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Genetikx pepper sauce

These chiles were grown and left to age since 2015. Finally got around to processing today. Have a look friends!





Was lucky to acquire a borg 9 yellow plant, among other stuff, from our good friend Justin earlier this year. The plant pumped out some nice pods...


So I made a sauce...


Just added some roasted onion, carrot, garlic, finished with some agave.

Think this one needs to marinate for awhile. Good taste, good tolerable heat, incredible gut bomb. One of the brightest yellow sauces I've made. Thinking I'll go back to using aged (non fermented) chiles in my sauces.
Genetikx said:
Yes, I use the vitamix soup setting to bring it up to temp. No need for the stove top and the house doesn't get funky.

I did have a big spoonful and also threw it all over last night's pepperoni jalapeno pizza. My completely unbiased review is that the stuff is terrific. First thing I get is a little curry/turmeric, then some sweet from the golden raisin. Next comes the heat, great kick but doesn't kill you and it fades nicely. Final thing I taste is the ginger. Not quite picking up on the carrot or roasted garlic. There's 6 cloves sold amongst those 4 bottles so thought it would come through more. Never made this particular recipe before but would make it again
Sounds good. Have no tips on the carrot, but a lot of people use it to bulk up the sauce and not add carrot flavor so maybe that's in the win column. For the roasted garlic, it can actually be hard to get that flavor to penetrate since roasting it mellows it, one tip is, add a 50/50 mix to your sauce of roasted/fresh garlic. The fresh will help bump up the actual garlic flavor.
The Hot Pepper said:
Sounds good. Have no tips on the carrot, but a lot of people use it to bulk up the sauce and not add carrot flavor so maybe that's in the win column. For the roasted garlic, it can actually be hard to get that flavor to penetrate since roasting it mellows it, one tip is, add a 50/50 mix to your sauce of roasted/fresh garlic. The fresh will help bump up the actual garlic flavor.
Great idea to mix roasted with fresh since the fresh is more forward. I do think it adds something to the flavor, or changes the flavor, even if it doesn't smack you in the face as being garlic. If it wasn't there, sauce would probably be lacking 'something'.
tctenten said:
Great looking sauces!!!

Curious why you do not ferment? Is it a flavor thing or do you just like the way they age better without fermentation.
Hey thanks Terry! I've only successfully fermented one sauce and never could figure out why I didn't love it. I gave many bottles of it away last summer and some still say it's my best sauce.

I probably just need to taste someone else's ferment that knows what they're doing
Genetikx said:
Yes, I use the vitamix soup setting to bring it up to temp. No need for the stove top and the house doesn't get funky.

I did have a big spoonful and also threw it all over last night's pepperoni jalapeno pizza. My completely unbiased review is that the stuff is terrific. First thing I get is a little curry/turmeric, then some sweet from the golden raisin. Next comes the heat, great kick but doesn't kill you and it fades nicely. Final thing I taste is the ginger. Not quite picking up on the carrot or roasted garlic. There's 6 cloves sold amongst those 4 bottles so thought it would come through more. Never made this particular recipe before but would make it again
just popping in to mention that, after reading your post a while ago i went and dropped 200€ on a blender that could also cook. it simplifies the process of making hot sauce and bottling it much simpler and not to mention more hygienic. next level. i'm never going back :)
sicsempertyrannis said:
just popping in to mention that, after reading your post a while ago i went and dropped 200 on a blender that could also cook. it simplifies the process of making hot sauce and bottling it much simpler and not to mention more hygienic. next level. i'm never going back :)
Yes makes for a very clean process and it can all be done outside or in the garage. I will run the soup setting twice, or maybe just halfway thru the second time to make sure it is scorching hot and also that is been brought up to temp for a good 15-20 minutes.
That's a freakin' great idea, using that blender to heat the sauce. My wife just spent a few hundred bucks on a Ninja with the food processor a couple of years ago, so it'd be pretty hard to sell her on the idea of getting a Vitamix.

Unless something "happened" to the Ninja.....hmmmmm....... :think: :shh:

MikeUSMC said:
That's a freakin' great idea, using that blender to heat the sauce. My wife just spent a few hundred bucks on a Ninja with the food processor a couple of years ago, so it'd be pretty hard to sell her on the idea of getting a Vitamix.

Unless something "happened" to the Ninja.....hmmmmm....... :think: :shh:

It gets really hot...I put in a handheld thermometer, it gets up to 200 degrees and then I gotta pull my hand away, so I'm not even sure how hot it really is. The vitamix isn't cheap but they say it'll least a lifetime. Just make sure to get a dedicated pitcher for sauce.

Would be a shame if that ninja accidentally fell into a sink full of water...or was sold on ebay haha
Added the vitamix to my wanted list. BOC sauce pretty popular at my work. Almost gone. Wife took the mustard sauce to work. Her boss really likes curry and she seen that in the ingredients.

Still haven't tried the blueberry one. Any suggestions on what to put it on, chicken maybe?
D3monic said:
Added the vitamix to my wanted list. BOC sauce pretty popular at my work. Almost gone. Wife took the mustard sauce to work. Her boss really likes curry and she seen that in the ingredients.

Still haven't tried the blueberry one. Any suggestions on what to put it on, chicken maybe?
I've sort of been avoiding that one too, but have gone back for taste tests here and there. What good buddy Mike suggests would be really good, I think it'll go on anything you want hot sauce on. The blueberry is probably giving some pause but let's face it, they are no match for those f1 d3 goats.

Think the blueberry is more for color, can't say I taste them in there. Maybe a good start is to try on eggs or maybe chicken but I'm probably going to start putting it on most meals. Just had it on a tortilla chip and also just straight up on a spoon, I like it.

Thickened up nicely in the fridge too
snowmanaxp said:
Great looking sauces Genetic. I really love how the sauces all look uniform in color and smooth throughout.
Do you run it through a food mill at all? Or is she it all the blender?
Thanks! The smoothness of the sauces are 100% due to the vitamix. There's definitely no fibrous material after 20 minutes in one of those beasts. The consistent color is because I tend to prefer yellow peppers but also a fan of choco habs. I definitely have steered away from reds over the past few years.

That said, 2 choco hab plants I bought at the nursery this year (no time to grow from seed/moved/etc)... Are throwing out red pods. One of them I'm fairly certain is a mislabeled Caribbean red hab since they sell those too. The other red to me is fairly sweet with maybe jala heat at best, and it's throwing out a ton of huge pods.

Here's a pull from a week ago


Got another pull the same size the other day for a total of 2.4 pounds. Nothing to do but throw it in a ferment with half an onion, large carrot, almost a full head of garlic and 4.5% salt (by weight of peppers).


Questions: No water here. Ingredients above is all I've done. Do I need water? This is a gallon jug, do I have too much headspace? I can fill it much more with either frozen peppers or other peppers from these 2 plants.