• Blog your pepper progress. The first image in your first post will be used to represent your Glog.

Ga GH's 2014 - The beginning

So it's official.


The 2014 season has just begun.

I planted the first six, on the right, 7 days ago. The second six a few days later.

First up is c. pubescen Canario.

More details later.
Devv said:
You mention hoop houses, tomorrow I build number two and fill them. Was out and about today and look forward to a full day at home...then work comes again...booo!
Seriously! Double Boo! Weekends need to be longer.
Definitely building something. Small hoop structure seems easy enough. And can be reused next year if I build on one of the raised beds.
Good luck with yours. Been eyeing your temps to figure out when I will be safe to move things out. Keep us updated.

maximumcapsicum said:
Haha no worries Jason! I actually haven't even up-potted the other cuttings yet. I was just worried those seeds I gave you were no good. They appear to be about 30% good after a month of germination! Woo!

Got some purple veining on a couple of my supers. Ever seen that before? Will post a pic tomorrow.
Definitely post a picture. Would like to see them!
stc3248 said:
Nice score on the grocery hab! 6 of 384 is really good for helmets! You're going to have one helluva season with all them damn plants!
Thanks Shane. Was stoked to see the yellow habs. These were definitely not the norm for here. Was nice to eat a fresh pod!
Tryed to plant each seed flat on its side, deep enough to prevent helmets, but can't win them all.
Hoping this season is grand! Will have to send you some pods if I end up with any. ;)
Cotyledon forest.

Updated the spread sheets. For those that like statistics... hint hint Adam. :D
With the early starts and round one, I have put down 535 seeds, for 121 varieties, so far this season. I have 451 seedlings/plants as of today. That's a 84.299065% germination rate. :)

Random shots...



I have a few of the pubescens throwing out buds.
Mini Rocoto.

This is intense man! Love the purple veins on some of those random leaves! Everything looks healthy and vital. Bet the air in your house is clean and fresh, if possibly a bit potting soil dusty!

Great germ rate! I've actually made a few errors on mine due to culling, but will post some final germ numbers in a week or so. Been more concerned with germ times actually.

Looks like they grow quite well in the pellets! Maybe I didn't need to pot up so fast haha!

Happy growing bud!
maximumcapsicum said:
This is intense man! Love the purple veins on some of those random leaves! Everything looks healthy and vital. Bet the air in your house is clean and fresh, if possibly a bit potting soil dusty!

Great germ rate! I've actually made a few errors on mine due to culling, but will post some final germ numbers in a week or so. Been more concerned with germ times actually.

Looks like they grow quite well in the pellets! Maybe I didn't need to pot up so fast haha!

Happy growing bud!
The pimenta de neyde's leaves are beautiful!
I have lost one so far. Had two come up without cotyledons. Lost them coming out of the seed husk I assume. One is green still and might pop out a true leaf, the other is a goner. Did not include those in the numbers.
Didn't keep track of times, but they have been typical. Most by three weeks with stragglers behind that, and the stubborn ones still fighting with. One did pop out of the three today, so that's a start.
Will replant the other two... soon in round two.
Have a great week!
capsidadburn said:
Looks amazing Jason!  Stunned by your effort.
Have a great week!
Thanks Mike. A huge effort it is. Plenty of extra plants to go around.
stc3248 said:
451!?!?!?! What in the world are you gonna do with all of them?!?!?! hahaha! This is going to be so fun to watch! Too bad I am so far away, because you're gonna need some help picking all them bad boys!
Seriously Shane! I don't like cull so each one will find a home.
I was already going to see if I could move some at the flea market down the road come time, guess I will have plenty of extras to give it a go. I have a bunch of friend that will also take them at work and down in the city. Created a few pepper heads by dropping chili powder on them the last year or two.
Trying to stay around 350 here at the house but might have to keep a few more in pots than I am planning.

Hope I don't get you in trouble when a six pack shows up at your front door come spring. ;)

And about to start round two. About 58 more chinense, baccatum, and frutescens.
And then the annuums in march!
GA Growhead said:
Seriously Shane! I don't like cull so each one will find a home.
I was already going to see if I could move some at the flea market down the road come time, guess I will have plenty of extras to give it a go. I have a bunch of friend that will also take them at work and down in the city. Created a few pepper heads by dropping chili powder on them the last year or two.
Trying to stay around 350 here at the house but might have to keep a few more in pots than I am planning.

Hope I don't get you in trouble when a six pack shows up at your front door come spring. ;)

And about to start round two. About 58 more chinense, baccatum, and frutescens.
And then the annuums in march!
Am I reading this right? 451 growing, 58 more to go and that doesn't include the annuums yet? Wow! :eek: this will be impressive.
GA Growhead said:
Seriously Shane! I don't like cull so each one will find a home.
I was already going to see if I could move some at the flea market down the road come time, guess I will have plenty of extras to give it a go. I have a bunch of friend that will also take them at work and down in the city. Created a few pepper heads by dropping chili powder on them the last year or two.
Trying to stay around 350 here at the house but might have to keep a few more in pots than I am planning.
Let me know if you end up unloading some at the flea market, I might swing by and pick a few up!
Jeff H said:
Am I reading this right? 451 growing, 58 more to go and that doesn't include the annuums yet? Wow! :eek: this will be impressive.
Yep. That's the numbers so far. Will plant at least 4 seeds of the fifty eight. Hoping I can keep them all going and trim down to less than 400 come plant out. We will see how impressive this becomes. :D
Penny said:
Well done!! :dance:
Thanks Penny! Trying my best!
stc3248 said:
Oh...if that happens I'll be in plenty of trouble...but I'll keep an extra spot or two open just in case! ;)  :shh:
I got it one that has your name on it already. CGN 23257. I think you will like that one and fit in well without anyone noticing. Double :shh:
KiNGDeNNiZ said:
WoW... and a forest it is... im sure youll have a spot in your yard.. perhaps cut down a couple of those trees in your jungle...good job
There are about twenty or so tall pine trees I would like to remove. I could then run the garden down another eighty feet.
I will make room for what ever can after the garden's full.
Thanks Denniz! & 100% germ on everything from you that hit the dirt!
nealf said:
Let me know if you end up unloading some at the flea market, I might swing by and pick a few up!
I will stay in touch and let you know if and when. Might happen. Might not. I'm going to have many extras regardless... so we can hook up either way. :)
maximumcapsicum said:
Going to be an amazing jungle of pods! Can't wait for the next round of pics! I bet the neydes would make excellent bonchis.

Happy growin!
They are supposed to be a unkwown c. annuum c. chinense cross. They are growing tall and spindly with fairly big leaves. Not sure about the bonchi, but might work at well.
Looks like they grew an inch or two over night!
Did some reach yesterday on them. Found what might have been the first picture shared from Neyde herself in 2006.

Translated the Portuguese and read away.
Wondering how to tell when the pods are ripe. Look forward to figuring that out. Beautiful plants! Still have a few seeds if you just need one more plant. ;)
Devv said:
Dang Jason!
450+ you're going to be a busy fella!
They look nice and healthy!
Do you have room to grow them out in the house before dirt day! I already had to unload a few doubles :shh:
Keep it green!
Lol. Filling up the extra bedroom ATM. That's why I'm watching your hoop house temps. Going to have to slowly rotate plants out of here and outside to have room.
A big icing expected late tomorrow night and thru out Wednesday. yay....
Spring is just around the corner, right?
megamoo said:
Looking good, I love those fields of cotyledons pictures.  Your seedling setup obviously works well!
I built the set up last season to maintain plant life, but when started the annuums they popped like mad. With the side panels/doors on it stays around 78 to 82°F when the lights are on, which is about perfect. Didn't use any of the heat mats!
This year was the big test and it has worked out nice!
Now just gotta make room for everything!
The quest continues!

Move a few on the early starts down under the T5s.
Loving the pubescens. Beautiful plants.


Orange manzano