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Giant Pumpkin+veg. GLOG!!!


Well there is the beast... It looks kinda odd but that is due to the seed shell falling off prematurely. It will be fine though. Picked up some more compost and garden soil, so once it has one leaf I will dig a nice hole for it, and get that sucker in the ground. The weather is awesome and it only looks better. Usually we have one last snow in April, it is usually nothing though. Can't wait to see what that thing produces!
socalgardengal said:
Looks good...Good Luck with this one. Buy the dogs some new toys to bribe them with :)
Stinking thing has endless treats and toys at his disposal LOL. "Nope I want that there green thing." I am almost done with the fence so we shouldn't worry about it once I get the boards in place. I am going to protect this one like a lion and his cubs :D
It sure will! Yeah I've had it happen with my seeds many times. Crazy how big the stem gets. When it first came up it was skinny, now the stem is nice and thick. Must be the water intake?
Well the fence is up, most importantly the dog can't get through. So now I get to grow freely!!! Rahe is doing good, I already see a leaf starting to come up. I will put it in the ground shortly. Big moon is doing... ok... still very small but I see new growth coming up from the middle. Someone on the bigpumpkin forum is offering to send me some more big veg seeds. I'm ok with that :D 
The seeds I got from Mike, have started to germinate, I hope to get the cucumbers in a nice spot some where in my yard today.
Well that's all for now...
Nice! Go for it! May as well grow everything big!  I've got giant tomato seeds and giant cabbage.  I'm going to plant the cabbage now because thats a winter grower, I've got a few giant tomatoes on the way but they grow alot slower than pumpkins, and the grubs that eat my chillies also eat my tomatoes, so its harder work with tomatoes.
ThePepperTrent said:
You do? Wow I would love to try those! 
na I dont know exactly, mostly they are all crosses, one was just called Giant red, or something like that and the other was proper seeds with good genetics from a guy over east who got them from some record making tomato in the USA.  He never gave me a name or genetic history.  
Sounds like you are hooked up anyway!
Sure am. We will see what I can get going. My grow list is getting bigger everyday! 
For those curious about the genetics of the pumpkin seeds I have I have a list of links for your enjoyment...
895 Rahe (growing out this year): http://tools.pumpkinfanatic.com/PumpkinsSeedGenetics.php
979 Rahe: http://tools.pumpkinfanatic.com/PumpkinsSeedGenetics.php
823 Rahe: http://tools.pumpkinfanatic.com/PumpkinsSeedGenetics.php
The three others have a great history but weren't posted to that site...
1299.5 Wolf (1480 Wolf x 2009 Wallace)
377Brouillard2014 (2009 Wallace x 1789 Wallace)
626 Wolf (1295 Bailey x 811 Gerhardt)
ThePepperTrent said:
Sure am. We will see what I can get going. My grow list is getting bigger everyday! 
For those curious about the genetics of the pumpkin seeds I have I have a list of links for your enjoyment...
895 Rahe (growing out this year): http://tools.pumpkinfanatic.com/PumpkinsSeedGenetics.php
979 Rahe: http://tools.pumpkinfanatic.com/PumpkinsSeedGenetics.php
823 Rahe: http://tools.pumpkinfanatic.com/PumpkinsSeedGenetics.php
The three others have a great history but weren't posted to that site...
1299.5 Wolf (1480 Wolf x 2009 Wallace)
377Brouillard2014 (2009 Wallace x 1789 Wallace)
626 Wolf (1295 Bailey x 811 Gerhardt)
That looks good! Nice genetics there! I've got some  895 Rahe, 823 Rahe, 978 Geyelin and 427 Geyelin.
Regular Atlantic moving very slowly now, maybe even stopped, approx 43kg/94.6lb



The Rahe coming along well! Getting heavy!   It gets more colour as it gets older, some really nice yellow and a little orange coming from the stem.  Its an odd shape with that blossom end so high, so I havn't been sure about how to measure the circumference properly, usually I go all the way around from stem to blossom end, but if I do that here I dont think the circumference measurement will be accurate.  So I havn't bothered, maybe I'll measure it tonight


thanks! can't stop looking at it! I'm taken by the colour! Its right outside my kitchen window, so I see it while I do dishes.  My entire back yard has been taken over by pumpkin vines
That's awesome. I really do love the color of it, growing super fast too. Love how thick that stem is, hopefully it continues to grow. Beautiful pumpkin with a great genetic history. Still shiny too! I am thinking about starting one of the 823's that is the one he was hoping goes round and orange. It is interesting that the blossom points up like that... Maybe it will fill out? 
There is other methods can can factor in on the shape of a pumpkin. I have seen people grow them in hammocks and other things so it doesn't go flat. A mold will usually burst with the extreme weight and speed of growth. Seed genetics also play a big part. 
ThePepperTrent said:
That's awesome. I really do love the color of it, growing super fast too. Love how thick that stem is, hopefully it continues to grow. Beautiful pumpkin with a great genetic history. Still shiny too! I am thinking about starting one of the 823's that is the one he was hoping goes round and orange. It is interesting that the blossom points up like that... Maybe it will fill out? 
I was hoping it would fill out and even up, but it just doesn't seem to be going that way, seems to be growing evenly keeping the blossom up.  She's and odd pumpkin but still looks good to me! My other atlantic is so light! its almost albino!  There is something special about the coloured ones!
The first two flowers had the blossom up and then after that the rest of the flowers that started growing looked even.  Being hydroponic I think changes things, I can get faster swings in nutrients up and down and temperature is less stable.  Plants grow faster but it can go bad quickly.  Alot of factors!
Ha those square watermelons! not sure if that would work for giant pumpkins!