• Blog your pepper progress. The first image in your first post will be used to represent your Glog.

Ga GH's 2014 - The beginning

So it's official.


The 2014 season has just begun.

I planted the first six, on the right, 7 days ago. The second six a few days later.

First up is c. pubescen Canario.

More details later.
BG7 x PDN cross? Color me impressed! (Inspired. I just did an Orange Thai or better put, happened by accident near hot banana pepper.) Dang, and pods too!! Yeah: cutting them back just makes them grow but makes them stockier. This is the prettiest grow I've seen! Did you save seeds from that Tab x chinense? I know Grant has one. Am trying one with King Naga this year, just for giggles. But nothing could top a Choc BG7!
Just one question on the hoops. How tall ya gonna make them to accommodate height and sheer size of your plants?  ;)  I mean, when the plastic comes off, since you had some pretty jack-bean-stalk plants last year, or do they just work around hoops?  :rolleyes: 
Beautiful work, Jason! :dance:
Very nice Jason!
Pods already? They must really love you!
I too can't wait to see the dirt action.
Same thing happened to me with the hoops, set them up and it got warm on me. I don't think it got below 40° which is why I never put the black plastic out. I was always worried about the heat inside. I think I closed the sides twice, and on those days it warmed up so early I could have left them open. Just goes to show I could have used them earlier, and will next year with the black plastic. Still learning with them...
Keep doing what you're doing, a great start!
Great update Jason! Yeah right after I got a couple plants in the dirt try raised the forecast temps. Like that luck, even if I was a week ruins where I wanted to be. It's all good nonetheless! Been so busy planting there hasn't been time for glogging!

The pods on the neyde look great! Can't wait to see what they do. You got a bunch of indoor pods going!
JJJessee said:
Pods look fantastic and so soon!!! And the plants don't look stressed in the slightest. 
What's the secret? :D
Thanks 3J! No secrets here. Just letting them do there thing, abusing them when I can. ;)
There are a few bummed plants. Mostly the ones hidden under canopy. I have some bacteria spot or a fungus attacking a few plants. I have removed all the infected leaves and topped them to prevent spreading each time I see it. Once a week or so anyway.
Can't wait to get them in the ground!
capsidadburn said:
Nice Pods Jason! Can't wait to see the jungle move outside! That is a cool cross idea. Best of luck.
Thanks Mike! Looks like the weekend before tax day is my dirt day, unless the forecast changes of course. All the overwinters are outside enjoy the warmth right now. Won't be long till they all are outside!
Thanks on the cross. I have taken pollen from everything with flowers, but only the PDN seem to have fertile pollen so far. Just put some Guam Boonie (annuum) pollen on a couple bbg7 flowers to see if it will take. So just trying to get flowers to set resulted in a few crosses. ;)
Happy to have pods forming already!
annie57 said:
BG7 x PDN cross? Color me impressed! (Inspired. I just did an Orange Thai or better put, happened by accident near hot banana pepper.) Dang, and pods too!! Yeah: cutting them back just makes them grow but makes them stockier. This is the prettiest grow I've seen! Did you save seeds from that Tab x chinense? I know Grant has one. Am trying one with King Naga this year, just for giggles. But nothing could top a Choc BG7!
Just one question on the hoops. How tall ya gonna make them to accommodate height and sheer size of your plants?  ;)  I mean, when the plastic comes off, since you had some pretty jack-bean-stalk plants last year, or do they just work around hoops?  :rolleyes: 
Beautiful work, Jason! :dance:
Thank Annie!
Hopefully a beautiful cross she will be!
You would be proud. I finally took all the orange thais you sent me, combined with some Bali nagas, Thai hots (red and orange), and a couple random white and yellow pods, processed and have fermenting at the moment. My first ferment!
I now have six Tabasco crosses up. Planted a ton, but will be happy if only six come up. Looking forward to seeing what shows up with them being F2s. Really strange, but neat cooling plants last year. I have seen Grant's cross listed, but not anyone growing it. Would be cool to compare growth wise. I actually found a bag of them when I was going thru the freezer. Forgot I saved them with the reg Tabascos. I also got Jamison growing a few plants. Have a multi pod per node tobasco on mind. Need I say more? :D
The hoop structure stand just over five feet once assembled. This one is to go over a raised bed (4'x 8'), as a experimental test flight. I really want to build one over the garden. It's really not out of my reach. Can be done fairly inexpensive compare to buying one you assemble. Going to think that over this year. :)
Devv said:
Very nice Jason!

Pods already? They must really love you!

I too can't wait to see the dirt action.

Same thing happened to me with the hoops, set them up and it got warm on me. I don't think it got below 40° which is why I never put the black plastic out. I was always worried about the heat inside. I think I closed the sides twice, and on those days it warmed up so early I could have left them open. Just goes to show I could have used them earlier, and will next year with the black plastic. Still learning with them...

Keep doing what you're doing, a great start!
Thanks Scott!
Oh yeah Pods!
Of course I'm working for them. I'm a paint brushing fool every night trying to get more to set.
I already put in for a few days off to get the garden ready. A good and long extended weekend is the plan. Hoping to have plants in the ground by tax day!
Lol. I slacked for too long on the hoops. Atleast we will be prepared next year. ;)
I am going to try to extend a few with mine this year when old man winter shows his face. At least the ones I can move around!
maximumcapsicum said:
Great update Jason! Yeah right after I got a couple plants in the dirt try raised the forecast temps. Like that luck, even if I was a week ruins where I wanted to be. It's all good nonetheless! Been so busy planting there hasn't been time for glogging!

The pods on the neyde look great! Can't wait to see what they do. You got a bunch of indoor pods going!
Thanks Adam. I neglected earlier to tell you that these are setting pods under one two bulb strip T5 high output. I have been impressed with these lamps since day one. The high output T5s are like small suns. Amazing what they can do!
Weather looks amazing for us! :party:
Will have to watch the 8th, my daughter's 16th birthday, though. Says lows in the mid 30s up this side!
Also wanted to tell you that I have two roxas coming up.
romy6 said:
 Wow J with such amazing plants I would just keep them inside away from the nasties of the outside world 
Thank you Jamie! Lol! I wish I could keep them inside all year! That would take a glass house to get everything like I would want. And sometimes I throw stones. So that might not work out so well.
KiNGDeNNiZ said:
Plants look great. Waaaah pods already. And of all the pods bubblegum?!
Thanks Denniz. I kept cutting of each plant that bleed. Neglected them for a while, then stuck in some fox farm OF and they went off. It just worked out that my earliest starts, the PDN actually, opened some flowers so soon that I could get the bbg7s to set some pods. Can't wait to have a fresh bbg7 pod!
I have watch every DIY greenhouse thing I could find. Really might make a full scale one over part of my garden!
PIC 1 said:
Jason great progress, it's refreshing to see some unique crosses in the making. The plants are lush...you must have 2 green thumbs up !
Thanks Greg! Just letting the plants go.
I had a few crosses on mind that didn't take last year. Starting this year off with a few that do isn't a bad way to recoup.
Thanks for stopping by!

And a picture....taken tonight.

This is the only cross I got to take last year. My hush hush don't tell... Reaper cross.
First pod and with PDN pollen also.

Night everyone, past my bedtime times two.
Thanks for reading!
Wow man need more pics! And great news on the roxas... how many did you plant? I only had about a 30% germ on them and it took quite some time.
The one I sprouted looks like it probably crossed with a carribbean red hab... leaves are much more ovoid than the parent plant. Upside is that the red hab pods tasted better than the chieros, though they didn't look as nice. So maybe these f2's have the complete package? Maybe not? We'll see!!!
Plants are in the dirt, so I may be going outside with a bedsheet on the 8th. Will have to see. I think it's going to go back into the 40°'s.
maximumcapsicum said:
Wow man need more pics! And great news on the roxas... how many did you plant? I only had about a 30% germ on them and it took quite some time.
The one I sprouted looks like it probably crossed with a carribbean red hab... leaves are much more ovoid than the parent plant. Upside is that the red hab pods tasted better than the chieros, though they didn't look as nice. So maybe these f2's have the complete package? Maybe not? We'll see!!!
Plants are in the dirt, so I may be going outside with a bedsheet on the 8th. Will have to see. I think it's going to go back into the 40°'s.
Don't remember how many roxas I planted, but three up as of today. All showing purple tendencies. :)
Should be F1s this season if they did cross. And F2s next season. ;)
Wanting to put a few in the ground, but trying to wait.

Happy weekend!
jedisushi06 said:
Whats up? when's your plant out date?
Sup Jedi!
Next weekend will be the start. Getting the garden extension tilled then. Thinking about not tilling the existing garden. The newest section down bottom will be tilled, but the top is good. Will just add amendments when planting up top.
Went on a search today looking for kelp meal locally. Didn't find that our any of the other soil amendments I was after other than some composted chicken manure.
Hit up the farm/feed stores around me. Some cool stuff, but no score.
Will have to go to the grow store in the city it appears.

Here are the overwinters showing life!


Never picked all the pods of this one. :)

Came home to box, that the wife said had dirt in it, asking what I ordered.
Turned out to be a cutting of Jamison's prize winning (OK,didn't win anything... But it's just badass!) 7 pot Rennie!
Thanks Brother!

Still have round two seeds popping. These have been under natural light the whole time. In full sun right now!


Those are pretty hardened... Because no room left here.


More inside pod set via the paint brush!

The bbg7 #1s, with the mutant calyx, are crazy. The pods get choked out and can't grow as they should shape wise.

Off to dig up some worm castings from my natural pile move some soil around.
What has germinated so far....
C. Annuums-
Ancho Mulato
Ancient Sweet
Bell - California Wonder 300TMR
Bell - Sweet Chocolate
Cherry Pepper - Hungarian hot
Cherry Pepper - Large Hot
Chiltepin Amarillo
Facing Heaven
Fish Pepper
Goats Weed
Golden Marconi
Guam Boonies
Jalapeño Cracked
Jalapeño Dark Red
Jalapeño El Jefe
Jalapeño Goliath
Jalapeño Jumbo
Jalapeño Purple
Jalapeño TAM
Jamaican Yellow Mushroom
Kitchen Pepper Peach
Lumbre Anaheim
New Mex - Big Jim
New Mex - Joe E. Parker
Pasilla Bajio
Peter Pepper Orange
Pretty Purple
Purple Tiger (tri-color Vareigata)
Purple Tiger Not (mystery cross F2 from Brent)
Rooster Spur
Santa fe Grande
Thai - Orange Hot
Thai - Orange Large
Thai - Yellow Hot
Wild Tepin
Wild Texas Tepin

C. Baccatum
Aji Amarillo
Aji Limon
Aji Pineapple
Aji White Fantasy
Birgit Loco
Brazilian Starfish
CGN 22181 (Yellow Bouquet)

C. Chacoense-
CAP 501
CAP 501 x Donnie Sali (F1)

C. Chinense-
Aji Charapita
Bahamian Goat Pepper
Bhut Jolokia Caramel
Bhut Jolokia Chocolate
Bhut Jolokia Chocolate x Douglah (F2)
Bhut Jolokia Peach
Bhut Jolokia Peach - Saved - Med  Pheno
Bhut Jolokia Peach - Saved - Huge Hab Pheno
Bhut Jolokia Peach - Saved - True Pheno
Bhut Jolokia Giant Red
Bhut Jolokia Red
Bhut Jolokia Red - 2008
Bhut Jolokia White
Bhut Jolokia White Not (Sawyers Yellow Brainy Looking Bhut)
Bhut Jolokia Yellow
Bhut Orange Copenhagen
Bhut x Douglah (2012)
Bhutlah - Brown SLP
Bih Jolokia Caramel
Black Naga
Bonda Ma Jacques
Britos Mystery Peach (F4)
Brown Egg
Brown Moruga
Bubblegum 7 #1 Mutant Calyx
Bubblegum 7 #2
Bubblegum 7 #4
Carolina Reaper
Carolina reaper - The Reaper
Carolina Reaper cross (F1)
CGN 21500
CGN 23257
Cornish Naga
Daisy Cutter Orange
Devils Tongue - White
Elysium Oxide Bonnet
Fatalii - Cream
Georgia Black
Habanero - Giant White
Habanero - Giant White (PaulG Version)
Habanero - Jamaican Hot Chocolate
Habanero - JellyBean White
Habanero - Mustard
Habanero - Orange Blob F2
Habanero - Peruvian White
Habanero - West Indies red
Habanero - Yellow
Harolds St. Bart
Jalabanero (F5) [possible F2 cross]
Jays Ghost Scorpion Peach (F5)
Jays Ghost Scorpion Red (F5)
Jigsaw (Fatalii Gourmet)
King Naga
Pimenta Lisa (Meatfreaks Mystery PDN Cross)
Mystery Brown Bumpy
Mystery Green/Olive/Mustard
Naga Viper (Isolated)
Naglah - Brown
Not Choc Scorpion - Red (Melissa via Pia)
Not TS CARDI Yellow (Lemon Habanero pheno)
PI-441598 x Unknown Cross - Peach Pheno (F3 & F4)
Pimenta de Neyde
Pimenta De Neyde x Naga Suomi (F3)
Pink Tiger
Pixie - Yellow
Scotch Bonnet - CostoRician
Scotch Bonnet - Foodarama
Scotch Bonnet - Freeport Orange
Scotch Bonnet - MOA (Isolated)
Scotch Bonnet - Trinidad Brown
Scotch Bonnet - True Jamaican
Scotch Bonnet - Trin Red Lrg X Trin Congo Red
Scotch Bonnet  - Yellow SB x 7 Pot Yellow Brainstrain (F2)
Sepia Serpent (F5)
St Lucia Red Seasoning
Tobago Scotch Bonnet - Red
Tobago Scotch Bonnet - Yellow
Tobago Seasoning
Tobago Treasure - Yellow
Trinidad 7 Brown x naga
Trinidad 7 Pot - Rennie (Jamisons 2013)
Trinidad 7 Pot - Rennie Brown
Trinidad 7 Pot 007
Trinidad 7 Pot Barrackpore
Trinidad 7 Pot Barrackpore Chocolate #2
Trinidad 7 Pot Brown - Bonnet shaped
Trinidad 7 Pot Brown Cross (?)
Trinidad 7 Pot Burgundy
Trinidad 7 Pot Caramel (Saved seeds from Burgundy Not - via Sawyer)
Trinidad 7 Pot Congo SR Gigantic Red
Trinidad 7 pot Jonah - Red Thimble Shaped
Trinidad 7 pot Jonah - Yellow Thimble Shaped
Trinidad 7 Pot Jonah Yellow
Trinidad 7 Pot L
Trinidad 7 pot Madballz (rusty)
Trinidad 7 Pot Peach (Saved seeds from Burgundy Not - via Sawyer)
Trinidad 7 Pot Peanut Red
Trinidad 7 Pot Primo
Trinidad 7 Pot Primo - Orange
Trinidad 7 Pot Rust (Saved seeds from Brown Not)
Trinidad 7 Pot SR Red
Trinidad 7 Pot White (SLP Version)
Trinidad 7 Pot Yellow Brain (Red pheno)
Trinidad 7 Pot Yellow Brain Strain
Trinidad 7 Pot Yellow Large
Trinidad 7 Pot Yellow Original
Trinidad 7 Pot Yellow SR
Trinidad Douglah
Trinidad Perfume
Trinidad Scorpion Butch T - Yellow
Trinidad Scorpion CARDI - yellow
Trinidad Scorpion Chocolate (two sources)
Trinidad Scorpion Green
Trinidad Scorpion Moruga Blend Red
Trinidad Scorpion Moruga Blend x Bhut Jolokia Red(F2)
Trinidad Scorpion Moruga Caramel
Trinidad Scorpion Moruga Chocolate
Trinidad Scorpion Orange (Buckeye Version)
Trinidad Scorpion Red Original
Trinidad Scorpion Sunrise
Trinidad Scorpion Sweet
Trinidad Smooth
UBSC - Unknown Brain Strain Cross (F?)
Wild Brazil

C. Frutescen
Donni Sali
Lota Bih
Tobasco x Mystery C. Chinense (F2)

C. praetermissum-
Cumari Pollux

C. Pubescens-
Brown Rocoto
Giant Rocoto
Manzano Yellow
Mini Rocoto
Rocoto Inca
Around 730 plants total at the moment with more spouting still from round 2.
Enjoy Sunday before it's gone!
capsidadburn said:
Good to see the pods and hear your dirt day is soon Jason!  Overwinters kickin too!
My first pods came from White Devil's Tongue's I got from you.  All of those display a strong vigor.
Good weekend to you!
Hope it turns out white Mike. I had one turn out red last year out of 3. Not a bad pod, but wasn't white. Glad to hear the are kick butt for you!

Devv said:
Looking good Jason!

Glad to hear dirt day is coming real soon.

Nice score from Jamison!
Jamison is one of the best! Forecast might push back dirt day as it is ever changing. :(
Will have the garden ready regardless.
Thanks Scott
HillBilly Jeff said:
I think you need a few more ;)
Always room for a few more. ;)
maximumcapsicum said:
How big is your garden?! Can't wait to see it bloom.
Currently about twelve by 50, but wider in some parts. Am adding three or four more rows that will be fifty feet long too in the widening process. Then adding another raised bed on the other side of the yard. Will have 30 or 40 scattered throughout the yard in pots too.
Wanting to keep about 350 to 400 plants out of everything. Will see how things fill up.

Just looked over the list again and no CAP 501 x Donnie sali up yet, but haven't given up yet.
