• Blog your pepper progress. The first image in your first post will be used to represent your Glog.

GA GH's Garden 2013

Seeing people already starting seeds gave me the bug. & I just didn't think watching our southern hemisphere friend's grows was going to fill that void. As my season comes to an end, i needed to do something. What? I am not sure, but here i am.

Say hello to orange primo from peter@semillas.de

Note: Updating this thread verses creating a new one. Growlist for 2013's outside down below
KiNGDeNNiZ said:
the STEM is hot.. not the calyx....
Thanks for the clarification! That's still pretty neat. I am going to make sure and split one that way this week. My boss wants to try it, he missed the first one.
Hell yeah Denniz!
I need to figure out why mine has stopped producing. It's not the weather. Quite nice here lately.

Few more pod shots...

007 pot


Brown eggs

TFM bonnets

Not yellow 7s

And a quiz. Which pods are yellow 7s and which are scotch bonnets (p dreadies) ? Right vs left?


Had this discussion in another thread. New seeds for the yel 7s this year looking like they were crossed with a bonnet. The yel.7s are much hotter but similar flavor.
First person to answer correctly get a prize!
And... ding ding ding ding!
The winner is Mike (capsidadburn)!

Pm me your addy!

The bonnets on the right, 7s on the left.

This all started after reading Jeff H's post http://thehotpepper.com/topic/41504-labeled-as-yellow-7s/#entry876744
He also got yel 7s that looked bonnet like. Mine has looked like a hybrid between the the two since first pod. And all the other plant from the same seed look the same (minus the one that went red). Nothing like my yel 7s from last season, from a previous years seed pack also from judy. Not faulting anyone. No one can control nature
& they still taste awesome just like last years. Environmental? All this rain? Who knows. Next year i will start seeds from both packs to compare as i still have seeds.
The only bad part so far with the shape is i have accidental grabbed a yel 7, thinking it was a bonnet and bit into it like an apple and got a hot surprise! The yel 7 are way hotter than the bonnets!
There are some pod that are almost identical. And as i was hoping, there were guesses going both ways.

Thanks for playing along everyone!
capsidadburn said:
The right side look more like scotch bonnets to me. Beautiful certainly!
On the money!
Vegas_Chili said:
Lmao! Right are P. Dreadies! I didn't notice that! And left are yellow 7's. I bet I'm wrong too. :drunk:

, Walter
You were actually correct, after the correction, but Mike slid in and got it first!
romy6 said:
 I say right are 7's :)  left bonnets 
ALmost! play again! :P
Devv said:
I say left bonnets, right 7's..but missed being first if correct...
Almost for you too Scott. They look identical, so it really is just guessing. Play again next time my friend!
PeriPeri said:
Nice, left Bonnets, right 7's.
Your not 7's look like Naga Morich (Indian)?
Had it backwards Lourens!
I would have had to change the prize had you won!
btw... Any seeds you are after that i may help you with? I would to get a few king nagas in exchange! ;)
Those not yel 7s are huge! Bigger than any morich i have seen. They definitely don't have that typical 7 shape, or bonnet shape in this case, as the other plant from the seeds. My naga morichs aren't are definitely different, and i started them way later, so could be a cross or mix up on the venders part. Haven't tryed one yet, but wondering what the flavor will tell.
Portuge said:
Well GA thats a hard one to tell... They both look the same. I would have to say the Right ones are the 7's and left are Scotch Bons...
You also had it backwards my friend. Calling it almost. You nailed the fact that it's a hard one to separate! I truly can't tell them apart visual. Thanks for playing along!

Also i will add tonight ...
Today's pepper of the day.

bbg7 #1

I let this pod sit too long on the plant. It was starting to get a bit soft after a day sitting inside, so it was taken to work for peppertime today. I have been letting the bbg7s sit to see how red they get and to make sure i get some mature seeds.
I also wanted to cut one open to see the stem split, like denniz showed. It was definitely red inside.

This pod had a really good taste. No bitterness at all. Very fruity. A bit of that 7 pot taste. I think it tasted better than the first pod i had!
The heat is up there! Starts off sweet and fruity and within a few seconds you feel the heat. Then by a minute or so the heat turns up more than a couple notches letting you onow that you just made the mistake of eating this thing. I ate a fairly large piece with some placenta, it had my tongue on fire, and stinging burning pain under my tongue on both sides. Deep down where you can almost feel it behind/below chin. Tears formed in my eyes from the under tongue burn at first when it attacked. It really came on for about five minutes, making me struggle to maintain, then plateaued out and then my lips started to burn. They picked up heat and i realized i must have had hot saliva (thanks Matt for forever planting that in my mind, but prefectly the truth!) and must have licked my lips. And as the lip burn swells, the false plateau is revealed, as the heat resurges up and down, finally heading down shaply by ten minutes or so, only leaving me with a nice warm feeling & lip burn for the next twenty or thirty minutes. Water only increasing the effects on the lips till they were put out by some sour gummy worms!
Also ate a Not yel CARDI scorps. It was very lemony yel hab like tasting. Quite sweet. Super fragrant with that strong chinense smell. A very nice pod. Heat was a bit hotter than a yel hab, but still low enough i could enjoy with my lunch. I ate a big chunk with the placenta up top, and it really got me hiccupping, but heat was still just above medium. Yum yummy. Really citrus lemony flavor!
GA Growhead said:
Had it backwards Lourens!
I would have had to change the prize had you won!
btw... Any seeds you are after that i may help you with? I would to get a few king nagas in exchange! ;)
Those not yel 7s are huge! Bigger than any morich i have seen. They definitely don't have that typical 7 shape, or bonnet shape in this case, as the other plant from the seeds. My naga morichs aren't are definitely different, and i started them way later, so could be a cross or mix up on the venders part. Haven't tryed one yet, but wondering what the flavor will tell.
You also had it backwards my friend. Calling it almost. You nailed the fact that it's a hard one to separate! I truly can't tell them apart visual. Thanks for playing along!
Dang! lol Thanks GA, yea PM me ;)
GA Growhead said:
Cool. I'm technically in Acworth, but up past there a bit.
Just went through your Glog, you have some really great looking plants going Jay. Getting some really great looking pods too. 
My wife is from Kennesaw / Merretta area, graduated High School in Kennesaw and has a lot of family still in the area.
Thanks for your review on the BBG7 and Not Yellow CARDI, Jason! I'm gonna be brave and try some of the BBG7 tomorrow, still have to de-seed it so I will slice it in two as well to see if the stem is red also.
Vegas_Chili said:
Lol! Thanks for the quiz! Next time :D.

You're right on the money with the bubblegum, lmao. Still reminds me.

, Walter
That burn isn't easily forgotten. :D
capsidadburn said:
Very cool! I think my day just got a little brighter.
Glad you won! Also nice to brighten someone's day!
RocketMan said:
Just went through your Glog, you have some really great looking plants going Jay. Getting some really great looking pods too. 
My wife is from Kennesaw / Merretta area, graduated High School in Kennesaw and has a lot of family still in the area.
There was a good bit of glog to go thru! Serious task at this point.
Thanks for the kind words Bill! Season is going well, even with record rainfall.
I grew up on the south side, but up here now. I work on the Marietta / kennesaw line. So stomping around there daily! Small world isn't it. :)
Do you two ever make it back up this way?
meatfreak said:
Thanks for your review on the BBG7 and Not Yellow CARDI, Jason! I'm gonna be brave and try some of the BBG7 tomorrow, still have to de-seed it so I will slice it in two as well to see if the stem is red also.
I am going to take a bbg7 #2, like yours, to work tomorrow to see if it differs. Everyone who tried it yesterday mentioned how hot it was today. Really nice flavor though!
Just do it Stefan! We can then compare notes tomorrow.
Spicegeist said:
Are these C. pubescens?
Charles, They are c. chinense, but you would not guess by the taste. The plants are short stocky guys with multiple pods per node. Very juicy with thick walls. Taste like a red bell with strange watermelony, green grape, and apple taste all mixed together. One of the more unique tasting peppers that i have ever tasted. A little heat in the ribs and placenta, but on the low end of the spectrum.
The pods do make them look like a c. pubescens.
Devv said:
Well the quiz was fun!
 The bbg7 sounds like a nice pod!
Tomorrow is Friday....yes!
Glad you enjoyed it Scott!
They bbg7s are pretty tasty. Trying the #2 tomorrow.
Wish me luck! ;)
Friday and a long weekend! I gots labor day off!
Happy pre-weekend thoughts!