• Everything other than hot peppers. Questions, discussion, and grow logs. Cannabis grow pics are only allowed when posted from a legal juridstiction.

Giant Pumpkin+veg. GLOG!!!

Thanks! Yes for the moment its a healthy vine.  Not sure how long it will last though, got some stormy weather coming up.
More of the vine.  The Rahe Vine


This is the open pollinated Rahe, I really didn't have much hope for this one, but it just keeps getting bigger.

This the the one I pollinated on the 9th, its laying down now and its put on a little size, healthier looking shape than the open pollinated.
About 2 months now I think.
Not alot of movement on the regular atlantic pumpkin, seems to have slowed down.  Maybe even stopped by the looks of it today
Looking good there! Nice Patch!  They are going to take off now!
I hope so. Night temps are still in the 40's maybe even lower. I am thinking they will vine soon. All the signs are there and there are flower buds... we shall see in the next week or so. On a different note. I am getting my Rahe and Wallace seeds today!
Yes it would help, I have laid down black plastic to warm the soil and I have them covered with blankets at night. Supposed to rain tonight think I may lay out a tarp.

Got the seeds from Ron Rahe and Richard. I will say it now, pumpkin people really can hook someone up. Ron Rahe sent me his whole Rahe collection. I only asked for one. Richard sent me pepper seeds along with three other types of pumpkin from the Wallace lineup. Here are the pics, this is freaking awesome...


Room full of pumpkins!

I'm a bit relieved that my atlantic has put on five inches today.  I thought it had stopped, so thats hopeful.
The Open pollinated Rahe is still growing.

The hand pollinated Rahe seems to have some damage on the stem,  either something has bored in or something took a bite out of it.  I'll put some sulfur on it to avoid infection.
Looking good. Kinda does look like something wanted a salad...
Well I'm going to be soaking my 979 Rahe. Don't know where I will put it though. Oh well I'll figure it out :)
No kidding, he sure is awesome. He even typed up instructions and a family tree for the Rahe pumpkins. Now when I get curious I can look to the tree and see what people are talking about. Neat stuff, and boy I have never seen seeds this big lol.
If you want pumpkins then yes, hand pollinate. There is many ways to do it but the easiest and best way is to locate the female flower (one with the little pumpkin at the base of the flower) and the male, long stem with no pumpkin. Cut the male flower off once both male and female have bloomed, peel the petals off the male. Rub the male stamen inside the female making sure to get the pollen everywhere. You can even pollinate with more than one male. Maybe David can make a vid?
Yeah I'll see what I can do, I usually pollinate mine at about 4 - 5 am so they are just opening, same theory applies.  I grab at least two male flowers and I cut a ring around the base of the petals and pull that off and then trim that down.  I make it nice and thin so I can get down the sides of the female flower without damaging it.  When I'm doing it, the flowers aren't 100% open so I have to be a little more careful.  Its best to pollinate early morning before the heat of the day comes. The polin doesn't stay viable for very long.  I'll try and make a vid but I dont think I have females right now, and we have some stormy weather
I'm not sure if the photo does it justice but the open pollinated Rahe is blowing up!  Its an odd shape with the blossom end pointing upward, but maybe it will even out as the top part grows.
I dont think I'll make a video of pollination, I dont have anyone to hold the camera and its dark, but I might do a photo sequence.
Rahe looking mighty fine. The pictures of Ron's have the blossom end right in the middle so IDK... It does have good orange and round genetics so hopefully it goes well... 
yeah I dont know either!
the hand pollinated Rahe is getting bigger and has a better shape, I'm not sure if I should try growing two since I'm running out of sunlight.  I might have to cull one to get one the biggest i can get with the lack of sun.
Just grow it out and see what happens man! 
I put my 979 Rahe seed in my seed tray yesterday, so for the record I started it on 3/13/15. We will see how long it takes to germ. I will pick up some more compost and put the seedling in the ground as there is 0 chance for snow and 80F weather. 