• Blog your pepper progress. The first image in your first post will be used to represent your Glog.

GA GH's Garden 2013

Seeing people already starting seeds gave me the bug. & I just didn't think watching our southern hemisphere friend's grows was going to fill that void. As my season comes to an end, i needed to do something. What? I am not sure, but here i am.

Say hello to orange primo from peter@semillas.de

Note: Updating this thread verses creating a new one. Growlist for 2013's outside down below
Sorry for being slack. Thanks for the comments, i will try to respond soon. Tired, sore, and done.
Got the other veggies in the ground. I accidentally broke off the outside faucet, so had to do some plumbing today. Man i hate plumbing! But all is fixed now. And everything is watered.
Peppers are showing new growth on all. Thought i would share some random picts before i crash out.

Here are the driveway crew.

The yellow Billyboy douglah was down to one sunburn leave and barely survived all the rain we got. Now putting on new growth. I think there ste four in the garden, this one is joining the driveway crew soon.

The OWs


Put two of these PI 441598s in the garden, and this one pods up first. :crazy:


Light colored 7 white is much happier now.

The other white 7 has buds forming everywhere!

I did manage to plant my 3 reapers in the garden!

Pretty sure this is a 007.

Choc scorp buds
stickman said:
Nice to see the brown Barrackpore x 7 cross made it through surgery. It looks like you'll need to stake it for support though. All looking great Jay! Will you be planting the last of your babies outside this weekend?
Thanks for stopping in Rick. Im stoked that choc barrackpore is making it. It's getting bigger every day. It's brother is going off on the driveway right now too! Both were under the knife, coming up like green q-tips. Hope the little guy will size ip and hold his own!
I only planted a few mystery peppers into some pots over the weekend. Focus was on the other veggies. Got corn, green beans, pumpkins, squash, zucchini, cantaloupes, a few onions, okra, and tomatoes all planted. I have volunteer cucumbers, so didn't plant any of the starts. Had to clean up my raised beds. Added a few bags of some pine bark mulch mixed in to help loosen the soil and some composted cow manure too. Everything should be happy. Along with breaking and fixing the outside spicket too ;)
i stayed pretty busy.
I almost forgot... i also dug up a five gallon bucket full of worm castings from the bottom of the driveway to have on hand. There is seriously a pile eight to ten foot wide, and about six foot tall with ivy growing thru it. Some of the fattest worms i have ever seen in there too. The pile continues to grow yearly!
I still have 10 or 11 more mystery plant to pot up along with four outside. And a grip of sweets/milds to plant in the garden and a few in pots. Still a good bit to do. I think im already over the 200 mark without the one left to do. :crazy:

WalkGood said:
Looking great, love the picture quality ... nice job & have a great memorial day!!!
Thanks Ramon. Hope yours was well!

Devv said:
Glad to hear the drowned babies are doing better, I knew they would. Heck of a lot better than drying out!
Plant pics look great, can't wait to see more :party:
Have a great weekend!
Thanks Scott! Plants are in full gear right now. Every plant in the garden is showing new growth up top and i am seeing more and more open flowers. A few pods forming too!

Pepper-Guru said:
Looking good! Represent the GA boys! 
Thanks guru!
You know how we do it!

DocNrock said:
Loving the update, Jason.  Glad to see the White 7 is pulling through!
Thank you Brent! That white 7 is a trip. Im wondering if it will ever grow out normal or stay all light yellow green forever. Hope it pods up. I did see a pod on a WDT tonite. The lone Jamison (thanks Jamison!) seed plant has its first!
Thank you Brent!

stc3248 said:
Little ones looking great! You're in for a HOT season!
Thanks Shane! That is the plan!
stc3248 said:
Kept waitin for number 10!!! Looking great! You need to get the rest of 'em in some dirt! Those volunteers look like Ajis??
LOL! I did narrow it down to 10 before bed. And i got plenty that need to making to the dirt! Work is busy, plenty of OT. Never enough daylight! Or sleep! Hope to gey some done before the werkend. Need to start hardening off the rest and turn off the lights. Sound like my goal tomorrow. Always a pleasure to have you stop in and keep me on track. ;)

KiNGDeNNiZ said:
Nice updates. Took me a while but it was fun. Did the bite hurt ?!
Awesome Denniz! Glad you made it.
It all happened so fast, that after i had kicked it twice and the raccoon was trying to get us the follow it downstrean, i seriously thought about it and said to my buddy "I think it bit me". I had to replay the event to remember what had even happened a minute early. When it bit me i still had no clue what it was, and in the panic of it all i remember it being a sharp pain, but only for a second. After i told my buddy, i lifted my shirt and asked if it did or did not. I could'nt see the bite mark myself, but my buddy was like hell yeah it bit you. When we got back to the camp site (ten minutes or less afterwards) i looked at it in the side window of the car and it was a solid purple circle with dark ass spots from the teeth. Like instantly bruised up! It keep getting sore thru out the night, and it only started feeling better on the second day. And after the immunoglobulin shots directly in and around the bite, it was like starting over pain wise. Sucked!
I also just found out that the shots i had are majorly expensive. Hoping the insurance covers most or all. I researched and could be as much as 7 grand for the first eight shots i got. Yikes!

megamoo said:
Good grow so far.... except for critters attacking you all the time!  Sounds like you need to make peace with nature, sacrifice a virgin or something. :)
Thanks Mega! I thought i was a peace with nature. That one raccoon thought otherwise. Hoping the pepper grow will give me some positive chai and keep future wildlife from attacking me!

I like the sacrifice idea though ;)

I also spoke to soon. One of the PI 441598s in the garden also has a pod. It is completely different shaped and color than the one i posted above. It's way more hab shaped. So now i gotta figure out what's it is supposed to look like. Off to search!
Jason love the opening aerial shot, it’s wonderful!  The plants are all looking very good and that yellow Billyboy douglah has some lush new growth coming for sure. It’s always so amazing to see how resilient peppers are ^_^ Sorry to read about the plumbing issues, I hate that work too … probably cause when you need something you can’t just pull the part off your truck, ha … it’s off to da store again for me and more than once, hehe. Hope you have a great week mon!
WalkGood said:
Jason love the opening aerial shot, its wonderful!  The plants are all looking very good and that yellow Billyboy douglah has some lush new growth coming for sure. Its always so amazing to see how resilient peppers are ^_^ Sorry to read about the plumbing issues, I hate that work too probably cause when you need something you cant just pull the part off your truck, ha its off to da store again for me and more than once, hehe. Hope you have a great week mon!
Thank you Ramon. Hope your week has been going well too. Thanks on the aerial shot. I couldn't see the screen when i took it and had to shoot a couple to get them all in. :)
The yell BB got potted up! Along with a few others. Still a few more to go.
And your so right about plumbing! That's why plumbers charge so much too! Take care Ramon!

Little update.
Here are a few I potted up. A sepia serp F4 (my other 4 are in the garden), the little yel BB Douglah, A 7 infinity, a 7 jonah, and 6 mystery plants. The mysteries are the spouts that came up in the soil bag after dumping out the tray.

A few plant shots.

A couple datils. The two taller ones in the back came pods from pepperrich via a buddy. The loner up front came from peter @ semillas.de.

Papa Joe scotch bonnet.

Scotch bonnet P Dreadie.

Giant white hab.

Searched a bit on the PI 441598. They are creamy white/light yellow pods. Look awesome.
I am assuming that this one is correct by the shape & color.

And this one is a cross.


I have another in the garden that hasn't produced any pods yet too. I'm quite excited to see what all three ripen up to be. :party:
Glad to see your plants are starting pod up, way cool when it happens!
They look great!
7k for those shots??? Wow! I sure hope your insurance covers the bulk of it.
Even if it doesn't bro, your health and life is worth a lot more than the $$$!
My first born was without insurance, you can always go the $10 a month route.....as long as you pay they can't do anything, and I did pay them off..
stickman said:
It's all looking great Jay! Keep up the good work.
Thanks Rick. You are looking like you will be eating fresh pods before me.A bit jealous over here.
Devv said:
Glad to see your plants are starting pod up, way cool when it happens!
They look great!
7k for those shots??? Wow! I sure hope your insurance covers the bulk of it.
Even if it doesn't bro, your health and life is worth a lot more than the $$$!
My first born was without insurance, you can always go the $10 a month route.....as long as you pay they can't do anything, and I did pay them off..
Scott... so true. Wouldn't have not gotten the shots. Rabies is no joke! Will find out soon enough the damage. Hoping i won't get hit too hard, or i will be paying the monthly minimum!

Few more garden shots...

Bond. james bond.

The sunrise. Trin scorp sunrise that is!

Yel BB douglah with some honeysuckles in back. They smell awesome btw.

Trin scorp sweet.

Both plants in the foreground are bubblegum 7s.

B.O.C. This will be interesting.

Brown mo fo 7

Trin Congo x Scotch bonnet

Wild Brazil. And
another behind it there.

And im out.
WalkGood said:
Jason nice updated pictures, seems like theyre getting bigger. I love the color you captured on that PI 441598 pod have a great weekend mon!
Thanks Ramon. Slowly but surely they grow. Everyday i see more new growth on the tops. After everything got water logged before plant in, I wasn't sure things were going well. So many plants just looked awful and many sun burnt on top of the extensive rain soaked leaf damage. Things are looking up. Hope your weekend is grand too!

A few picts i just took this morning.

White devil's tongue pods! Via brent via Jamison!

Jonah has some friends.

First pod on my mystery overwinter! (Bottom right over my index finger)

Same plant.

Two of four choc big bang nagas!

Brown Eggs are budding up.

Jay's ghost scorp red that is showing some curves. Like the new growth!

This peach bhut is a bit curvy too.

Trin scorp yellow CARDIs.

Tobago Treasure.

Bump please?
Dude, the updates are incredible!  Especially diggin the White Devil Tongue!  A pod already?!?!  Wow.  Mine are just starting to bud.  You win!  :)
Everything else is looking great in the GAGH garden.  Pods are coming along.
It is amazing how expensive so many things are in medicine.  The price of the rabies vaccine didn't surprise me a bit.  If you have reasonable health insurance, it should be covered (excluding any copay or deductible). 
Keep it up, bro!