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Genetikx pepper sauce

These chiles were grown and left to age since 2015. Finally got around to processing today. Have a look friends!





MikeUSMC said:
Here you go, dude :cool:

Genetikx "Dia de los Muertos" aka "Halloween Juice"

I like the very straightforward, "right to the point" label, but I do wish the pic of the pepper were a little brighter. The sauce itself has a beautiful burnt orange color, with a very nice, silky consistency. I heard a very refreshing audible "hiss" upon opening, which ensured that it was bottled properly, and it had a good seal. Absolutely fantastic aroma coming out of the bottle, with the peppers and mango out in the forefront, and a little bit of onion and garlic in the background. Once poured onto a spoon, you can really pick up a hint of the smoked onions. Consistency is nearly perfect. Not too runny, and flows smoothly out of the bottle.

Now, the taste test...... (full teaspoon) very sweet upfront from the mango, with just a touch of vinegar, followed by the delicious flavor of the peppers and a touch of carrot. Then, just when you think you're safely enjoying the flavor of the peppers in there, it puts your tongue in a chokehold and starts kicking like a three legged ninja, lol. It's ALL tongue burn, nowhere else; not on my lips or in the back of my throat. I can't remember exactly what pods went into this sauce, but if I were a betting man, I'd definitely say 7 Pots. I literally feel like I have a pair of vise grips on my tongue. My nose isn't running, but I've got some sweat building up under my eyes, and my eyes are definitely watering a bit.

It's been about 20 minutes, and I've eaten a bacon egg and cheese on a toasted bagel (with more sauce, of course), and had a big glass of milk. My tongue still feels like it got hit with some coarse sandpaper, hahaha (but in a GOOD way!)

The sauce is fantastic, Ryan. I just wish there was a little more of a time lag in between tasting all the flavors and the heat. It tasted great for a good 2 1/2 seconds before the heat completely took over, haha. I'm guessing that's from the type of pods used (it doesn't say on the label). Delicious sauce, but definitely not for the faint of heart ;)

Thanks again for sharing it with me, man. I really enjoyed it and appreciate it!
Wow, what a review, I really appreciate that Mike. Pretty sure I agree with everything you said especially the three legged ninja kick lmao! Trying my best to keep up with the Original recipe

The peppers were grown in '15, pressure cooked with salt, and then left to age for a couple years. I can't believe I tossed the top before taking a picture but I can tell you, it was something very similar to this... Too many to list on the bottle

Thanks again for the review and kind words bro!

Walchit said:
I'm definitely adding onion garlic and carrot to the next batch I make. Have you ever used carrot unfermented? Im definitely gonna get some ferments going this year.
For sure, I've only fermented a few times in general. There are other sauces in this thread where carrot is smoked or roasted. I suppose you could go raw dog but why not at least roast to bring out some sweetness.

Btw, I would never roast with oil since I wouldn't want that in the final sauce, always roasted raw...or with water if I'm roasting garlic. It'll look ragged coming off the grill or oven if it went in dry but I don't care, I don't want oil in my sauce.
Yeah I read something about garlic and oil and botulism, so I made a mental not not to use oil.

Also I might be sold on xanthum gum, you can really get a lot more sauce on something when it's thick like that. I had planned on trying to avoid using it but idk now.
Walchit said:
Yeah I read something about garlic and oil and botulism, so I made a mental not not to use oil.

Also I might be sold on xanthum gum, you can really get a lot more sauce on something when it's thick like that. I had planned on trying to avoid using it but idk now.
I have some...purchased from our local grocery store in bulk foods dept.
I rarely use.
Be careful with it if you try it....1/4tsp can thicken really fast. use it sparingly.
I always end up with sauces that are thick, sometimes too thick. Of course these are cooked sauces, not ferments, so no brine. Just enough liquid to keep things flowing which may include vinegar to keep pH down. Making a thick sauce is easy, just use more solids (peppers, veggies, fruits, etc) and cook off liquid as needed.

Xanthan gum is best used as an emulsifier, not a thickener.