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Genetikx pepper sauce

These chiles were grown and left to age since 2015. Finally got around to processing today. Have a look friends!





Malarky said:
Love the steam coming off the blender!
How'd it taste? I bet you had a big spoonful
Yes, I use the vitamix soup setting to bring it up to temp. No need for the stove top and the house doesn't get funky.

I did have a big spoonful and also threw it all over last night's pepperoni jalapeno pizza. My completely unbiased review is that the stuff is terrific. First thing I get is a little curry/turmeric, then some sweet from the golden raisin. Next comes the heat, great kick but doesn't kill you and it fades nicely. Final thing I taste is the ginger. Not quite picking up on the carrot or roasted garlic. There's 6 cloves sold amongst those 4 bottles so thought it would come through more. Never made this particular recipe before but would make it again
Here's a smoked yellow brain strain I made a few weeks ago. I'm a fan of smoked pretty much everything, and think this one is a winner.

Started by smoking pineapple, peaches, garlic and ginger for about 2 hours. The peppers do not get smoked

Used tin foil to try and keep things as clean as possible. Many many steaks and ribs have been known to frequent these grates haha

Have never smoked fruit in my life until now. Looks OK to me, smells amazing

Trusty vitamix comes thru again. Was tempted to just throw this in a glass of tequila at this point! And then remembered there's white vinegar and a couple other spices in there too. Next time some will get reserved earlier for libations.

These were both grown and canned in 2015. Sitting around aging ever since. I originally thought both jars would go in, that certainly the sweetness would over power that little jar of brain strains. NOPE! That little jar lit it up pretty good. Guessing 15-20 brain strains, they got pretty big that year.

Nice. Vitamix then brought it back up to 200 degrees before bottling

Have given about half of these away. Thanks for looking folks!
This will be the most mild sauce I'll ever make. THP level 3/10, general public 7/10 on the heat meter. Have never made a 100% fresh sauce until this one. Usually I'll have peppers that have been aged for over a year. Anyhow, here's what happened.

Smoked all the ingredients, which is also the first. I feel smoking ingredients in pepper sauce is like adding bacon to any cooked dish, sort of cheating. You know it'll taste good as long as you smoke it right.

We've got chocolate habanero, golden cayenne, Daisy cutter, some red super hot that escapes me, and a lowly jalapeno, mixed in with garlic that was roasted before being smoked, mango and pineapple.

Vitamix brings it up to temp

Ph is looking solid. This was pretty thick, so i added more red wine vinegar but didn't recheck the ph...

Maybe a little more orange in real life. Taste is pretty good, looking for more heat tho. Might pour these into my next sauce so we can kick up the heat.

Any questions or criticism is much appreciated!
How much vinegar did you put in before you checked the pH? I've never really had a fruit sauce, yours seem like they would be good though! I will also have to google that pH meter too, I need one
Walchit said:
How much vinegar did you put in before you checked the pH? I've never really had a fruit sauce, yours seem like they would be good though! I will also have to google that pH meter too, I need one
Thanks Walchit! This latest one I eye balled the vinegar. For the other sauces above, I pour the mash into the blender, and then fill the mason jar with vinegar, slightly below where the mash was. Maybe add more if it's looking thick. It's all look and feel

I never did add fruit either until i started messing with these ultra hot peppers. You really need to water them down in my opinion.
I've got a good amount of D3monic Goat f1's from last year in the freezer. Needed to use up some blueberries I scooped from the farmers market as well... Really amazing how tasteless the grocery store kind have become.


Deseeded and roasted garlic ready to rip. Ended up adding some carrot at the last second to help thicken.

In the vitamix to pulverize and bring to temp.

Red wine vinegar in here, pH sitting at 3.36

And here's the money shot
Was lucky to acquire a borg 9 yellow plant, among other stuff, from our good friend Justin earlier this year. The plant pumped out some nice pods...


So I made a sauce...


Just added some roasted onion, carrot, garlic, finished with some agave.

Think this one needs to marinade for awhile. Good taste, good tolerable heat, incredible gut bomb. One of the brightest yellow sauces I've made. Thinking I'll go back to using aged (non fermented) chiles in my sauces.