• Blog your pepper progress. The first image in your first post will be used to represent your Glog.

Ga GH's 2014 - The beginning

So it's official.


The 2014 season has just begun.

I planted the first six, on the right, 7 days ago. The second six a few days later.

First up is c. pubescen Canario.

More details later.
HurtsGood said:
Gh your stuff is looking great. That pimenta de neyde looks fantastic. I cant wait to see you outside grow I`m sure it will look awesome.
Finally got some giant white habs to hook. Tried just soil which usually works, only got one to hook. Big one in left cup. So first time tried paper towel method and all 6 took no problem. That is my new go to method. The ones in 2 back cups are white habs. which are just growing away.
The 3 front cups are BC that you sent me. Those are going little slower bu are looking good.
The one in middle back is yellow scorpion. he`s waiting to go outside.
Awesome HG! Glad some popped for you. I planted seeds straight from a frozen pod and have three going. Didn't plant any with the other's as I intended. Plenty of others stuff this season!
That yellow scorp is going to be a beast!

RocketMan said:
Jason, really great beginnings there brother! Looking forward to seeing some of them in the ground and growing.
Now we just need to get this weather sorted out and back on track and get Ma Nature out of her Current El Whatevero so she's not messing with the grow weather.  
Thank you thank you! I wish the cold weather would just be done already so I could plant out! I got a good frost the other morning and probably two more to come before it's over. Of course that's going by the forever changing extended forecast!

Lunch today was turkey, provolone, orange Thais and kale! Yummy!

I trimmed all the leaves to keep them from shading each other and they just grow new leaves and do it again.
Sea of green!

I have paint brush pollinating the bbg7 cutting since they started to flower to try a get some pods to set to no avail. Assuming the pollen is sterile or they just haven't been ready, cause the flowers just keep dropping.
So one of the pimenta de neydes opened up a flower. A little paint brush action and... Woo la!




And think this one set too.

Either the PDN pollen was the ticket or they final self pollinated with me meddling with them. Stoked regardless!

I emasculated a few flowers on some other plants and have been painting away with bbg7 pollen and nothing has taking yet. Emasculating the bbg7 #1s isn't easy with it's crazy calyxes. Takes more work. :)
Going to try and get a clean cross with the PDN pollen.
Happy weekend!
Looks like you're well on your way to another jungle this year Jason... a sea of green is right!
I think Scott's observation that the plants in his low row cover don't seem to be growing much is accurate, but I think it's because he couldn't put down the black plastic mulch to passively heat the space. In the last couple of years our winters were a lot milder than this one, and the cellar where I started my seedlings was warmer, so the seedlings grew more quickly. The amount of light, nutes and water was the same all 3 years, but my cellar is about 10 degrees cooler this winter, and the plants are growing noticeably slower. So for me, the lesson is that the row cover holds the heat, but the black plastic mulch increases it by converting the near-infrared wavelengths in sunlight to heat inside. I think the temperature also has a lot to do with whether or not the flowers stick and pods set.
It's all good... keep on truckin' brother!
Jeff H said:
Love the 'sea of green'. Plants look great. Pods too.
HillBilly Jeff said:
Looking great!!! Love the sea of green pic.
Thanks Guys!
Came home tonight and butchered them well. There was no air flow happening below the top. Had a few small plants completely hidden.
Much better now, just less green. :D
maximumcapsicum said:
Wow looking great Jason! What kind of crosses you trying to make? Would love to see some pics of the whole pollination process, but it's probably hard to hold a cam and emasculate a flower at the same time.

What kinds of lights you got pods setting under?
Thanks Adam. Yeah... Lol two handed I'm struggling. I was just trying to get some pods to set on the bbg7s. Was going for some isolated and bbg7 #1 x #2s, but nothing would set. So a long come the neyde pollen and instantly pods set. Will save a few seeds from each, should be cool come F2s.
I did emasculate a few bbg7 #1 flowers tonight. Serious pain with the anthers down below the calyx once the petals are removed. I broke the stigma attempting on a few flowers digging down in to get at the anthers. :(
But pulled off a couple, and hit them with some PDN pollen. :cool:


I have a few crosses in my head for this season to make. Will see what happens!
capsidadburn said:
Wow +1 on looking great Jason!  Good luck with the cross!
Thanks Mike!
stickman said:
Looks like you're well on your way to another jungle this year Jason... a sea of green is right!

I think Scott's observation that the plants in his low row cover don't seem to be growing much is accurate, but I think it's because he couldn't put down the black plastic mulch to passively heat the space. In the last couple of years our winters were a lot milder than this one, and the cellar where I started my seedlings was warmer, so the seedlings grew more quickly. The amount of light, nutes and water was the same all 3 years, but my cellar is about 10 degrees cooler this winter, and the plants are growing noticeably slower. So for me, the lesson is that the row cover holds the heat, but the black plastic mulch increases it by converting the near-infrared wavelengths in sunlight to heat inside. I think the temperature also has a lot to do with whether or not the flowers stick and pods set.

It's all good... keep on truckin' brother!
Thanks Rick!
I ended up getting the frames to my hoop structure done over the weekend.
I am going to cover an existing raise bed, 4'x 8'.
I had already put down black plastic two weeks ago or so to heat up and kill all the weed seeds on two raised beds, one which I will hoop. I looked under the plastic over the weekend and there were about 100 weed spouts per square inch. The plastic had warmed up the box and everything was germinating. Another two weeks or so and most weed spouts will have died off and a clean bed will be had!
I am sticking my peppers in pots on the plastic, so they will be enjoying whatever warm comes from the sun heating the black plastic covered ground.
I have to agree with you about it holding heat. I can tell hours after the sun has set, feeling under the plastic.
I just need a few weeks more, mainly to protect from the night time temps, so the hoop structure should work out perfect.
Will get some pictures once it's up!
Spicegeist said:
Haha, yeah, they tend to do that.  Soon you can set them free outside...
Lol Again & again!
Soon I can set them free!
Devv said:
I see a jungle in the making!
Plants look great Jason!
Hope your pollination works out well for you, keep us posted !
Thanks Scott! Giving it a go!
It will be a small jungle soon!
Jamison said:
Sea of green and a little purple ;)   Huge calyx's on them BB7's.  PDN x BB7 sounds really cool if that's your intentions.  Keep er goin!
Thank my brothah!
It's done now. Crossed! No turning back!

The calyxes are huge on the #1. Mutants I tell you.


And pretty big on the #2s & #4s.


That will be a cool cross J! What traits will you be selecting for? PDN color with BBG7 Calyx and bleed? Would really be a cool plant for sure. The sea of green is perfect as well! You should be at or near your plant out date right???
Plantout needs to hurry. I was hoping for Sunday but may need to wait till next Wednesday to gaurantee temps above 50 at night. What are you thinking Jason?
stc3248 said:
That will be a cool cross J! What traits will you be selecting for? PDN color with BBG7 Calyx and bleed? Would really be a cool plant for sure. The sea of green is perfect as well! You should be at or near your plant out date right???
Thanks Shane. Haven't put to much thought into yet. Definitely purple foliage, and oversize calyxes. Pods that start out purple would be sweet too, even if they go red in the end. Purple calyxes would be crazy cool! But not holding my breath on that one.
Not taking it too serious but will make a few crosses this year to play with in years come.
I had a Tabasco x c. Chinense accidental cross show up last year. Multiple pod per node that were straight juice once ripe on a strangely structured plant. Looking forward to seeing what the F2s do this year. That's this years project. ;)
It in the upper 20s tonight. Looks like this may be the last frost/freeze of the year. Hoping so! Usual plant out date is tax day to mother's day. Might beat tax day by a week, but will have some plants under a hoop structure this weekend enjoying the outdoor life. That's the plan anyways!
Still saving a spot for a cgn 23257? There are supposed to be peach. :D
meatfreak said:
Wow, plants are looking good, Jason. That's an very interesting project indeed, looking forward to it's outcome :)
Thanks Stefan. Let's hope it develops into something cool.
maximumcapsicum said:
Plantout needs to hurry. I was hoping for Sunday but may need to wait till next Wednesday to gaurantee temps above 50 at night. What are you thinking Jason?
I'm thinking the same thing. Night time temps will be above 50°F after that and we should be all good.
I need to put in for a few days off and get the garden expansion going soon! Can't seem to ever get enough done just over the weekend. :)

And... I have a few pubescens setting pods now.
Giant rocoto.

GA Growhead said:
Going to try and get a clean cross with the PDN pollen.
Looking very much forward to that project. Pls. grow plenty of F2s ...
Will Bbg7 be the new "black" ? i.e. preferred variety to make crosses with after PdN  ;)
HAJ said:
Looking very much forward to that project. Pls. grow plenty of F2s ...

Will Bbg7 be the new "black" ? i.e. preferred variety to make crosses with after PdN ;)
Will do. I'm favoring the PDN crosses this year myself.
The guy, John, in the UK has many bbg7 crosses already. I saw a Cornish naga x bbg7 cross on YouTube last fall. A bhut looking pod with a bbg7 cap. Strange but cool.
I am going to have to agree with the new "black". The mutated calyx is unlike anything I have seen. The calyxes that bleed red seems fairly dominant which is surprising. It will be interesting to see what shows up with more people growing it this year. Hope to see more crosses show up too.
Thanks for stopping in. :)
Devv said:
Pubes podding, can't beat that!
Seriously! There might be a few more in the jungle called the middle shelf. I can't even see all the way in back anymore.
I will get a good look this weekend as they are getting move outside!
Potted up and all!
Wow man. Crosses sound real interesting. Need to keep working on my pepper education so I can fully appreciate the kind if pod you're making.

Temps dipped again, but my guys are getting so long in the tooth I think Wednesday has to be the day. Maybe just stand by with something to cover then if cold temps invade.
maximumcapsicum said:
Wow man. Crosses sound real interesting. Need to keep working on my pepper education so I can fully appreciate the kind if pod you're making.

Temps dipped again, but my guys are getting so long in the tooth I think Wednesday has to be the day. Maybe just stand by with something to cover then if cold temps invade.
I think Wednesday will work. You can save them if need be with some plastic, but don't think you will need it. A bit jealous of the inner city warm! I thinking for me around tax day!
Last frost might of just happened!

Round 2 taken yesterday. Doing OK other than the five pellets the cats killed today. :(
All annuums, so restarting!


A tray from the top shelf! Pre-trimming.

Bottom shelf coming back strong from the trimming!

Guam Boonie's (c. annuum) going off.

Giant rocoto growing.

Taking pollen from the neydes lead to pods. :)

Bbg7s growing!
This one spilt it's calyx.



Finished the hoop structure, but don't think I will need it now with the night time temps forecasted. Will be able to throw it up if needed. Hope to start transitioning plants out this weekend. Overwinters are on there own now. Looks like a few are done. It got really cold in the garage both times the city iced over. Will be cool they make it!
Everyone have a great week!