• Blog your pepper progress. The first image in your first post will be used to represent your Glog.

Ga GH's 2014 - The beginning

So it's official.


The 2014 season has just begun.

I planted the first six, on the right, 7 days ago. The second six a few days later.

First up is c. pubescen Canario.

More details later.
LOL, I sure do go through the chili powders fast. Luckily THP sure did band together to keep my capsaicin levels from dipping too low. Don't know what I'd do if I didn't kill a couple of heat receptors each day.
Unfortunately got a working/childcare weekend in front of me. That and I got to get those pots out to the garden plot! But definitely let me know when you do want to come down. We can hit up the community garden and grab and arepa (tasty Venezuelan sandwich) from the nearby market.
should probably pick up some more stakes from Atlantis though... maybe sometime this week. I went through the pack I bought fast. Last year my peppers didn't need so much support... maybe there's a jet stream wafting off the downtown connector...
I had a kidney stone pass last year, not a fun deal. Lucky for me it was a tiny one. I feel my saving grace is drinking tons of water, a habit I developed as an auto tech in years past, working in the heat.
I hope you feel better!
Jamison said:
Just plain BADASS! Sooo many plants, such little time!
Yeah brother! Trying my best here before season's end. Nice on the cross. Aye?
Saw you are expecting snow way up north there. Yikes!
Hope you survive and make it back south. :D
We are getting a cold blast here. Pulling plants in tomorrow!
maximumcapsicum said:
LOL, I sure do go through the chili powders fast. Luckily THP sure did band together to keep my capsaicin levels from dipping too low. Don't know what I'd do if I didn't kill a couple of heat receptors each day.

Unfortunately got a working/childcare weekend in front of me. That and I got to get those pots out to the garden plot! But definitely let me know when you do want to come down. We can hit up the community garden and grab and arepa (tasty Venezuelan sandwich) from the nearby market.

I should probably pick up some more stakes from Atlantis though... maybe sometime this week. I went through the pack I bought fast. Last year my peppers didn't need so much support... maybe there's a jet stream wafting off the downtown connector...
Went by the shop and they didn't have all that I was after before, so made the right move on ordering. Did grab what else I needed though. So set to start mixing up the organic potting mix.
Hope you get the plants protected from the cold blast heading our way. I think you will fair better with all that heat the city retains in concrete jungle. I am almost positive that it will frost here. I already started clearing out room in the garage for all the over winters to come back, along with the newly potted up plants.
I got twelve more potted up today, freeing up some room inside. Rearranged the plants inside to give them some space.
Everyone looks much happier.
Losing a bunch if leaves to bacteria spot infection. Picked of what I could, topping some plants that had it bad. Will be better now with plants spaced out more for better air flow ability!
Hoping to put plants in the ground next weekend!
Have a good week Adam!
Devv said:
I had a kidney stone pass last year, not a fun deal. Lucky for me it was a tiny one. I feel my saving grace is drinking tons of water, a habit I developed as an auto tech in years past, working in the heat.
I hope you feel better!
Thanks Scott. This is my second time dealing with this. Pretty sure it is over for now. I had a much better day and fluids are full stream again on output. ;)
I drink water like crazy. Juice, beer, and water is it for me & I carry a water, usually a 1.5 L, everywhere I go.
I'm stumped to what could have brought this on. Just glad it's over for now.
Thanks again Scott.
Hope you stay warm enough there!
Have a great week!

Will leave you with a Jigsaw pod on a plant that just got potted up for hardening, that will be garage bound tommorrow to wait out the cold.


Cool pods on this one too!

Here is a brown bhutlah SLP pod. Just starting to get some texture.
Ouch!  Beautiful pods, Jason.  
Here are the results of some of the seeds you sent!
PI441598 cross and Brown Eggs.  the PI44 is one of the tallest plants in the grow:

7 Pot Jonah, Sepia Serpent, and Chocolate Bhut:

7 Pot Barrakapore, BJ Choco again for some reason, Trinidad Scotch Bonnet, chocolate: 

Thanks for sending the great selection of seeds, buddy.   I wish I could have grown them all this season!  
These all look very promising!
PaulG said:
Ouch!  Beautiful pods, Jason.  
Here are the results of some of the seeds you sent!
PI441598 cross and Brown Eggs.  the PI44 is one of the tallest plants in the grow:

7 Pot Jonah, Sepia Serpent, and Chocolate Bhut:

7 Pot Barrakapore, BJ Choco again for some reason, Trinidad Scotch Bonnet, chocolate: 

Thanks for sending the great selection of seeds, buddy.   I wish I could have grown them all this season!  
These all look very promising!
You have posted the most beautiful plant around the site today Paul! And you are very welcome. How everything grows out correct for you too! The PI-441598,cross looks correct. I can recognize that growth. Mine are looking the same.
You have such a good selection of plants this year. Everyone is keeping an eye on your grow, me included!
Have a great week Paul!

Also... Leaves are huge on that last picture. Beautiful plants!
stickman said:
All looking stellar Jason, keep up the good work! Passing kidney stones is no joke, hope this is the last occurrence!
Thanks Rick. Hoping never again, but statistic show once you get the first, it will likely happen again in one's life.
Hoping to get thru the cold front coming and have plants in the ground soon!
OCD Chilehead said:
Another amazing Glog to follow. Just got up to date. Plants/Pods look fantastic. Hope all is well.
Thank you OCD! Much better now, minus the close to freezing temps coming! Pulling plants in now. Thunderstorms will be here shortly as the cold front moves across.
Have a great week and thanks for reading!
Man, it's National Pecan Day, and I'm wishing I was in Atlanta. Oh well, at lease i still have 5 pounds of Pecans in my freezer from my last visit to Savannah. Thinking I might just whip up a Fatalii Pecan Pie tonight. 
Should I tell the res of the family what my secret ingredient is?
Probably should if I want to sleep in the bed tonight 
Awesome looking pods Jason!
I'm pretty sure one of my Jig's has a pod, but small, really small. But it has that gnarly look too.
And we got those storms too, a close call, two mean cells just North and a third just South that gave us some much needed rain here.
I hope that's the last of this crap. How's the wind there, horrible here...took a quick glance, will look tomorrow..
Have a great week!
RocketMan said:
Man, it's National Pecan Day, and I'm wishing I was in Atlanta. Oh well, at lease i still have 5 pounds of Pecans in my freezer from my last visit to Savannah. Thinking I might just whip up a Fatalii Pecan Pie tonight. 
Should I tell the res of the family what my secret ingredient is?
Probably should if I want to sleep in the bed tonight 
I love pecans. My mother's x husband's family property had pecan trees lining both sides of the road between all the separate properties where the relatives live. Many different kinds even. My favorite were the paper shells, that broke most of the time when they fall off the branches to the ground, and the buckshot pecans. They were somewhere between a marble and a bouncy ball. Small but tasty! I miss going out there and getting all the pecans you could pick up.
Not a huge pecan pie fan, but pie is pie!
I'm betting yours is quite good!
Devv said:
Awesome looking pods Jason!
I'm pretty sure one of my Jig's has a pod, but small, really small. But it has that gnarly look too.
And we got those storms too, a close call, two mean cells just North and a third just South that gave us some much needed rain here.
I hope that's the last of this crap. How's the wind there, horrible here...took a quick glance, will look tomorrow..
Have a great week!

I look forward to seeing your jigsaw. I wonder how much pod variation will show between my three and everyone else's. Looks good so far with this one that has podded.
Checked all my plants when I got home tonight. Didn't look at them this morning. They are are happy as can be. I ran the space heater just in case, so stayed nice and toasty.
We had mad wind here on Tuesday. Was pretty nice today though. Low sixties and sunny. Should be able to start hardening off the plants for sure this weekend.
Enjoy the rest of the week Scott!
maximumcapsicum said:
I think you're right Jason. Feels like it's gonna freeze.

How exactly do you make a fatalii pecan pie? Sounds wonderful.
I have no idea on the pie, but I bet Bill can fill us in. ;)

Few indoor pod shots.

Brown bhutlah SLP

A few bbg7s.

The second pod on the reaper cross is starting to texture up.

The pubescens are setting pods left and right.



Some overwinter action


:cool: and I'm out!
MeatHead1313 said:
Looking great! That reaper cross looks like it's going to be one hell of a painful pepper. 
Thanks Meathead!
I'm betting the same thing! It's a F1 still. Can you imagine what might show up in the F2s and beyond? :D
KiNGDeNNiZ said:
reaper cross?? looks nice

going to sow more brown eggs... as they got infected... but heres the BoC

loosing leaves.. but still kicking

your grow along with PAUL's kicks arse!
Thanks Denniz!
I love that longer bhut shape on that
BOC. Hope I get a phenotype like that!
Stay strong my friend & try to keep that one happy! Will have some pods for you in no time. :D
stc3248 said:
Looking great J...hope you clear this last winter hurdle and get outside for good soon brotha!
Thanks Shane. This should be it! Moving everyone outside this weekend!
OCD Chilehead said:
Nice pics. Those pods luck amazing. Making my mouth water. Overwinter growth. Thinking maybe that's a sign we are over winter. Let's hope so and get this season going. Thanks for sharing.
Thanks OCD. Only a few of the OWs are showing. Hoping others wake up soon!
I'm amazed to get pods already. The earlier you start the earlier they pod up!
Winter should be over here as of now. Hope that trend spreads elsewhere!
maximumcapsicum said:
Pods look wonderful Jason! I envy your winter pods!

How did you come through that 1962 freeze?
Start them early and give them light! And the will give you pods! OK... I tinkered a good bit to get them, so not as easy as it sounds.
Everything managed just fine here. Still have everything in the garage. They go back out on Saturday... Along with everything else to start hardening off.
Lots to do this weekend!