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GA GH's Garden 2013

Seeing people already starting seeds gave me the bug. & I just didn't think watching our southern hemisphere friend's grows was going to fill that void. As my season comes to an end, i needed to do something. What? I am not sure, but here i am.

Say hello to orange primo from peter@semillas.de

Note: Updating this thread verses creating a new one. Growlist for 2013's outside down below
Our yard used to be full of ticks and fleas, I mean tons. We couldn't go outside without fleas getting on us, ticks everywhere in the house...yuk! I fenced the yard, 1/2 acre, I dunno 1 acre and we put preventic tick collars on the 3 dogs, plus give them Trifexis tabs once a month.
Zero fleas and ticks for well over a year. Not a cheap solution but effective. Can also spray the yard with Bifen, but they just come back.
My thoughts were that the dogs were the breeding ground for these pests. Now we can let them run a few times a month and they don't get infested anymore.
Edit: The sulfur is good when you know you're gonna be in the woods, powder the sock and undies line, does a dang good job of keeping chiggers off too!
Dude, that sounds like the four-letter word kinda work!  Ugh!  I'll bet you are glad it is done (for now)!  ;)
The WDT looks awesome, man.  I'll have to show it's picture to the two I have growing to make them feel inadequate, hahaha!  The others look great, as well. 
Ticks, chiggers, fleas...man, you have a real circus going on there!  J/K, but I hate parasitic bugs!  Have you tried spraying down your clothes with DEET before working outside?   
Awesome Jason! Everything's looking real good...
+1 what Devv said on the Trifexis. It's expensive, but one pill does it all...I have 2 dogs the same body weight so one package does both of them for three months...Helps to spread out the pain a little.
"brent via Shane via someone else that is mega cool!" :rofl: Hahaha...ummm you ready for this? They were from SilverSurfer via smileyguy697 via me via DocNrock to you! Glad they're kickin it for you...I wish I had sown some. Maybe next year??? You're really firing on all cylynders. I need to mulch my containers soon, before the July heat sets in...thanks for reminding me! I can't get over some of the amazing starts this season. So much great help on here, and wonderful shared info. I am really looking forward to the big harvest shots from you and everyone else right around the corner!
Plants look great & loving da dirt, hard wood chips work great, I used them on one plant last year that took off. I hate ticks too, that sucks and I'm not checking my legs after that bed time story ;) I've been lucky haven't seen any yet this year ... yet, hehe. Love the drip system idea, did you get an in line feeder for da irrigation system?
KiNGDeNNiZ said:
congrats on the first poddage.. soon the rest will follow...
Thanks Denniz! Let the pods roll in!
DocNrock said:
Dude, that sounds like the four-letter word kinda work!  Ugh!  I'll bet you are glad it is done (for now)!  ;)
The WDT looks awesome, man.  I'll have to show it's picture to the two I have growing to make them feel inadequate, hahaha!  The others look great, as well. 
Ticks, chiggers, fleas...man, you have a real circus going on there!  J/K, but I hate parasitic bugs!  Have you tried spraying down your clothes with DEET before working outside?   
Yeah man! I got used and abused, and not in a talk about it later with boy kinda way ;) . But really, the property looks so much better. Was long overdue, just didn't need to do it all in one day!
Show them WDTs what's up! Tell'em they're slacking!
Agreeing! Any parasitic is not cool! No, I'm going el nat-tree-ale. It's really been the dogs bringing them in, not a problem getting on me, though i have seen a few that way. I did make it thru last night with outba sighting, so that was good. Picked one of the dogs head earlier outside, so that one didn't make it in. The dogs will be treated soon!
windchicken said:
Awesome Jason! Everything's looking real good...
+1 what Devv said on the Trifexis. It's expensive, but one pill does it all...I have 2 dogs the same body weight so one package does both of them for three months...Helps to spread out the pain a little.
Thanks Gary! Looking better & better each day. Told the wife and she knew about that one for them! Thanks, and Scott too!
stc3248 said:
"brent via Shane via someone else that is mega cool!" :rofl: Hahaha...ummm you ready for this? They were from SilverSurfer via smileyguy697 via me via DocNrock to you! Glad they're kickin it for you...I wish I had sown some. Maybe next year??? You're really firing on all cylynders. I need to mulch my containers soon, before the July heat sets in...thanks for reminding me! I can't get over some of the amazing starts this season. So much great help on here, and wonderful shared info. I am really looking forward to the big harvest shots from you and everyone else right around the corner!
lol :) That is funny! After going thru four hands, i am proud to have them. 100% germ too! Will get you some pods once they ready!
I did hardwood mulch on the potted plants and pine straw in the garden. I'm on it much early than last year. Once the drop lines are set it will be auto pilot!
This season is rocking on the glogs here. Lots of good info and plenty of good vibes too! Hoping for big harvest shots myself!
WalkGood said:
Plants look great & loving da dirt, hard wood chips work great, I used them on one plant last year that took off. I hate ticks too, that sucks and I'm not checking my legs after that bed time story ;) I've been lucky haven't seen any yet this year ... yet, hehe. Love the drip system idea, did you get an in line feeder for da irrigation system?
Why thank you Ramon! Hardwood mulch on all the potted plants! So hearing you success it grand!
I have heard ticks live in the moss hanging off tree down there. True? Can't you teach the iguanas to chew on them or something? :)
No injection feeder yet. Just a starter kit to get the ball rolling. Was going over my plan, that's in my head, this evening standing next to the garden. Can't wait to implement it and just turn the system on to water. Looked at timers also. I'm sure that will happen at some point!

I made it home in time to get a few shots. I also potted upbrhe smaller driveway plants and the OWs that were in the smaller pots. I need to score some bigger pots, 10 gals, for the two larger OWs! I also got all the indoor guys outside hardening off under the deck! Yay! Turned off the lights inside! Next is building an inside box to break out the 250hps i bought, gotta have it going before winter comes. :)

Enough rambling ...
the picts!

Bahamian goat

Tobago Treasure

Closer shot of the WDTs that traveled far and wide to get here and grow! To long of a list to name right now, but Thanks all involed!
Budding shot.

TS orange

TS moruga yellow

Yellow 7

Bubblegum 7

Reapers are playing catch up!



Can i get a bump?
megahot said:
Your plants are cruising along, way to keep them happy. They will return the favor for you shortly
Thank you mega! Can't wait till they do. See all these pods already being harvested had me wanting a fresh pod or five! ;)
Bump for you sir!

All your plants are looking great. Those big bangs are rockin. I just potted up mine and put them outside, and they're loving it so far.

, Walter
GA Growhead said:
… … I have heard ticks live in the moss hanging off tree down there. True?
First I’ve heard but it’s possible I guess. I hope none get in our moss, we have 5 huge live oaks and lots of moss up high. I’d think they’d wana be on the ground to easily get onto dogs rather than paratrooping onto their pray, lolz.
GA Growhead said:
Can't you teach the iguanas to chew on them or something? :)
I wish, hehehe ... all ya plants looking great mon, have an awesome day brethren!
Vegas_Chili said:
Bump for you sir!

All your plants are looking great. Those big bangs are rockin. I just potted up mine and put them outside, and they're loving it so far.

, Walter
Thanks Walter! I know i took a pict of them yesterday. Here they are!
All four choc big bang nagas!

Tres sunrise scorps

Yellow BB Douglah

Jay's peach ghost scorp that got chopped, coming back nicely!

Peach bhut

Madballz 7s

7 barrackpore
7 chaguanas

Yellow Brain red pheno from last year.


Yellow brain


stickman said:
All looking great Jay, I like the symmetry of the Tobago Treasure the best. Cheers man!
Thanks Rick. I am looking forward to trying that one. Sounds like a tasty pod and love the yellows anyway! I gave one away to a friend that had already set a pod in it's small pot. The two i kept just started to show buds. They need to hurry it up! :)
Dude, those girls all look happy wearing their dirt skirts.  You've got an awesome grow coming up, my friend.  Lots of killer varieties.  Can't wait to see them all grown up and invading each other's space.  Crazy lineage on the White Devil's Tongue seed!  It's funny, the original seeds I had that didn't germ came from a pod I got from Vincent (Coheed196) who picked it at Silver_Surfer's farm.  I'm guessing that particular pod for some reason didn't have mature seeds even though the pod was white (ripe).  Anyway, we ended up with good seed thanks to the good folks on this board. 
 "I gave one away to a friend that had already set a pod in it's small pot. The two i kept just started to show buds. They need to hurry it up! :)"   Hahaha!  This sounds familiar.  ;)
By the way, I've been meaning to say that I love your plant name tags.  For some reason they remind me of little tomb stones.  ;)
Hope you're having a great week!
DocNrock said:
Dude, those girls all look happy wearing their dirt skirts.  You've got an awesome grow coming up, my friend.  Lots of killer varieties.  Can't wait to see them all grown up and invading each other's space.  Crazy lineage on the White Devil's Tongue seed!  It's funny, the original seeds I had that didn't germ came from a pod I got from Vincent (Coheed196) who picked it at Silver_Surfer's farm.  I'm guessing that particular pod for some reason didn't have mature seeds even though the pod was white (ripe).  Anyway, we ended up with good seed thanks to the good folks on this board. 
 "I gave one away to a friend that had already set a pod in it's small pot. The two i kept just started to show buds. They need to hurry it up! :)"   Hahaha!  This sounds familiar.  ;)
By the way, I've been meaning to say that I love your plant name tags.  For some reason they remind me of little tomb stones.  ;)
Hope you're having a great week!
Thanks Brent! Definitely growing a hedge. Still thinking about extracting a few to give more space. Maybe i will just leave them and deal. Undecided.

One of the WDTs from SilverSurfer via smileyguy697 via Shane via You (had to do it :)) has just set a pod! Many thanks to all the great folk on this board! Including you!

Was trying to figure out how i was going to label the garden this year and found those wide popsicle sticks in a craft section of wallyworld. $3 for 300 so thought sweet. Well... some have already broken. The elements they can not take. Cheap enough and plenty of that i can easily replace the ones i broke though. I like the tombstone comparison!
I survived the week! Hope you did too!
coheed196 said:
Looking good J-dawg

(have a friend named Jud, and as a joke we started calling him J-dawg and it just kinda stuck)
Thank Vincent. Plants are looking better each day! Your not the first one to call me that.
Devv said:
Nice update, as Doc said they're real happy in their dirt skirts!
You have great variety and those babies are going t produce real well.
Keep on comin' on!
Thanks Scott! The plants are coming on! Won't be long! Stoked on the variety this year. Pretty much got everything i wanted growing. Can't wait to taste some new to me fresh pods! Every time i hit your glog up, i always wonder what my reapers will produce. They looked an inch taller this morning than yesterday morning!
Enjoy your day Scott!

I finally got some rain! .75" to be exact. Didn't get a drop from trop storm Andrea. Everything stayed on the opposite side of the city from me, and caused flooding and washed out a few roads. But Vincent was nice enough to let his Alabama storms roll thru! Thank you! So that kept me from having to water late last night when i finally made it home. And had to dump out the trays with the hardening offs as is was slap full. A couple looked beat down, but could have just been the fact they were swimming.
Trying to get the drip lines set up today. Was barely sprinkling still earlier. So hope it clears up a bit so i can get it set.
Saw a slug eating a leaf earlier. Damn slugs. Saw a couple labybugs on the attack! That's always good to see! And pods are setting everyway. Counted 3 in a little bunch on the bigger 7 pot white. Watching pods grow is a good thing!
Things are taking off in that GA weather man! Speaking of GA, going to see Zac Brown tonight!!!! Plants look sooooo happy in their final spots! There is gonna be so much many pods man!! I can't wait to get down there and get a garden started. You got that red clay too?
By the looks of it no. But you could have amended?