• Everything other than hot peppers. Questions, discussion, and grow logs. Cannabis grow pics are only allowed when posted from a legal juridstiction.

Giant Pumpkin+veg. GLOG!!!

Going well!  I havn't measured the regular atlantic for a while but it doesn't look any different, once that main vine got injured and the secondary took over, it was never the same.  Even though the secondary shot forward just like the main would have, the leaves look different, like they are deficient, has a yellow colour to it.  
Most of what you can see in this photo is the secondary and you can see where the main is because the leaves are greener.   I know its not a nutrient thing because the Regular atlantic and the Rahe are getting water from the same reservoir.

Looks like an Albino pumpkin

The Rahe!  Still growing, taping at  160inches, 96lb/43.6kg



The Vine taking over my backyard, can hardly move, everything is blocked off. I crawl under the vine to get anywhere now.

ThePepperTrent said:
Very nice buddy! I can't wait until mine vines out. Do you remember how long it takes to vine after the first true leaf?
I'm not sure exacty, I think it might have been about a week, once it starts it crazy, it would be good to do a time lapse on it because you can almost see it move as is.
Thats a good diary the guy has going, its good to be able to learn from someone in your area!  He's got a nice round one blowing up there on the last page, looks like it will be good!
socalgardengal said:
Nice looking plants, both of you. Dave that thing is gonna eat your house soon! What are you feeding it?
I'm pumping dutch master nutrients into it every day!  I've turned the vine away from the house now!!
Super David said:
I'm not sure exacty, I think it might have been about a week, once it starts it crazy, 
Sounds about right. My problem I think is the temps at night. I don't know how I can raise the temps at night, I guess just cover it or something.  The true leaf on my Rahe looks bigger today, I really hope it takes off soon. 
Well I got a shelter made up. Pretty simple actually. A box with a thick towel pinned inside for insulation. 
Remember those giant sunflowers I got from the grower in PHX? Well I threw them in the dirt, been watering them daily as the soil they are in is sandy, took a peek at the seeds and I see roots. So got germination on that! The 823 Rahe I started has a slightly larger/longer point to it which leads me to believe it has germinated. Pictures will be taken tomorrow as I can really see the 895 Rahe growing. Hopefully by then I have some more goodies germinating to show off as well. 
Super David said:
Those first two leaves are getting pretty big!! 
Yes they are! I am amazed at the speed it is growing. Very different than the ones without any genetics behind it. Super surprised and happy it is growing so fast.
Well the freeze was last night. Guess what is the first thing I do this morning? Check the plant! I open up the box and I see this! 


Looks great! :)
I can easily see the difference, the second leaf is bigger and has opened up more!
My Rahe pumpkin has almost caught up to my regular atlantic,  Rahe is 168 inches now which is 111lbs/50.4kg.
And my regular Atlantic apparently has creeped up a bit more and is at 173 inches which is 121lbs/55kg.   And that equals what I grew earlier in the season.
With a bit of luck I think I might break my personal record! Maybe not with the regular atlantic but with the Rahe, its still moving along nicely...not super fast, about 3 inches a day.
Super David said:
I can easily see the difference, the second leaf is bigger and has opened up more!
For sure, it's a great little plant. What a difference genetics make. It's crazy seeing it spit out leaves like that, before the second one was up there is already another coming in. Can't wait until it flowers!!!
3 inches a day is still nuts! Crazy how much they grow. 
Someone on the bigpumpkin forum offered to send me seeds from the current world record tomato. Can't wait for either!
ThePepperTrent said:
For sure, it's a great little plant. What a difference genetics make. It's crazy seeing it spit out leaves like that, before the second one was up there is already another coming in. Can't wait until it flowers!!!
3 inches a day is still nuts! Crazy how much they grow. 
Someone on the bigpumpkin forum offered to send me seeds from the current world record tomato. Can't wait for either!
Ohh nice!! Those would be some great seeds to have!!  I've got a giant tomato growing now and I dont really have anyway of knowing but it looks like I'm closing in on 2lb.  Which isn't anywhere near a record but I'm pretty happy! still growing
Super David said:
Ohh nice!! Those would be some great seeds to have!!  I've got a giant tomato growing now and I dont really have anyway of knowing but it looks like I'm closing in on 2lb.  Which isn't anywhere near a record but I'm pretty happy! still growing
It will be great. The guy that actually holds the current world record tomato is the one sending me the seeds, so straight from the source. It's something crazy like 8 pounds something ounces. Would love to grow that one out as well as ones that so cal sent. Buying a propagation mat today because I have been having horrible germ rates ever since I got rid of my grow light (it provided heat). That will help me tremendously.
Do you know about mega blooms or fused blooms with tomatoes? 