• Blog your pepper progress. The first image in your first post will be used to represent your Glog.

GA GH's Garden 2013

Seeing people already starting seeds gave me the bug. & I just didn't think watching our southern hemisphere friend's grows was going to fill that void. As my season comes to an end, i needed to do something. What? I am not sure, but here i am.

Say hello to orange primo from peter@semillas.de

Note: Updating this thread verses creating a new one. Growlist for 2013's outside down below
Feed that seed starting addiction brother! You got plenty of time...well, not really plenty but enough. I started some later than this last year that still produces well, so you should have no trouble. I find the only real cure for seed fever is flowers/pods...which shifts your focus from the germ trays to the big boys. Won't be too long by the looks of it! You should be just about at your last frost date no??? Maybe another week or two?
Seriously huge grow list, Jason. I have had a lot of work up-potting from 2 to 5 gallon bags. I can't even imagine digging enough holes for all those plants to go in-ground. Hat's off to ya. But the little guys are becoming big guys pretty quickly. Like Shane said above, flowers/pods coming up!
Feed that seed starting addiction brother! You got plenty of time...well, not really plenty but enough. I started some later than this last year that still produces well, so you should have no trouble. I find the only real cure for seed fever is flowers/pods...which shifts your focus from the germ trays to the big boys. Won't be too long by the looks of it! You should be just about at your last frost date no??? Maybe another week or two?
Looks like the last week of April with the way things are going. If not than first of may. I am a week or two later on the annuums, but figure i can overwinter the reaper if she doesn't produce. Should have a indoor spot by then anyway. Definitely going to go year round with pods this winter. Just gotta decide what to keep going thru winter, which shouldn't be hard by then. A bit jealous of your weather/plants. You got a few little monsters and flowers galore!

Seriously huge grow list, Jason. I have had a lot of work up-potting from 2 to 5 gallon bags. I can't even imagine digging enough holes for all those plants to go in-ground. Hat's off to ya. But the little guys are becoming big guys pretty quickly. Like Shane said above, flowers/pods coming up!
I had 158 plants last year. I planted 20 or so to close together. Broke the planting into two different waves based on plant size. This year going for closer to 200. Expanding the pepper garden a bit and the reg garden too. Plus more in pots this year. I got a better grip on keeping plant in pots after last years efforts.
Thanks for the compliments! I am truely happy with there progress. Gotta start potting up more seedlings and potting up some of the larger ones. Picts to come!
THem babies are surely growing, and healthy as could be! I love when I get them big ol' elephant ear leaves too, sure sign you are doing things right brotha! Damn work always gets in the way of peppers eh!? I hate that.
It's easy to make a mix-up. If I'm working late in the grow area's and come close to making a mistake I quit for the night.

The TFM's and the Papa Joe's have different growth patterns. The TFM can grow taller and in a conical shape while the Joe's will grow lateral and shrublike with staggered branching. Well at least mine have grown that direction. ............ ;)

Thank you for that info Greg. This will be the first year with these. I can plant out accordingly going by what you have seen. I am trying to keep similar sized plants together so no one gets overshadowed. Thank you for the info. Im trying to keep everything labeled correctly and have done well so far. :)
Nice Jay... steady as she goes...
Thanks Rick! Steady foward, not looking back!

THem babies are surely growing, and healthy as could be! I love when I get them big ol' elephant ear leaves too, sure sign you are doing things right brotha! Damn work always gets in the way of peppers eh!? I hate that.
True that. Working eats up all my time in the week. Trying not to hate! Just get it done, living for those days off! I'm planning a trout fishing trip for the second week in May with my bro that's out in Co. for a couple days. Work till then. Going to keep the fish heads for fish brew though! Should be planted in by then, so will be able to really relax. Hope you make a ton of $$$ and/or get a break in there for some peppertime!

Got the bottom shelf filled. Still more in the starter tray to pot up. Atleast 30 or so. Will be filling the top self soon!

Got some branching going down.

Georgia Blacks are getting big.


Bottom shelf, bigger guys!

Was going to labels these on the pict, but too lazy. Same plants looking down.

This a 7pot Brown with giant leaves.
Wow...your plants are really kicking it into gear! Looks like your timing was right on the money...another month and you'd be hurting for room with those bad boys!
Wow...your plants are really kicking it into gear! Looks like your timing was right on the money...another month and you'd be hurting for room with those bad boys!
Glad you posted. I checked, and i ended up planting out on april 27th of last year. Wanted to add that and had forgot. The thirty day forecast (which changes daily) says after the 15th of April we should be in the clear. I have one of those greenhouse shelves to move plants to on the back porch, if i need the room after no more below freezing nights. I may not need to though. Might work out prefect.
Thank you Shane.
One of these wild brazils is yours btw. Hope momma does mind. Cause its coming that way as soon as she old enough to travel.
Next two nights are forecasted for the mid twenties. So much for hotlanta this week!
Great looking update there, Jason! Love the giant leaves the chinenses make when they are growing. That 7P Brown is going to be a monster judging from the leaf size. Like Shane said, looks like your timing was spot-on!
Quick update. Everything is looking good. Seeing good new growth on all that was transplanted last weekend. Have a bunch of annuums hooking! Weather is getting warmer, putting the OWs out in the morning.The Texas transplants are looking good and will love the weather. Thinking about tilling the garden tomorrow. Will see.
Take care.

Great looking update there, Jason! Love the giant leaves the chinenses make when they are growing. That 7P Brown is going to be a monster judging from the leaf size. Like Shane said, looks like your timing was spot-on!
Yeah Brent! Will be getting these babies used to the sun soon.
Loving that 7 brown. There are a few stand outs so far and it's on that list. Big plants are ok in my book!
It is all looking great! What are your plans for organizing space for when the plants start to really spread out? I find that is always a huge challenge.
It is all looking great! What are your plans for organizing space for when the plants start to really spread out? I find that is always a huge challenge.
Hey Stefan. I have one of those shelves with the plastic covering, like a mini greenhouse. The larger plants are going in it soon. That will free up some room inside. But i should be planting out by the end on April anyway. So should be good. I potted up some from the germ tray as doubles & triples do save space. I will need to separate those ad i make room. Thanks for coming by. About to post some pictures from today.

Great looking plants! Forecast here in Lawrenceville implies I won't plant out until the end of April
Sup, my fellow neighbor? Thanks for the complement! I'm not planting in ground till the end of April also, but will have plants outside before then. Gotta harden off them all and let them acclimate! The weather was so nice yesterday, and today after the rain finally passed. We have the best spring weather here, it just doesn't ever last long enough, before it just gets damn HOT! Thanks for coming by!


So yesterday... I cut down a tree that hangs over the top of my garden. Was much needed. And i managed to till in the 6+ inches of leaves i had covering the garden before the rain rolled in. Very productive day.
Today i managed to plant all the remaining spouts in the germ trays into cups/pots. Excluding a few thing that had just come up recently, like two Scotch bons from refiningfire and a Tabasco from last years pepperjoes order. I realized that i have either lost or didn't save any tabasco seeds from last years plant. I planted the two remaining o.g. seeds and one came up. yay! My wife trashed a box that had a bunch or dried peppers and seeds, cause the cats knocked it over. ? >:[ I think the seeds could have been in that mess. Oh well. One is better than none.
Ok. Top shelf with soon to be happy spouts. Waited way to long on some.


Middle shelf group shot.


Bottom shelf larger plants.


The annuums are going off!


And a reaper is hooking along with the annuums!


Some spouts. Can you see the guy with one leaf? What's up with that?


Here are some of the larger guys off the bottom shelf waiting to soak in some water.

Now some individual plants.

These are Thai orange. I have 3 more just coming up with the annuums, as gifts for a friend.

Some datils.


My only Bahamian goat to germinate. Looking foward to tasting this one!


Can i get a bump?!

Also wanted to point out on the top shelve picture, you can see that i removed the top ring on the beer cups so i could get 18 per tray. Figured out a way to cut without cracking them. A breakthrough today!
Thanks guys!

Jellybean white hab branching.


7pot bubblegum


PI 441598


pretty sure this is another 7pot bubblegum.


7pot infinity on left & another bubblegum on right.


The tallest plant ay the moment. A peach bhut.


And for Brent...
This is that 7pot white i told you about. This one has alway been a light green yellow color from it's first true leaves. It is living via hydro in coco and gets the same nutrients as the others in coco, but had always looked like this with the others looking fine. ? recessive mutant? Just a weak plant? The other 7 white looks fine, so idk.


Thinking about putting this one outside in the garden come time.

And these are some extra Fatalii. Two of them are also staying yellow. Also from there first leaves and on.


I'm crashing out.
Take care and thanks for coming by.
Thanks again guys!
This was a good glog to wake up to today! Awesome pics man, and them plants look soo healthy brudda! You lucky SOB throwing OW's outside already. Cmon springtime in Wisconsin!
You gotta a great start! Tons of plants, with some interesting stuff going on too. Can't wait to see this one shape up once under that big T5 in the sky!
This was a good glog to wake up to today! Awesome pics man, and them plants look soo healthy brudda! You lucky SOB throwing OW's outside already. Cmon springtime in Wisconsin!
Sup Jamison! Glad i gave you a good start, ad it was my finish to the day. OWs are outside! Got them against the house tonite. Should be in the lower 40s, so the house should help them a bit. But nothing below that for here on out on the forecast. It will hit you there soon. Just hold out a bit longer. Did you ever get any orange preams going?

Everything's looking great Jason! Very nice leaf development on the chinenses....You are going to have a busy grow season!
Thanks Gary! Everything is doing quite well. I can't wait to have a garden to tend too! Definitely over my head this year, but taking the challenge. It's like the saying... Your eyes are bigger than your stomach then fixing s plate of food. Except mine eyes are bigger than my garden. :)

You gotta a great start! Tons of plants, with some interesting stuff going on too. Can't wait to see this one shape up once under that big T5 in the sky!
You and me both! Once in the ground and running, it will be insanity! I do have some things im interested in see grow out. The sunrise scorps, the bhut orange copenhagens, all the white podded ones, the scotch bons, bb yel dougs, sepia serps, the 7gums, tobago treasure, numerous 7s and scorps just to name a few. Potted up the orange scorps on sunday! That one sound sweet. I can't wait for fresh pods again!
I thought i was behind, but looks like im right on time. Next will be the other starts. Thanks for the kind words Shane. You wild Brazil is happy after its transplant. Won't be long and she be ready to travel.

Came home to see reaper #2. Along with a billion other sweet/milds!
I was a bit overwhelmed when i looked at them, but atleast they are easier to give away. No luck on my old jalapeno m seeds i found, or the mulato isles yet. Everything else has popped or is popping. Should have built the shelving much earlier. Top shelf stay perfectly warm all day. Germination rates have been amazing. Two reapers in 10 days. And another c. chinese type in 7. Loving it.