barely passable. Main roads are fine at least. I'm guess the garbage truck is going to get stuck trying to make it up my street in the morning. They said they are coming as scheduled. lol
stickman said:
I wanted to open up the understory to let in light and air so there wouldn't be any problems due to fungus.
That is on point Rick!
Jeff H said:
Wow Jason, I had a few pages to catch up on and I'm truly impressed. Great grow you have going so far. I couldn't imagine almost 400 plants. My 80+ (including sweets) is plenty to keep me busy. 
Thank you Jeff! My grow is becoming full swing quick! It will get consuming keeping everyone watered properly, but once everything is outside and in the ground it's a sweet thing. Keeping that thought to get thru it. Need to hook up the drip lines a bought and make it even easier on me come that time. 80 is still a lot Jeff! I also have enjoyed your glog!
I check it daily!

Quick update on hooks oh plenty! It's like a pirate convention over here!




Getting good germ rates too!
maximumcapsicum said:
Wow man! Those under the T5's? How old are they?
Not under the T5s yet. Still just T8s.
They will graduate soon though.
Those were the early starts.
They came up around the second week in Dec. So.. almost six weeks or so.

Facing heaven, PDNx Naga Suomi F3, UBSC, SB7J, Fatalii Cream, White Bhut, 7 pot SR Gigantic, 7 pot burg, not burg Caramel too, SB Freeport orange, orange daisy cutter, yellow pixie, yellow 7J, orange blobs F2, Britos Mystery Peach F4, CGN 23257, CGN 21500, Naglah Brown, 7 brown Mystery cross, Guam boonies, Donni sali, Aji white fantasy, TS butch T yellow, Trim perfume, Naga/brown 7 cross, MOA & TFM bonnets, Mystery green, BBG7 #1, and brown egg are up so far in round 1.

Had a buddy that lived in pago pago western Samoa for a few years, then lived in Saipan for a few more years before heading back to his home country of Finland. He always talked about the peppers there on the islands. Mainly two types. One that is definitely a frutescen and the other that sounded more like an annuum. Trying to find both to grow out to taste for myself and send him some seeds too. You will notice the Guam and the Donni above. Same thing? These both came from Peter @ semillas.de. I have seen both of these listed as being the same pepper, the name being interchangeable, and it listed wrongly from annuum to chinense to frutescen on many sites. Peter's site has both listed separately, the Donni sali as frutescen and the Guam bonnie as annuum, given me hope that they are endeed what I may be looking for. Will find out. The seeds are definitely different visually. Hoping I get what I'm looking from these.
Jason, I grew a C. annuum var Glab called Tiny Samoa around 3 seasons back. Believe I got seeds from Vladen/ Rainbow chile seeds. Don't remember much about the flavor. The #118 image in my most recent slideshow is it. Have some old seeds I will send you if you are interested.

Glad to know the hooks aren't hampered by the traffic snarl there!

Very nice Jason!
Hooks all over the place and the first born are looking Primo!
I read above about trimming the "sucker branches", last year I did zero trimming and the suckers came up and became part of the plants crown, they were as tall as the center stalk or crown. My plants put pods on all the branches and the quality was the same throughout. Although the pods were mostly on the top 50% of the plants. The Hab types just didn't care and the pods were all season long just everywhere.
So this sounds like an interesting experiment. This year I have so many plants I'm going to just let them do what they do. Mainly because I'm trimming some because of the early start. Next year I'm going to see how this experiment works. It may have no impact for those of us down south?
Keep it green!
And just let that dang snow melt ;)
capsidadburn said:
Jason, I grew a C. annuum var Glab called Tiny Samoa around 3 seasons back. Believe I got seeds from Vladen/ Rainbow chile seeds. Don't remember much about the flavor. The #118 image in my most recent slideshow is it. Have some old seeds I will send you if you are interested.Glad to know the hooks aren't hampered by the traffic snarl there!Mike
Thanks Mike. Will stay with what I got at the moment. Already too many on the list!
100% germ on the EOBs BTW! :party:

maximumcapsicum said:
6 weeks. Nice. 
Got me concerned I'm going to outgrow my grow space.
I'm looking at my space here and shacking my head. Rough count on seedlings up is 380+ and this is just round one. :crazy:

Devv said:
Very nice Jason!
Hooks all over the place and the first born are looking Primo!
I read above about trimming the "sucker branches", last year I did zero trimming and the suckers came up and became part of the plants crown, they were as tall as the center stalk or crown. My plants put pods on all the branches and the quality was the same throughout. Although the pods were mostly on the top 50% of the plants. The Hab types just didn't care and the pods were all season long just everywhere.
So this sounds like an interesting experiment. This year I have so many plants I'm going to just let them do what they do. Mainly because I'm trimming some because of the early start. Next year I'm going to see how this experiment works. It may have no impact for those of us down south?
Keep it green!
And just let that dang snow melt ;)
Longer seasons will make a difference on how much the trimming/pruning benefit production. I am going to try to keep better track this year.

HillBilly Jeff said:
I have seen/read those two pepper names being used interchangeably.
I have seen that numerous times. I am growing the two, so will know something before long!

Quick update.
Germination rates are high. Only three varieties in round one haven't given me at least one seedling. One being bonda ma Jacques, which I have trouble with last year and see others also struggle before winning. These are new seeds this season. I ending up buying two packs from last year to now on accident, so may try the other pack or my own saved seeds in round two.
Happy with the results so far. Even had a TS green come up from failed seeds from last year.
Also, member Harris gave me a few bhut jolokia seeds from 2008 and I got one of those to pop. That will be cool! Thanks John!
Round two. Should begin this week.
More choices to make!
A few Picts...

For Stefan. Pimenta Lisa F2s. Two purple and one not purple.

I have had about 6 helmet heads. Not bad. 6 out of 384 or so.
This one wanted to keep the collar on.

I generally just leave helmets alone unless I think human intervention is needed. I let them dry out to prevent the cotys from rotting inside them. They usually take care of them self.

I have a couple triple cotyledons as usually. And a few double cotyledons too.

Need to rearrange everything. Start making room for all these damn seedlings.
That's the plan!
Happy weekend!
Seedlings look great Jason! Love the purples... I may be partial to 'em. Turns out that roxa seed I gave you IS viable, but it took a month to sprout. So not the best, but at least it works! 
Good luck finding space. Making space tricked me into knocking five of the babies on the floor. D'oh.
I always enjoy this time of year, when the local grocery store's suppliers run out of plain orange habaneros. Red and yellow habs show up in there place. I have a freeze full of pods, but just had to grab one fresh pod as they looked excellent.


Nice heat. Long lasting med heat. Flavor was good, similar to my Tobago treasures last year, but not quite as flavorful. Not the typical yellow habs, or yellow hab flavor I find around here. A neat score for today's lunch.
capsidadburn said:
Glad to hear the great germ rate for you Jason!  You are going to be quite busy!
Have a great weekend!
Can't complain so far. Definitely going to keep busy till plant out.
Hope all is well there!
Have a great weekend too Mike!
maximumcapsicum said:
Seedlings look great Jason! Love the purples... I may be partial to 'em. Turns out that roxa seed I gave you IS viable, but it took a month to sprout. So not the best, but at least it works! 
Good luck finding space. Making space tricked me into knocking five of the babies on the floor. D'oh.
Thanks Adam. Love the color too. I haven't had any purple c. chinense till this year, so this will be a fun one. The wife liked the purple annuums in years past, so hopefully see will dig they too! A little bonus never hurts. ;)

Haven't started the roxa seeds yet... but the cuttings you gave me are still kicking it. I have them in the south bay window mixed in with the wife's plants. I need to pot them up soon. Will try those seeds in round two. :D

Space... been brain storming today about how to pull this off. I have a few ideas and see a small hoop enclosure in my near future. Older plants will have to move outside for this to work.
Devv said:
Glad to see the great germ rates you're having.
Enjoy the weekend!
Thanks Scott! I just wanted certain numbers of each variety for the garden. Having more than I need is a good problem. Round 1 was about 110+ types. Hoping to narrow down round 2 to less. Then the annuums after that! Hoping germ rates stay as high thru the next runs!
Don't work to hard tomorrow!
You mention hoop houses, tomorrow I build number two and fill them. Was out and about today and look forward to a full day at home...then work comes again...booo!
Haha no worries Jason! I actually haven't even up-potted the other cuttings yet. I was just worried those seeds I gave you were no good. They appear to be about 30% good after a month of germination! Woo!

Got some purple veining on a couple of my supers. Ever seen that before? Will post a pic tomorrow.