• Everything other than hot peppers. Questions, discussion, and grow logs. Cannabis grow pics are only allowed when posted from a legal juridstiction.

Giant Pumpkin+veg. GLOG!!!

This is the Male Flower

I cut it around the base, all the way around

And trim it so I end up with this.

This is the Female flower, its a tad early but you can still pollinate when its only this much opened up, another hour would be ideal, it was 5 am when I took this. I've had success pollinating flowers when they are only opened up this much.

The Yellow part in the middle is what you need to get the pollen from the male flower onto.

 Cut up a few male flowers if you have them and gently rub the pollen on, cover as much of it as you can.

In the beginning you may only have one male flower, if you are unlucky enough you may not even have a male flower ready at the same time as the female.  Thats why I like to have more than one vine, you only get one shot to pollinate the female flower, they are only good for one day, and the pollen in the male flowers are really only good for one morning.  If its too hot they dont often pollinate, some people use styrofoam boxes with ice packs next to females flowers to cover them and keep them cool after pollination.

ThePepperTrent said:
That didn't take long at all!
yeah that was quick! Pumpkins sprout so quickly compared to chilies!!
For sure, Christine (socal) did something different than I did. Mine sprouted fast as well but she actually cracked the seed shell on the sides. I imagine more water would get in thus faster germ time.
Dumb dog ate my Atlantic plant and a leaf off of the Big moon plant. So now I have to start that over :( . That or just live with it and put the Rahe in it's place. All that work for nothing...
ThePepperTrent said:
Dumb dog ate my Atlantic plant and a leaf off of the Big moon plant. So now I have to start that over :( . That or just live with it and put the Rahe in it's place. All that work for nothing...
Ate it!!! That sucks! You might have to make a bit of a fence around it!
bugger! thats no good! Try dog poo and other things your dog doesn't like in the pumpkin patch to stop him wanting to get in there.  My dogs seem to be avoiding the Sugar cane I put in after I put my coffee grinds around it.  Before that they dug up one of my pumpkins, and tried digging up my tomato instead of the sugar cane which had coffee grinds.
I know how you feel! You got to protect the pumpkins!  I was ready to crack some heads when I found a football in my backyard from my neighbours.  Luckily it only snapped up one of my chili plants and not my pumpkin.  I've still got the football
Another sad thing is the neighbor is my cousin! That dog man... Anyways I still got a 979 Rahe in a paper towel and an Atlantic. We'll see how it goes... 
Can't crack that type of head!  Family first, then pumpkins.  Once it gets big enough the pumpkins are pretty tough, the biggest enemy after dogs is powdery mildew. Its probably the manure/compost attracting the dog, that should ease up as it ages.  More wood steaks and chicken wire should help keep it out.  I'm sure there is a commercial option for keeping dogs away.
Yeah it's been trying to get at the plants since they were in pots. I have no idea why but you tell him no and he runs off, then a second later is back trying to get at them. He's dingy like his dad. Nice dog though... I'm going to try to figure out where this fence is going to be put up and where to put the posts. Then I'm going to put it up today, that's my project. BTW how long did it take for your Rahe to germ?
I'm not 100% sure but the Rahe vine is about 2 months old right now, the first pumpkin didnt take and I cut off the second female flower.
This is the third and its the open pollinated one.  Its really taking off now and I think it has been 9 days since pollination.
Looks good, kinda funky but good! Just curious as to when because I wanna have a general idea of what to expect. I am thinking it will germ soon. They never take that long. 
ThePepperTrent said:
Looks good, kinda funky but good! Just curious as to when because I wanna have a general idea of what to expect. I am thinking it will germ soon. They never take that long. 
funky for sure! but I'll stick with it!  The sooner you can get some sun on it with alot of nutrients the better! these plants are hungry