• Blog your pepper progress. The first image in your first post will be used to represent your Glog.

GA GH's Garden 2013

Seeing people already starting seeds gave me the bug. & I just didn't think watching our southern hemisphere friend's grows was going to fill that void. As my season comes to an end, i needed to do something. What? I am not sure, but here i am.

Say hello to orange primo from peter@semillas.de

Note: Updating this thread verses creating a new one. Growlist for 2013's outside down below
Spicegeist said:
Madballz looks very bhut-like, does it have a bhut aroma?
I ate that madballz 7 red pheno with lunch today.

This pod tasted more like a red 7 than a bhut. It wasn't the best tasting pepper, had a bit of the bitter battery acid taste. No good fruitiness. The smell was not that strong and also leaned toward the 7 pot side. Didn't have as much placenta as i expected either. Had serious heat, but not that bad. Thinking this is not a keeper.
Looking foward to the other plant i have though. It has much lighter green pods and appears to be ripening to one of the more sought out colors (rusty, burgundy, brown-ish).

You win some, and you lose some. :)
Portuge said:
Dude GA that cut open pod has massive amount of oil on it...   With that amount of oil i bet it was :hot: :mouthonfire:
It started out not that hot, but proved otherwise! Definitely put some pain on my tongue. Very interesting pod.
stc3248 said:
Great pod shots of that bad boy! I think orange pods have about the perfect flavor. Nice mix of the sweet fruity yellow with the strong but sweet flavor of the red...mmmm. Those little beads of oil look perty!
The Bahamian goat was my first orange chinense other than plain orange habs, and I'm not a fan of them. Both the BOC & the bahamian goat didn't taste like them, yay!
The flavor was tripping me out, with both but more with the BOC because it more pungent. I could put a finger on the flavor. Parts of it were familiar, but others were like a foreign fruit i had never tasted.
After a few more pods, of each, I'm hoping to nail down the flavor more.
I like you description, half red half yellow taste. I kinda see that.
They are pretty pods outside and in.
Thanks Shane!
Vegas_Chili said:
You must of had fun chomping on that placenta lol. Looks good tho.

Next year I'm only gona grow what I tasted. Tons of varieties and I don't like some and some I do. I'm saving seed from the pods that I like or at least that strain.

Yesterday I had one, but not sure what it was. Looked like a choco hab, but the aroma was pretty strong and it had an incredible taste and bigger. Heat was up to par with the red savina that came in the box as well as size. Crap I guess I just get all fired up when I'm gona eat one that I end up forgetting to take pics lol. (I took a pic of the box I'll check later if it's there maybe you'll know what it is)

, Walter
Thanks Walter! I did enjoy that pod. Serious burn. I am enjoying trying all the pods!
I feel you on the taste. There are somethings that make better tasting powder than they are fresh taste wise. Keep that in mind.
No reason to grow something that you won't eat or use. I have a good selection to find some gems to continue on.

On another note, just saw roots on two of the cuttings i took. yay!
It has been pretty cool inside, i keep the door shut to the spare room, and the wife keeps the house cooler, so took a bit longer. Going to get them in some dirt tomorrow. :)
WalkGood said:
Jason, dat Orange bhut Copenhagen is simply breathtaking, love the shape & color, how is the taste? I just love all the varieties and colors you have going, the tobago seasoning looks amazing mon! Your garden is on fire with beauty, colors and great taste hats off mon \o_

PS forgot to mention that the pics are great too, but that should go without saying so, hehehe.
Thanks Ramon,
The BOCs are Beautiful pods. Taste... I'm not sure on. I have hinted to it in some the replies, but need more input! (johny 5 is alive :P)
If you ever tasted a bahamian goat, think that, but much more pungent. I think i remember you mentioning them with fresh conch salad.
I have pods turning like crazy. Color everywhere! The tobago seasoning peppers are pretty yummy with a bit of heat in the placenta. Nice flavor! Really enjoying the tobago treasures too! Pick a grip today of them.
Thanks for the kind word my friend.
stickman said:
You've been a busy lad Jay, and I'm lovin' the colors your getting on your pods now! Looks like we're in the season for taste reviews now, and I'll be checking back for yours. Cheers!
Thanks Rick. Staying busy without the garden lately, but enjoyed my time in it today. Picked more than half a bucket (two gallon?) full, and left a good bit that had just started to turn or had just finished to make sure seeds would be mature.
Will do my best to describe as i taste! I am having a hard time not eating the ones i know i like and have been eating already. Example: The Peruvians and JB white habs. So yummy!
Getting into a yellow primo or yel bb douglah tomorrow, i think. :)
Devv said:
It's been a way busy week for me going back to the office after almost two weeks goofing off...and I see you've been way busy!
Glad to see all the color and the harvests! Nice pics and nice pods!
In fact everything looks great, you're killing it!
Hey if you're tired of the rain do the Walkgood seaweed dance and send some this a way!
Have a great weekend!
Thanks Scott, I would gladly send the rain your way if i could. Another rainless day here today. Fizzled out just northeast of me. Another chance tomorrow, of course.
And thank you thank you. Pods are coiming in fast now! Gotta get even busier soon!
Jamison said:
Gorgeous pods Jay!
Thanks Jamison. How long till your back in TN?

Garden is getting huge already.

What? Didn't know my avatar was really a self portrait? :D
GA Growhead said:
Looking foward to the other plant i have though. It has much lighter green pods and appears to be ripening to one of the more sought out colors (rusty, burgundy, brown-ish).

That looks very promising, this is what mine looked like when ripening off last season. Exactly the same  :D

GA Growhead said:
Garden is getting huge already.

What? Didn't know my avatar was really a self portrait? :D
Didn't know that had Sasquatch over there in Atlanta :lol: might wanna watch your peppers before he steals them ;)
7 barrackpores. Not the shape i think they should be.

congo bonnet cross

BB yel douglah

Trin choc scotch bonnets

orange (yellow) primo

A few ripe ones...

Had one with lunch today. Was not all that hot. About the same taste and heat of a lower heat yellow 7.

Will get back at everyone soon. And a few more picts.
GA Growhead said:
Two pods on my butch T OW. They are completely different.

7 barrackpores. Not the shape i think they should be.
Hm, the Butch T overwinter pod is looking quite Dorset Naga-ish... I wonder if that's in the variety's genetic background.
That bottom "barrackpore" has a bit of a Douglah shape to it.

You know, I'm also curious about the BB Yellow Douglah, would like to compare them with Y7s, for some reason I imagine they're very similar, seems once a pepper goes yellow, its flavor often follows a similar path (though not identical of course)...  same with Yellow Brains, they look just like Yellow 7s to me :rolleyes:
Yeah...there shapes are off...pshttt, who cares! How do they taste??? Those Barrackpores may not completely true, but the color (deeper red than most pods) and texture (sandpaper texture not "bumpy") are spot on. To me the real deal Barrackpores don't have a great taste. The Barrackpores I have going are some really cool pods, but I'm not sure they're pure either. The ones I have seen and grown in the past don't have tails. The flavor is sweet and hot though...so I like 'em! Hope that ain't all the pics you got??? Slacker!
Here are what mine looked like last year, I actually liked the taste almost bhut-like.  I ultimately ended up choosing to continue my bhuts over this though.  I tried growing one from non isolated seed this year, it was crossed and looks more like a cardi yellow than a barrackpore :mope:
Jamison said:
Thats hilarious! I'd say its getting big! Hopefully I'll be down there before the end of this month. And I better be picking some MoA pods too!
Had to do it. ;)
Hope you have MOA pods ready when you get there.
stickman said:
Heh-heh... that was worth a chuckle for sure Jay! Looks like you don't have a pepper hedge so much as a pepper forest...
Seriously Rick! It's getting crazy. Already got crawl down part of one row. I was think it would grow to be 3 hedges, but now seeing it just being one super hedge. :D
wahlee76 said:
Time to build a treehouse. Just make sure you don't get lost. I don't know if using peppers instead of breadcrumbs would be a smart thing to do...
LOL Need a lookout station! Treehouse would work. And if you ask the misses, i get lost in there all the time, sometimes for hours. :D
stc3248 said:
That pic is so cool...even without the crazy Avatar face in it...looks like such a natural setting for the plants. A small clearing in the woods blending into the undergrowth. 
Thank you Shane. It is a pretty sweet spot. Here is the whole pepper side of the yard.

meatfreak said:
That looks very promising, this is what mine looked like when ripening off last season. Exactly the same  :D

Didn't know that had Sasquatch over there in Atlanta :lol: might wanna watch your peppers before he steals them ;)
Here is the same pod today.

Looking similar for sure. Thanks for the comparison shot. There was definitely something stealing peppers. Oh wait... that was me.
And i hadn't shaved for three weeks or so. With out the avatar head you really would have thought it was a Sasquatch in there. More beard than i wanted to deal with. I'm a couple pounds less hair today though.
A completely different guy picking peppers today.
Devv said:
Quite the jungle you have going on! They really grew fast!
Thanks Scott. You aren't kidding. I guessing all this rain has something to do with it.
Spicegeist said:
Hm, the Butch T overwinter pod is looking quite Dorset Naga-ish... I wonder if that's in the variety's genetic background.
That bottom "barrackpore" has a bit of a Douglah shape to it.

You know, I'm also curious about the BB Yellow Douglah, would like to compare them with Y7s, for some reason I imagine they're very similar, seems once a pepper goes yellow, its flavor often follows a similar path (though not identical of course)...  same with Yellow Brains, they look just like Yellow 7s to me :rolleyes:
That butch T made perfect pods last season. The first pod to set this season looked good, then every other pod has been all over the place shape wise. The true looking pod, on the right, is the first one since. When i saw them next to each other, i knew i had to get a shot. Hugely different. That is the only naga looking pod, most others are not that long.
The barrackpores aren't long at all. Hopefully they will still be some good pods. Taking one to work tomorrow with a BB yel douglah for a few of us to try. Haven't tasted either yet.
Funny you mentioned the yel brains. On Judy's site (pepperlover), she basically said yel brains are just yel 7 SRs. Not sure if that description is still on there. She had some that looked like cappy's red brains, so with his approval called them yellow brainstrains. Cappy's red brain came from 7 pot SRs, so basically the same situation with naming. Selected from the SRs. If your yel 7s are from the SR lineage, then they are the same. I bought her original yel 7s and yel brains last year and there was a difference, with the brains winning in flavor and scent of the two. Much larger pods too.
The orange (yel) primos followed that taste equation. It didn't have the fruity tropical banana like smell / aroma like the yel brains i have, but definitely the same yellow taste.
Thinking the BB yel dougies will follow that path too. I will be shocked if they don't. I really like yel chinense pods, so won't be a loss if it does taste like the others. I am wondering on the heat level though. Will let you know.
stc3248 said:
Yeah...there shapes are off...pshttt, who cares! How do they taste??? Those Barrackpores may not completely true, but the color (deeper red than most pods) and texture (sandpaper texture not "bumpy") are spot on. To me the real deal Barrackpores don't have a great taste. The Barrackpores I have going are some really cool pods, but I'm not sure they're pure either. The ones I have seen and grown in the past don't have tails. The flavor is sweet and hot though...so I like 'em! Hope that ain't all the pics you got??? Slacker!
I agree. The pods are still cool regardless. Just not what i was expecting. Plant #2 is identical in everyway. I got a few more picts coming.
Spicegeist said:
Here are what mine looked like last year, I actually liked the taste almost bhut-like.  I ultimately ended up choosing to continue my bhuts over this though.  I tried growing one from non isolated seed this year, it was crossed and looks more like a cardi yellow than a barrackpore :mope:

Those look more like what i was expecting. I wondering if my are crossed as both plants are identical. F1s. So maybe will plant a few to see what i get next season.
Thanks spice!

A few more picts...
Giant bhut from seeds that is actually somewhat large.

First choc. big bang naga turning.

TS sweets.

And perfect hole cut in this one.

Jay's ghost scorp

Right before i picked that ripe wild brazil and ate it.
GA Growhead said:
BB yel douglah
This should be be your new avatar since they look the same

Woah! I just miss a couple of days and holy bejezuz you got a lot going on.

Those are some gnarly pods, the Jays red is looking awesome.

, Walter
Damn man, holy photos!  lol.  I missed a bunch of stuff for sure!  Cool shot of the Orange Primo, bummer that it isn't all that hot.  I agree, those BP don't look correct.  Mine last year from judy (pepperlover.com) looked identical to Spicegiest, down to the little nipple on the bottom.  I loved mine because of the taste.  The heat was nice, but the taste was great. 
And DAMN, that is a nice pepper patch!
Marvelous photos, I seem to miss alot of glogs here. This is another entertaining one I'll have to keep my eyes on.
I with Shane on the "How do they taste ??" when it comes to the pods. Gnarly is cool but there are some tasteless bitter super-hots out there.
I'm a fan of the Naga's but I can appreciate the heat level of the 7 Pots...
Vegas_Chili said:
This should be be your new avatar since they look the same

Woah! I just miss a couple of days and holy bejezuz you got a lot going on.

Those are some gnarly pods, the Jays red is looking awesome.

, Walter
Thank you Walter. Never a dull moment in the garden these days.
Got my first peach Jay's turning too.

Looking forward to trying both.
MGOLD86 said:
Damn man, holy photos!  lol.  I missed a bunch of stuff for sure!  Cool shot of the Orange Primo, bummer that it isn't all that hot.  I agree, those BP don't look correct.  Mine last year from judy (pepperlover.com) looked identical to Spicegiest, down to the little nipple on the bottom.  I loved mine because of the taste.  The heat was nice, but the taste was great. 
And DAMN, that is a nice pepper patch!
I will have to look up and see where they barrackpores came from. Had a half of one with lunch and it was quite tasty! Not to bad, but up there heat wise. Also had some bb yel douglah. Yummy yellow 7 taste and a super creaper punishing heat. Had a great aroma. I only got the sweet fruity flavor for about 3 to 6 minutes, then the heat & pain kicked in. Not sure it's hotter than the hottest yel brain last season but easily equal. I can see why it's been claimed as the hottest yellow.
Thanks Matt. The peppers couldn't be doing any better. I really prepped the garden well and have been keeping them happy. So it's showing. Most thankful to the knowledge i have learned here and put to use.
It's kind of mind blowing to see all those peppers in person.
Need to send you a few peppers to review. Has anyone done a BOC review yet?
PIC 1 said:
Marvelous photos, I seem to miss alot of glogs here. This is another entertaining one I'll have to keep my eyes on.
I with Shane on the "How do they taste ??" when it comes to the pods. Gnarly is cool but there are some tasteless bitter super-hots out there.
I'm a fan of the Naga's but I can appreciate the heat level of the 7 Pots...
Thank you for the kind words Greg. I am having a hard time keeping up with a the good glogs this year myself. Seems much more positive than last season, with great people sharing thier grows. I lurk more than i comment, but i am a pretty quiet guy by nature.
Still waiting to find out which issue of BH&G your going to be in. ;)
I'm with both of you on taste, and the Barrackpore (nots) tasted great. Will have to try again next year for the real deal to compare taste wise. Not sure what i got here, a cross or something else all together.

Thanks again.

Last few picts from last night.

The dog checking out a bahamian goat with two BOCs.

Couple brown eggs have turned

Texas wilds

Yel brain overwinter pod shsped like they were last season.

And red on the head...


Fire in your mouth.