• Blog your pepper progress. The first image in your first post will be used to represent your Glog.

GA GH's Garden 2013

Seeing people already starting seeds gave me the bug. & I just didn't think watching our southern hemisphere friend's grows was going to fill that void. As my season comes to an end, i needed to do something. What? I am not sure, but here i am.

Say hello to orange primo from peter@semillas.de

Note: Updating this thread verses creating a new one. Growlist for 2013's outside down below
Trippa said:
No not all the TFM,s had stingers but many of them were close to that shape without the real point and others pointy but lacking the classical definition like that pod had. I saved seeds from that particular pod and kept it separate. PaulG is growing one of them this season so will be interested to see the pods on his when they start forming. My seeds were from Junglerain originally.
I keep up with PaulG's glog, so will be looking out for them. That one has an awesome color. Not just yellow, but closer to the Bahamian goat's color. So far only two of the four have significant pods, that one shown having the better shape. Looking foward to tasting them!
STEVE954 said:
TFM (seed from Peppermania) via Mark in New Jersey who originally scored them from Trenton Farmers Market.
That's what i waiting for!
MGOLD86 said:
Damn man!  You really have got to stop with all these awesome updates!  You are making all of us mortal growers look bad... :(
LOL.  But both those Scotch Bonnets and Choc BPs look great!  Have you grown the Choc BPs before or is this the first year?  How do they compare to the regular ones?
Matt... lol. I'm merely a mortal grower myself. It's good ol' mother nature's lending hand that really set things off. That and all the knowledge that i have learned here, put in practice this season.
Thank you on the updates. I don't make it home till dusk most of the week, so Saturday is an update on the garden for me. And things are progressing, so always a new sight to see. Glad to share!
Reality is setting in though. Time to buy a chest freezer, like pronto! Pods are everywhere!
The one TFM is on point, couldn't be any happier about the shape. The taste is going to seal the deal i hope!
I am really like the choc barracks too. Digging the shape. I didn't even knew there was one, until I saw it on a list when making a trade early this year. This site and the people here Rule btw!
This was the green q-tip spout that raised from the dirt. Don't know if you caught my story on it, but it wouldn't have survived in nature without my intervention. Came up with fused closed cotyledons. Picts somewhere earlier in this glog. Was wondering if anyone else grew these and had the same things come up, but haven't seen or heard of anyone yet.
So i really know nothing about these. It may not even turn brown. Who knows? It's little bro is in a root pouch and starting to gain some ground. It too was a q-tip spout. I'm looking forward to seeing if it's pods are shaped the same or not.
But love the pods on that one!
My regular barrackpores are not growing like i thought they should look. I seem to remember seeing longer shaped pods for barrackpores, and mine are throwing more squat pods. First year growing them also.

Digging your advanced soil mix project. You got me researching.
Stefan_W said:
Great update! The pods are all fantastic. My favourite this time around was the 7 infinity.
Thanks Stefan. That plant's first pod was picture perfect and one day i noticed it went missing. I mean perfectly shaped, almost round, stinger tuck up in and showing some bumpy texture. So i see the stem had been severed, look aroung and find it on the ground. Something snipped it clean off. Was bummed. Almost two week later that one and another set. That one is only half as good as the first pod that set, but better than the other one. Still like it and all, but damn these bugs!
Silly aren't I. :D

So today I decided i want to change my avatar picture thingy. So played with an image editing app on the phone and there i am.
Here's the full size shot. Red brain pict previously posted.

And got a quick shot of another color changing event before nightfall & after a quick shower rolled thru. Choc scorp!

Also see the reaper flower that set is not alone. And that first one's baby pod is showing characteristics that i like! Fingers crossed.
Night y'all!
Most growers are in the f3-5 gen. Grant (junglerain) has been responsible for a bunch of the stability of it, but he isn't the only source. There are three distinct types: Choc, a deep red/burgundy, and a rust. I reviewed one of the red ones that Jamie (romy6) grew out, and it lit me up really good. I think the original seed source for that pod came from Patrick (who has also been growing this variety for a while).

Sry for the thread-jack....tryin to bump that page count up!!
Jamison said:
PeriPeri said:
Awesome man... so many beautiful varieties - just incredible man - great work!
Thanks Guys!
Spicegeist said:
These look very much like a couple of Bhut-types I'm growing, especially the lighter colored ones.  I'll have to look up what "Madballz" is...
Matt cleared that up! But very bhut looking for sure. Wondering what color these guys will turn.
Thanks for coming by.
MGOLD86 said:
Most growers are in the f3-5 gen. Grant (junglerain) has been responsible for a bunch of the stability of it, but he isn't the only source. There are three distinct types: Choc, a deep red/burgundy, and a rust. I reviewed one of the red ones that Jamie (romy6) grew out, and it lit me up really good. I think the original seed source for that pod came from Patrick (who has also been growing this variety for a while).

Sry for the thread-jack....tryin to bump that page count up!!
No worries Matt :)
Mine did come from Grant. Hoping to get two different colors out of the two.
DocNrock said:
Looking awesome, Jason!  Things have been crazy since I got back but I'm getting on it.  Hopefully will get a pic up tomorrow of your gift.  Your new avatar cracks me up!
Thanks Doc. No worries. Hopefully there was some down time on the trip where you got to relax.
I wanted to put that pepper head on my body for the avatar, but was more than i cared to try and pull off on the phone, and to lazy to fire up the computer and photoshop it. Will have to work for now.
Hope things mellow out for you nefore the weekend!

I walked thru the garden for minute today. Saw some more things ripen up.
Tobago seasoning is starting to turn. Some more choc scorps. And some others i can't remember right now.
Here is a choc scorp.

Also picked my first wild Brazils.

Those are some larger much yellower JB white habs with the wild brazils.

The wild brazils had good heat, not over powering, a fruit flavor, lots of it for such a small pod, with a strong chinense taste. I enjoyed them!
Wow, Jason!
I feel your pain regarding rain,
but your grow has survived in top shape.
Good work, growing and shooting!
Trippa said:
Wild Brazil are one of favourites ... great flavour and a good little burn to catch the unsuspecting for certain!
Oh yeah! Happy to have them in the garden! Taste good and decent heat. Compared to the Jellybean white habs, which i have been eating the most, they are on the lower side of the heat scale. Really yummy though. Looking foward to having many many more!
For real though, the JB white habs are fire! Way hotter than i would have ever thought.

Saw more things ripening up this evening. Like the choc barrackpores! Can't tell if going brown or red yet, but will know soon! :party:
PaulG said:
Wow, Jason!
I feel your pain regarding rain,
but your grow has survived in top shape.
Good work, growing and shooting!
Thanks Paul! Hot, humid and wet the last month and a half or more. Everything has really loved it so far except my tomatoes. The pepper in the garden are unstoppable, the container plants arent complaining to bad. Had 3 days without rain, then rained again. Had a thunder storm just miss the house tonight. So today no rain!
Wanting to get a good camera. Need to start scoping craigslist! Still using my phone and need good light to get a good shot! Trash way more than you see.
Thanks for coming by Paul.
Jason, love da updates mon! Great pics of all the pods, you going to be super busy very soon ....
  • Very cool cup & saucer shaped TFMs
  • Love the look on your Peach Bhut, light colored Madballz and all da rest
  • Very cool spider pic, reminds me of a spider crab
  • Beautiful harvest \o/
  • Love da new avatar ^_^
  • Great pic of the Red Bhut & Yellow Brain, the shape of your Bhut is just like the ones my plant is producing. Even came home to a mini ripe one, kinda strange maybe been too hot, who knows.
  • Keep kicking azz mon & have a great weekend ^_^
7 pot whites.
A bunch of pods starting to turn. :D

7 chaguanas

Choc Barrackpores. Going brown maybe. yes?

stc3248 said:
They sure do make a great couple!!! Bet them two would make some HOT babies!!!
They are right next to each other, outside in their containers. Don't give them any ideas now.
KiNGDeNNiZ said:
Nice updates. Jelly of everyone's. seeks like every year my plants have issues with something
Thanks Denniz. Don't be jelly! You got way more craziness going on over there. Serious pod action way before most of us. And many many varieties!
I have had a few set backs myself this year. Always try to learn from them and not repeat the following year. And somethings are just out of our control, like all this rain i have been getting. Seeing some issues with some of the container plants. What can i do?
Keep that head up!
& I got your back.
WalkGood said:

Jason, love da updates mon! Great pics of all the pods, you going to be super busy very soon ....
  • Very cool cup & saucer shaped TFMs
  • Love the look on your Peach Bhut, light colored Madballz and all da rest
  • Very cool spider pic, reminds me of a spider crab
  • Beautiful harvest \o/
  • Love da new avatar ^_^
  • Great pic of the Red Bhut & Yellow Brain, the shape of your Bhut is just like the ones my plant is producing. Even came home to a mini ripe one, kinda strange maybe been too hot, who knows.
  • Keep kicking azz mon & have a great weekend ^_^
Thank you thank you Ramon!
You are not kidding! Going to be super busy! Glad you are liking the picts & pods! Really excited on the couple you listed even. Ate the yellow brain for lunch and it was so yummy. The G. bhut is on the menu this weekend.
Hope your weekend is grand too!
Of to work in the morning, and then some much needed time in the garden afterwards ! !