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Genetikx pepper sauce

These chiles were grown and left to age since 2015. Finally got around to processing today. Have a look friends!





D3monic said:
Question, I got a very large pile of omni bonnets, debating if I should make powder, sauce or a ferment. What's your thoughts?
I did eat an omni bonnet after it fell off the stem. Thought to myself, it's so tiny, no problem here. Gotta say it lit me up pretty good, but also got a good sense that they are juicy, little bit fruity, and devoid of most seeds. With that said I'd go straight to sauce without deseeding or adding much to it. Just peppers, vinegar and xanthan gum should do it.
Genetikx said:
I did eat an omni bonnet after it fell off the stem. Thought to myself, it's so tiny, no problem here. Gotta say it lit me up pretty good, but also got a good sense that they are juicy, little bit fruity, and devoid of most seeds. With that said I'd go straight to sauce without deseeding or adding much to it. Just peppers, vinegar and xanthan gum should do it.
Sounds good, and yes. Very juicy. Every time I tried one it shot right down the back of my throat and pretty hot. I need seeds so will deseed a bunch. Were you able to save enough seeds for next year?
D3monic said:
Were you able to save enough seeds for next year?
I think so, as long as I can get them to germinate. I did worry that they were small, since I have no experience with seeds that small. Debating whether paper towel in a ziploc will still work or if I should go straight to dirt. Let me know if you've got an opinion there. And yea, good description of the burn
Alright, feels good to get all the frozen reds out of the freezer.


Here's where the final tally ended up

-2036 grams peppers, deseeded (Caribbean red, not chocolate hab, D3 Goat f1's, misc reds from 2015, 2 OBEAH surprises at the bottom)
-91 grams kosher salt
-278 grams sweet onion
-135 grams garlic
-233 grams carrot
Jug and mash weighs in at 8lbs, 11.1oz.

Processed the gallon ferment from a few posts up, took it to 60+ days. Finished it off with agave and then since it needed to go into the vitamix in 3 batches, one batch got brown sugar, another batch got brown sugar and pineapple, then left one with just the agave. Have only sampled the brown sugar/pineapple and diggin it quite a bit. I try to keep those kind of flavors really subtle so the peppers can shine.



Should be able to send some of these out if anyone wants a sample, shoot me a msg
jhc said:
Why do my shrink wrap seals get so wrinkled and yours look perfect lol.
Same here, lol. Mine look like crap!
I really need to sit down one day with my heat gun and just go to town and practice for a while

Genetikx was kind enough to send me a bottle of his "Dia de los Muertos" sauce the other day, aka "Halloween Juice." Thanks bud! I'll have a review for you soon
jhc said:
Looks awesome - great color and a real pro looking label. Why do my shrink wrap seals get so wrinkled and yours look perfect lol.
Thanks man, my label game could use some serious improvement but yea, I got the shrink wrap down lol

MikeUSMC said:
Same here, lol. Mine look like crap!
I really need to sit down one day with my heat gun and just go to town and practice for a while

Genetikx was kind enough to send me a bottle of his "Dia de los Muertos" sauce the other day, aka "Halloween Juice." Thanks bud! I'll have a review for you soon
Awesome, glad it arrived... Only took me a few months to get those seeds to you. Figured you couldn't start germing them yet anyway haha

So the secret to my shrink wrap is to dunk them in low simmering water...then hit it with the hair dryer to get rid of the moisture.
ShowMeDaSauce said:
Love the color and love Caribbean Reds too. I dont know why but its one of the hotter habs i can handle better than others.
Hey thanks! I'll send you one of you want. It's probably about half Caribbean red, bunch of red supers including D3 Goat, and some unknown cross that was actually pretty sweet. Ended up tossing in every red pepper I had in the freezer to fill up the gallon jug.
Thank you. the package arrived. I had a sample of the one with pineapple. The peppers and lactic acid are very much in front of the other flavors but the aroma of the garlic is up there too. The burn comes on quite fast but not brutal in smallish amounts. Quite a bit hotter than any of the Marie Sharps ive tried although i have not tried her hottest sauces. Both the throat and tongue burn are noticeable quick. The tongue burn lingers much longer. The rest of the mouth feel is more numb than pain. :D
While its obvious it is chinense its not flooring you with the floral hab aroma either. Overall its about as hot as i can tolerate. Any hotter and all i would be able taste is heat or heat/sour. Im rather fond of riding on that edge occasionally.
:hotsauce:  :party: 
ShowMeDaSauce said:
Thank you. the package arrived. I had a sample of the one with pineapple. The peppers and lactic acid are very much in front of the other flavors but the aroma of the garlic is up there too. The burn comes on quite fast but not brutal in smallish amounts. Quite a bit hotter than any of the Marie Sharps ive tried although i have not tried her hottest sauces. Both the throat and tongue burn are noticeable quick. The tongue burn lingers much longer. The rest of the mouth feel is more numb than pain. :D
While its obvious it is chinense its not flooring you with the floral hab aroma either. Overall its about as hot as i can tolerate. Any hotter and all i would be able taste is heat or heat/sour. Im rather fond of riding on that edge occasionally.
:hotsauce:  :party: 
Nice, glad it arrived and I appreciate the review. Still not sure I love that lactic acid/ferment taste you mentioned but a good amount of people seem to dig it
I warmed up some chicken today with about 2-3 tbs of the mild extreme pineapple sauce i made. After it was done i added about a 1/2 tsp+ of the Genetikx Caribbean Red on top and mixed it all up.
OH YEAH, thats nice. Really brought the heat up a notch!
Yesterday i just dipped cold baked chicken in the Caribbean Red with a pinch of salt on the sauce. This chicken is unsalted so it needed it. Ive got a weakness for cold chicken (usually fried) and hot sauce. That really hit the spot too.
I eat quite a few fermented foods so i enjoy that "fermented" flavor vs just vinegar.