• Blog your pepper progress. The first image in your first post will be used to represent your Glog.

Ga GH's 2014 - The beginning

So it's official.


The 2014 season has just begun.

I planted the first six, on the right, 7 days ago. The second six a few days later.

First up is c. pubescen Canario.

More details later.
Great looking plants, Jason. Really freaking Pimenta Lisa but that's gonna make an nice Bonsai later at the end of the season ;)  Although you have an load of plants, they all are in good condition! Looking forward to that Fatalii Cream, wanted to try it this season also but got kicked from the wishlist :)
Devv said:
Plants are looking good and ready!
The hoop house will really help with the space issues.
Can't wait to see them hit the dirt ;)
:D Hurry up spring weather!
My earliest starts aren't far behind yours. This will be the earliest pods for me once out in the garden! Already thinking about how to expand inside to allow for more next season.
Building the hoop house over a raise bed. The peppers will have to still be potted, as that's not there final resting place. It is a much more prime location sun wise to build up heat for the evenings. Already put black plastic down to kill off the weeds in the raised beds. That should warm up the beds and keep them warmer though the night once they are out.
I will have to do a good bit of moving in and out at first to harden them off. Shady spot during the day and hoop house at night. :)
meatfreak said:
Great looking plants, Jason. Really freaking Pimenta Lisa but that's gonna make an nice Bonsai later at the end of the season ;)  Although you have an load of plants, they all are in good condition! Looking forward to that Fatalii Cream, wanted to try it this season also but got kicked from the wishlist :)
I am not to found of Fatalii. They are just ok. Have grown from two sources and I would rather have a yellow 7 or yellow hab instead. The cream looked too cool so hoping I enjoy the flavor. I did end up planting a few reg fatalii in round two, from a third source, just cause. ;)
That pimenta Lisa is freak! Good point on the bonchi! There is also one with a really red-ish stem. No two alike, which is way cool!
I can't wait to see them out in the garden. Thinking about grouping all the purple foliaged plants together in their own section. That should look cool!
foodproductlaunch said:
Wow!  Looking great!  
Why Thank you FPL!
Devv said:
Next year I'm going to use hoop houses so I can fill them up with plants while they're still in pots, I dunno, maybe I'll make three ;)  I have the plastic already...
I have been looking into a semi permanent solution over a section of the garden. That UV stabilized plastic isn't cheap! And neither is the regular clear rolls. I saw 6mil clear, 10' x 25', for $25. Would love to get the good stuff though!
It would be nice to have something to just cover before spring, remove once warm enough, and then throw back up before winter to extendthe growing season in both direction. Leaving the frame up all year.
I have check out many DIY sites on hoop greenhouses. Using the gray conduit pipes, you can build a fairly big one cheap, minus the cover. That stuff is cheaper the PVC and UV stable too. Going to use it on mine actually.
I don't have the wind issues like you, so I could pull off a larger one without much reenforcement.
Gears are turning on that one!
meatfreak said:
Great looking plants, Jason. Really freaking Pimenta Lisa but that's gonna make an nice Bonsai later at the end of the season ;)
Here is the red stemmed guy.

GA Growhead said:
Pimenta Lisa. Stem split into two growths at some point.


are those the cotys there on the bottom of the plant?
intradasting for shure...  im really digging the looks of this plant...  oh, and all of your plants looks great!   :party:

jojo said:
are those the cotys there on the bottom of the plant?
intradasting for shure...  im really digging the looks of this plant...  oh, and all of your plants looks great!   :party:

Yes, they are cotyledons. I have had a seedling do this before. Not sure why it happens, but always cool to see.
Funny to me cause I have looked at these many times and never noticed before. Always neat when something unexpected shows up.
& speaking of what shows up...
I was moving plants around on my bottom shelf and found a baby seedling sticking out under a pot. There were a few random seeds, of who knows what, in a tray I had stored down there since last summer. The tray was used to pot up, so not sure if they were ungerminated seeds of last season or what, but I spilt the tray dropping a few seeds. I was on the lazy side and never completely cleaned up what spilt, so have a mystery seedling now. :)
Stuck it in with a single 2008 bhut for the short term.
Happy accidents!, as said by one famous painter. ;)

Thanks for stopping in JoJo!
Happy accidents for sure!  I remember last year I had a broccoli seed sprout from the inside of the dome.  lol it was stuck on the top of the inside of the dome.
I'll be interested to see what you come up with. My experiment was to see if the hoop house would accelerate the grow. It didn't, but they hung in there really well. So for me here in my climate I think they may better serve me as a place to put the 1 gal pots in so I'm not hauling in and out all the boxes of plants.
Also next year I'm for kicks going to do another in the dirt and plant two weeks earlier, just to see what happens.
I got a 100x12' roll of 4 mil for 47 bucks at Lowes, should last 3 seasons or more. I'm not interested in extending the season as much as getting the early start.
Keep it green!
Jeez man,  them have got to be some of the healthiest plants on THP!  Your doing amazing thus far,  and wouldn't expect anything less outta you.  Everything is so healthy green,  and all the foliage is picture perfect.  I'd have a hard time bringing them guys outside for the first time.  Almost like dropping your kid off for their first day of school if you know what I mean!  Stellar grow Jason,  absolutely amazing brotha!  Gonna have to get up sometime this summer for sure!!!
Devv said:
I'll be interested to see what you come up with. My experiment was to see if the hoop house would accelerate the grow. It didn't, but they hung in there really well. So for me here in my climate I think they may better serve me as a place to put the 1 gal pots in so I'm not hauling in and out all the boxes of plants.
Also next year I'm for kicks going to do another in the dirt and plant two weeks earlier, just to see what happens.
I got a 100x12' roll of 4 mil for 47 bucks at Lowes, should last 3 seasons or more. I'm not interested in extending the season as much as getting the early start.
Keep it green!
I'm definitely wanting to extend my season. Last year a frost wiped out the garden that was followed by warmer weather. Building something small now, but made something bigger by fall. ;)
Jamison said:
Jeez man,  them have got to be some of the healthiest plants on THP!  Your doing amazing thus far,  and wouldn't expect anything less outta you.  Everything is so healthy green,  and all the foliage is picture perfect.  I'd have a hard time bringing them guys outside for the first time.  Almost like dropping your kid off for their first day of school if you know what I mean!  Stellar grow Jason,  absolutely amazing brotha!  Gonna have to get up sometime this summer for sure!!!
Yeah brother. We are meeting up. I will not be able to ship these cutting to you come time. Late summer, early fall you might need to come by! Thanks again, not living up to all that, but I am trying!
First day of sun isn't far. I'm worried already!
meatfreak said:
That's indeed an different color from the other plant, Jason. I also got 2 different ones, one looks like your freak when it comes to color and the other is just plain green. There's gonna be a lot of variation on this one, which will be very interesting. At the end we need to see which traits are the most desired ones :)
That sounds like the plan! This will be so cool to see what comes!
Gh your stuff is looking great. That pimenta de neyde looks fantastic. I cant wait to see you outside grow I`m sure it will look awesome.
Finally got some giant white habs to hook. Tried just soil which usually works, only got one to hook. Big one in left cup. So first time tried paper towel method and all 6 took no problem. That is my new go to method. The ones in 2 back cups are white habs. which are just growing away.
The 3 front cups are BC that you sent me. Those are going little slower bu are looking good.
The one in middle back is yellow scorpion. he`s waiting to go outside.
Jason, really great beginnings there brother! Looking forward to seeing some of them in the ground and growing.
Now we just need to get this weather sorted out and back on track and get Ma Nature out of her Current El Whatevero so she's not messing with the grow weather.  