Trippa said:
Cheers GA!! General consensus with the leaf issue as I suspected after a little bit of thinking that it was sun scald. Not surprising ... Today on my balcony out of the wind its been up to 33C ...winter ... Yeah right
That's good news. They will grow right past that in no time. Just made it thru your glog. Hope you kick the illness that is getting at you soon!
Today's peppertime at work was a good one. I brought in these guys.
Trin choc scotch bonnet and Jay's red ghost scorp.
One of the guys brought in his first red douglah and red bhut. My boss brought a red brainstrain.
First off the choc scotch bons haveva great flavor. Without any placenta, there is a taste somewhere around green grapes, apple and honeysuckle. A bit of placenta adds a bit of bitterness, but evens out with the flavor. Really a great tasting pepper. Did not taste like what i had expected, and in the case tasted better. Seeds were from judy
Next ate some red bhut. A flavor i already know i like. Then the red douglah. More of the battery acid/chem taste with a 7 pot floral ness. I bit hotter than the bhut. The red brain was much hotter. Way more 7 pot floral fruitiness, and hot. Slow start but punishing with this pod. And lastly the ghost scorp. Interesting flavor! Not like any of the other pods we had there. Was hot almost instantly, but not bad. After a few minutes the heat built. And built. Then by 4 or 5 started to go down, but then came back even stronger. And it continued for almost 12 minutes coming in waves. I kept thinking it was finally plateauing, but then would just burn more. It finally did start to go down and what seemed way longer than it was, was probably 15 minutes total. That one had me on the verge on panicking for a few minutes. I really enjoyed the flavor. It stood out will a different taste, but still stole some of the bhut better attributes im thinking taste wise. It really didn't smell that pungent to me, as expected anyway.
Sorry, i didn't get any pict from the peppertime. We did have four new people try peppers with us, and that was a success there alone. But it was a nice spread with five peppers layed out.
Thinking about Jay's peach or the other madballz pheno for tomorrow.
Lots going on in the garden. Will try to share when time allows.
Vegas_Chili said:
Dang! That's a big relief, I thought you got lost in that forest. Next time you won't be able to get out of there without a machete lol.
How was your vacation?
So... I week worth of updates. I know it's gonna be epic

, Walter
Vacation was killer. Rest, a few good beers and good food. Got too much sun but happens when at the beach for days, all day.

Not that excited to have gone back to work today though

Update will be a good one. Saw peach bhuts ripening, one to red even. Giant white habs. A grip of Jay's peach. Infinitys. Sepia serps. Jonahs. TSMBs. Blondes. Sunrise scorps too! And many more. Going to be my biggest harvest yet if i can ever get out there.
But... now I gotta do that thing that your city never does. Yup. Sleep.
Off to la la land, hot pepper dreams and all.