• Blog your pepper progress. The first image in your first post will be used to represent your Glog.

GA GH's Garden 2013

Seeing people already starting seeds gave me the bug. & I just didn't think watching our southern hemisphere friend's grows was going to fill that void. As my season comes to an end, i needed to do something. What? I am not sure, but here i am.

Say hello to orange primo from peter@semillas.de

Note: Updating this thread verses creating a new one. Growlist for 2013's outside down below
We make it up there every now and then.  her mom and dad are in Waycross now so mostly we go there but if there's a big family fandango then we'll be up that way.
Gotta go with Spicegeist, that Brown Egg is a whacky pepper. Bet it would make an interesting sauce ingredient though.
Spicegeist said:
Huh, what a whacky pepper...
Very much so. I'm sure it's dna would tell a good story. It can be just c. chinense.
RocketMan said:
We make it up there every now and then.  her mom and dad are in Waycross now so mostly we go there but if there's a big family fandango then we'll be up that way.
Gotta go with Spicegeist, that Brown Egg is a whacky pepper. Bet it would make an interesting sauce ingredient though.
Right on Bill. Waycross is a good hop skip and a jump from here. :)
Brown eggs are strange. I like to dice one up in a salad. Crunchy, fruity, and a little heat adds nicely.
Stefan_W said:
Great BBG7 review. I love the 7 pod taste. With my 7s I've been getting the burn on the very tip of my tongue instead.
Thanks Stefan. I like 7s too.
I actually wrote a fairly big review of a pod off of the bbg7 plant # 2 and these guys

Not brown 7 (rusty) and not original yel 7 (red).
But my phone freaked out, I'm a mobile reader, and i lost everything i wrote.

Quick summary ...
The bbg7 plant #2, with larger calyces that do turn red, had a different burn and taste than pods from plant #1, that has the mutated even larger, strawberry top looking calyces .
The pod's heat came on quicker upfront and turned on completely with in ten to twenty seconds. Like the other, once it's on, it's on. It's stays at full burn and doesn't let up. They seem to attack anywhere it makes contact. Throat, tongue, lips, or any part of your mouth.
This pod put a hurt on, but still think it was a tad less in heat the the other pheno. It's taste was a bit toned down from the other, and had a bit more typical 7 pot taste. Still fruity but not like the other. It also had a hair of bitterness that i did not taste in the other.
The red up going up in the stem was way intense in color. This pod was also left to long on the plant and was almost over ripe.
My buddy and i split the pods and were taking small pieces while eating our lunch. My tongue went numb after eating most of the half, i been burn very well. When i deseeded the pod there was a goid chunk of the foam like core part of the placenta that i had scraped the seeds off of. The last piece did nothing to my numb tongue so i popped that core piece. It put on a really strong burn bringing sensation back to my tongue giving me atleast five more minutes of pain before my tongue went numb again.
This pod's heat seemed to dwindle down quicker than the other pheno. Maybe lasted ten to fifteen total, whereas the other a solid twenty.
Both phenos of the bbg7 produce killer pods. I am leaning toward plant#1, but plant #2 seems to be a better producer and make bigger pods. I was wondering how different they would be and they turned out slightly different. Hugely noticeable? Probably not. Either plant makes pods that have a good taste and plent of heat with red stems and calyces.

edit in a photo.
Plant #2 pod on left.

Calyces show.

Now to the other two pods...

The not brown 7 was a very sweet pod. Beautiful rust color too.Didn't have placenta all through like i expected, but definitely had heat. No floral taste, just a sweet fruitiness. No bitterness. A damn good pod.
The not original yel 7 gone red was a very floral, slight citrus, 7 pot tasting pod. Not as much heat as the not brown, but still earned respect. Huge pods. Tasted great with my lunch that day, Thursday, but got trumped by the not brown 7's sweet taste. The brown was just too good and this one could compete.
The not yel 7 didn't have very much placenta through out the pod either. Main concentrated at the top as the not brown 7.
Both nice pods.

Also ... always good to see these.


Found those two hornworms on my tomato stragglers. To find them already taken care of is a good thing!
Thanks guys!

Trinidad Scorpion Sweet

Right to left.
Last years long pheno regrown, Red douglah, long pheno, regular, and BB yellow.

WalkGood said:
Wow every ting looks awesome, especcially your bbg7 and enjoyed reading your reviews :)
Thanks Ramon! Not as good as your reviews. But i try
Stefan_W said:
Looks great! The mystery plant looks like a chocolate bhut, or at least that a choc bhut is a part of the mix. 
It could be anything. From douglah to choc bhuts or a cross with either of the two. Or something else complete unrelated like a brainstrain. Cool bumpy pods regardless!
Will save seeds and see what it makes next season. :)
Spicegeist said:
Very nice.  I'll send you some real Yellow Bhut seed for next year...
I would be down for that! The one shown came out of giant bhut seeds from pepperjoe. Two plants, one ended up yellow. I grew out some giant bhut seeds from gifted pods that were purchased from pepperrich. They are much larger than the PJ giants that grew. Nicer pods for sure.
Let swap some seeds at seasons end!
Quick question Jay... where did you get the seeds for your BOC? If it was a commercial source, I'd like to get a packet for next year. Matt sure did a good job of selling it in his review. :)
stickman said:
Quick question Jay... where did you get the seeds for your BOC? If it was a commercial source, I'd like to get a packet for next year. Matt sure did a good job of selling it in his review. :)
Rick, you reminded that i never updated my review of the vender i got the seeds from. He is the Creator of the cross and has a good selection of peppers. See my review from the vender vault here:

It has the website link. I'm not sure if there is a plant patent or not, but there was a disclaimer saying i couldn't resell seeds from the purchase for those.
GA Growhead said:
Rick, you reminded that i never updated my review of the vender i got the seeds from. He is the Creator of the cross and has a good selection of peppers. See my review from the vender vault here:

It has the website link. I'm not sure if there is a plant patent or not, but there was a disclaimer saying i couldn't resell seeds from the purchase for those.
Oh cool! How did you arrange to buy his seeds? I'd definitely like to get some from him. Thanks!
stickman said:
Oh cool! How did you arrange to buy his seeds? I'd definitely like to get some from him. Thanks!
I just ordered through the website. Took me a minute to figure out to click the British flag to get english. Even after changing to english, there are a few things still in Danish. I had a few questions on ordering and Bjarne (the owner/creator of the BOC) emailed me right back. He was perfectly good with english in his response and very helpful.
I would have no problem ordering again from him. He has a pretty extensive list of peppers for sale. Before the new year, I may make another order with him.
If you do not end up ordering any, let me know and i can send you a few seeds. I am isolating a branch right now.

So if you just happened to go to the flea market by my house today, you could have gotten any of 60+ peppers i took. The misses decided we had to many, and needed to move some. Everyone that bought anything got plenty of extras. Meet a bunch of nice people, & made a good contact that might lead to something future.
Didn't make a ton of money, but brightened a few fellow chili head's day.
Was pretty fun.
Stefan_W said:
I've been going to the wrong flea markets!
Great looking pods you were moving out, I'm sure people who are into it were really happy.
Lol. This would have been the right one. :D
There were a couple people who immediately ask for the hottest pepper i had. Happy like a kid in a candy store. Said the hotter the better. I made there day for sure.
GA Growhead said:
Lol. This would have been the right one. :D
There were a couple people who immediately ask for the hottest pepper i had. Happy like a kid in a candy store. Said the hotter the better. I made there day for sure.
We pepperheads sure do get around... I gave some of my superhots to a neighbor named Dino who runs a swanky restaurant in Amherst, MA so he could share them out with the staff there. Actor Tim Roth was there with his wife Nikki the night Dino brought them in, and he asked his waiter why he was so flushed and sweaty. When the guy told them that they were sharing superhot chiles in the kitchen she asked for some too and ate most of a Douglah and a Butch T. pod...  I guess they were too hot for the kitchen staff... ;)
Thanks for the info on the BOC Jay, I appreciate it! Next year I plan on growing one side-by-side with a Naga King Jalokia from Peri Peri to compare the two. Apparently, both are plenty hot and have a strong orange citrus flavor. Cheers!