• Blog your pepper progress. The first image in your first post will be used to represent your Glog.

GA GH's Garden 2013

Seeing people already starting seeds gave me the bug. & I just didn't think watching our southern hemisphere friend's grows was going to fill that void. As my season comes to an end, i needed to do something. What? I am not sure, but here i am.

Say hello to orange primo from peter@semillas.de

Note: Updating this thread verses creating a new one. Growlist for 2013's outside down below
You have such a variety man. It's like a pepper factory. That garden is monsterously tall brotha! And pepper time... sounds like a blast!!! You southern boys have too much fun I tell ya!
Oh yeah congrats on the BB7's. 2 for 3 is pretty good!
Jamison said:
You have such a variety man. It's like a pepper factory. That garden is monsterously tall brotha! And pepper time... sounds like a blast!!! You southern boys have too much fun I tell ya!
Oh yeah congrats on the BB7's. 2 for 3 is pretty good!
Thanks Jamison! Your south bound so come join our club. ;)
I have a pretty good selection! Something new to try each day for months! There are some favorites that get eaten more than others, but happy to try them all. Already thinking about next season list!
Peppertime is awesome. Get to burn myself good with a few close acquaintances. It nice to get someone else's take on the peppers and have someone to share the burns with. It makes work not so bad too.
And i still have one bbg7 that hasn't shown yet, so still a chance i can up my stats. That one really needs to be dug up and potted. It is majorly over shadowed by it's neighbors. Might happen or not.
I got the correct address on the box now, so be on the lookout. Hope it brightens (burns) your day brother!
And thanks for the bump too!

Ga Black ripening


Giant white habs. Pulled my first. Have a 7 pot white with it to compare tomorrow. Will give you my opinion.


Yellow 7 Large. This one is actually pretty large.

TFM bonnets

Yellow Devils tongues

Poblano x hot cow horn?

Sepia Serpents. Haven't gotten a ripe one yet, but won't be long.

Wow...dude. Loving everything but them damn pepper eating critters! Freakin fantastic pods too. Can't wait to hear your thoughts on the Whites...bet they're similar. Have my thoughts but will wait to hear yours.
Impressive update!
I can see you're in deep now, gonna be real busy processing all those peppers.
I lost a lot of pods to grasshoppers, so far they're the only thing harming the peps. They really went after the true Reapers, got like 80%, they hit the Habs too, but on a 3 pound pull they may have gotten 5.  Way too dry here for slugs, never seen one in 25 years. Now when I lived in Va., I talked to them with salt. Damn, I  guess you need to inspect daily. One good thing is you have volume!
Keep up that great grow!
stc3248 said:
Wow...dude. Loving everything but them damn pepper eating critters! Freakin fantastic pods too. Can't wait to hear your thoughts on the Whites...bet they're similar. Have my thoughts but will wait to hear yours.
Thanks Shane. Loosing a ton of pods, but still plenty for me. Trying not to let it get to me.
The giant white hab versus the 7 pot white.
First off... The 7 pot was not as hot as the last one i tryed. So today... I cut both open and you there was no discernible difference between the two. Fresh was the same color. The seeds pretty much the same side and even arranged the same in the pod. My friend and I tryed pieces of both. Both tasted very sweet. The giant white had a bit more flavor. Heat was pretty matched between the two today. Both were a great addition to my lunch.
They have to be related. Plant growth is different, but that's comparing plants in the ground and a potted plant. Pods are indistinguishable from each other. The giant white habs might have larger pods. Hard to say they are the same and hard to say the are different.
What's your take ?
MGOLD86 said:
Beautiful looking pods man!
Thank you Matt!
capsidadburn said:
Agreed! Beautiful pods. That caterpillar worm critter should receive a fiery death inside that pod punctuated by boot heel for sure!
Thanks Mike. I did flatten his ass!
Stefan_W said:
You must be doing a lot of things right, the Jonah and yellow 7s are HUGE!
Thanks Stefan. That one yellow 7 Large is crazy big. It actually surprised me. Most aren't that big. Looking foward to a jonah!
Devv said:
Impressive update!
I can see you're in deep now, gonna be real busy processing all those peppers.
I lost a lot of pods to grasshoppers, so far they're the only thing harming the peps. They really went after the true Reapers, got like 80%, they hit the Habs too, but on a 3 pound pull they may have gotten 5.  Way too dry here for slugs, never seen one in 25 years. Now when I lived in Va., I talked to them with salt. Damn, I  guess you need to inspect daily. One good thing is you have volume!
Keep up that great grow!
Thank you Scott! I'm getting behind on my pepper duties. Shame shame on me.
I've done the salt, and the beer traps. We have had so much rain here this year that the slugs and snails are everywhere. Record rainfall. It sucks to see all the damaged pods, but what can you do? Planted plenty for the bugs and some for me, that's really what i have done. Take care Scott
Do your white 7s have tails on any of the pods??? How 'bout the GW??? I am wondering if they're related but were selected based on pod shape to call it the 7??? Mine seemed quite a bit hotter than the GWs and most have a tail...but I didn't grow any white habs this year so no side by side. Thanks for the comparison!
more picts from yesterday...

madballz 7

So mentioned before my peach bhuts. Four plants, all different, from same pack of seeds from one vendor.

True pheno

blobbier pheno

These are just huge. huge blobs!

And this plant makes smooth bhut shaped pods that went red.Not

The first shown truer pheno has pods that start off point up.

Giant bhuts from seeds is looking better that my OW.

This is a yellow CARDI scorp not. The other of two is looking better. This pod is hugh though!

And disappointed. Lets just say it isn't supposed to be red.

None of my yellow morugas have moruga shapes. There are some big ones on there though.

Choc.bhut from my last season seeds.

Good night to all!
stc3248 said:
Do your white 7s have tails on any of the pods??? How 'bout the GW??? I am wondering if they're related but were selected based on pod shape to call it the 7??? Mine seemed quite a bit hotter than the GWs and most have a tail...but I didn't grow any white habs this year so no side by side. Thanks for the comparison!
No tails on either. Same shape on the bottom even where the lobes come together. The first pod i had was definitely hotter, todays was about even. IDK. You got that at home dna test machine still to let me borrow! That will put this to rest. :P
As i do the same to myself.
Aight...get you some rest brotha! You earned it! I really like those huge, huge blobs!!! Better than a Bhut shape IMHO...sometimes the nots are better than the real deal! Nice shots...can't wait to see more!
Man, you got you some volume goin' brother! Over 100 plants, really?! Pics are looking great but not good that you have so many creepy-crawlies chewing on your pods. Have you ever heard of an organic pesticide called Spinosad? It's a broad-spectrum, bacteria-based product that you can spray on. If you want to avoid killing pollinators, they recommend spraying at dusk (when they've gone home for the night). It's effective for a few hours, then oxidizes and dries out, and the residues are non-toxic when the pollinators come back in the morning. It'll kill off any Ladybug/Lacewing larvae you have on the plants though, so you'd have to decide if it's worth it before using.
stickman said:
Man, you got you some volume goin' brother! Over 100 plants, really?! Pics are looking great but not good that you have so many creepy-crawlies chewing on your pods. Have you ever heard of an organic pesticide called Spinosad? It's a broad-spectrum, bacteria-based product that you can spray on. If you want to avoid killing pollinators, they recommend spraying at dusk (when they've gone home for the night). It's effective for a few hours, then oxidizes and dries out, and the residues are non-toxic when the pollinators come back in the morning. It'll kill off any Ladybug/Lacewing larvae you have on the plants though, so you'd have to decide if it's worth it before using.
Thanks for the info Rick. I'm trying not interfere with the natural order in the garden. I make more food available, so pets come. Then they become food for predators and so on. Afraid to kill off any of the good guys fighting the bad.
I actually have more than 230 plants this year. It's a 100+ varieties. So plenty for the bugs and some left over for me. I have things packed in way to tight, but wanted to try all of the seeds i accumulated. So did what i had to do. It hurts individual yield, but makes up in total volume. I did grow more of things i wanted more of, so it has worked out. I did place a few things in the wrong spot, I'm finding out now. Tryed to keep thing in similar height together, but miss guessed a few. So a few things are towering over there neighbors.
Worked out quite well considering.
Thanks again for the info. Will give me something to look into. Info is good!
Stefan_W said:
Wow, 230 plants. I can't even imagine the amount of pods you'll have by the end of the year. Even if you powder them it will still be huge yield. 
Yes! In way over my head. Already behind on processing. There is a ton of pods that need picking again too.

This ones for Vegas. Not as large as i would have thought. Had more like a gnarly brown king naga in my head. Taking a few to work for our pepper time tasting.
Choc big bang nagas.

Had my first 7 infinity today. Really bitter tasting, a ton of placenta in a small pod that resembled a brain or moruga. Was pretty warm. Had a few good ones recently and can't tell for sure if it was hotter or not than the others, but seemed as hot as the bbg7, hotter than the choc barrackpore. The ghost scorps might have it beat. But regardless, it had some painful heat. Flavor... not so hot, maybe butch T chem like. Will makr some killer powder for sure!
Few picts of the infinity. Thought i had some pre-cut but guess not.


Great update!
Poddage we have in Ga.! Some serious gnarly ones too!
I do the same thing, totally organic, plant more than I need so the "locals" can have some too. I always get more than we can eat anyway...
Have a good one!
Devv said:
Great update!
Poddage we have in Ga.! Some serious gnarly ones too!
I do the same thing, totally organic, plant more than I need so the "locals" can have some too. I always get more than we can eat anyway...
Have a good one!
I have plenty locals, that's for sure. I just took the dogs out, and grabbed a flashlight. Saw a few grasshoppers on the plants. I just hushed them off.
I feel there is a balance. More grasshopper equal more grasshopper eaters.
I kept the garden organic, but have add ferts to some of the potted plants that looked like they needed it. Doing much better than last year with both grows. Have never done well in pots so this year is impressive to me in that manor.
Same philosophy! Grow enough for everything and there will be a few left over for me!
Every time I see a picture of a Jay's Peach GS it kind of freaks me out a little with the gnarl and all of that. How do they taste? I'm sure they are wicked hot.