• Everything other than hot peppers. Questions, discussion, and grow logs. Cannabis grow pics are only allowed when posted from a legal juridstiction.

Giant Pumpkin+veg. GLOG!!!

I thought about that when I started planting them. The two on the right should grow towards an empty space in my yard. The one on the left I got careless. I'll see what it does and guide it if I have to.
A couple years ago I had a white pumpkin plant grow over the fence into the neighbor's yard. I told them they could keep any pumpkins that grew on their side. Only one grew and it was on my side of the fence.
I cut the regular atlantic off the vine today!  The vine was tired and the pumpkin wasn't growing and I've been wanting a bit more room in the backyard for the dogs.
Weighed in heavier than I thought it was going to! I was expecting between  50 and 60kg, turned out to be 67kg!




makes me even more excited about the Rahe, because if the regular measures at 60kg but comes out at 67kg that means the Rahe might be over 80kg instead of the 73kg that it measured yesterday.  The Rahe looks much heavier!
I would like to see you try to lift that Rahe like the Atlantic :P 
Love the color of the Rahe so far. Looks like the genetics came through. I know some times it doesn't, but glad it did for you.
My sunflower patch is showing signs of growth in the form of tiny little seedlings that popped yesterday. Still waiting on my maters and such, had success germinating a Paul Robeson tomato so there is hope with my germination mat. 
My 895 Rahe is getting bigger by the day and I have upped the feeding a tad to compensate for the growth. Those tendril/flower bud things in the middle are much larger so I am just getting ready for it to vine any day. Tomorrow is going to freeze again so I have to cover it.
Remember that bend in the leaf stem? It fixed itself, so I am really surprised at it's hardiness and won't try to baby it as much LOL.
ThePepperTrent said:
I would like to see you try to lift that Rahe like the Atlantic :P
Love the color of the Rahe so far. Looks like the genetics came through. I know some times it doesn't, but glad it did for you.
My sunflower patch is showing signs of growth in the form of tiny little seedlings that popped yesterday. Still waiting on my maters and such, had success germinating a Paul Robeson tomato so there is hope with my germination mat. 
My 895 Rahe is getting bigger by the day and I have upped the feeding a tad to compensate for the growth. Those tendril/flower bud things in the middle are much larger so I am just getting ready for it to vine any day. Tomorrow is going to freeze again so I have to cover it.
Remember that bend in the leaf stem? It fixed itself, so I am really surprised at it's hardiness and won't try to baby it as much LOL.
and the Rahe is still growing! I'm pretty sure I can't lift the Rahe as is!  Now that the sun isn't very harsh I'm leaving it uncovered during the day when I know its not going to rain, so it will develop the colours, the front and back of the pumpkin have a much brighter orange as it catches the morning and afternoon sun.
good idea to up the feeding!  Once they start vining they will chew up massive amounts of nutrients. 
Yes these plants are actually fairly tough, the only things I've seen mess them up is
very very hot days, leaves can actually burn.
 Massive over feeding, my ec meter was reading wayyyy lower than it should have been which means the nutrient strength I was feeding  my pumpkins was way higher than it should have been, it was actually at 3.7 when I thought it was  2.2, may not seem like much but in the hydroponic world that is massive.  That causes pumpkins skin to crack everywhere and weep juice and abort, and makes vine tips terminate. (its a shame I didnt figure this out earlier this season)
and Powdery mildew, come up with a plan to control the powdery mildew, get on top of it before it takes over, it will almost definitely come and it will kill off your leaves fairly quickly once it takes hold.
With my big moon and Atlantic my problem was leaf burn, it was pretty bad ended up cutting off leaves because they were fried to a crisp. Thankfully I found a way to filter the light. 
Yeah I have a plan for powdery mildew, I found a nice mix with milk. I don't know why it works but it does. I have never had a problem with mildew where I live though. I still won't risk it with my Rahe. Do you have a different way of controlling it? I know once it sets in you can't really get rid of it totally.
I used milk and water originally, which didnt stop it but did seem to slow it down.  Then I went onto a commercial fungicide ..mancozeb and sulfur, which slowed it down even more, but it still slowly creeps in.  I believe systemic fungicides work better but aren't good if you plan on eating what you grow.  The only thing I've read that actually kills it once its set in is potassium bicarbonate.  I havn't seen any products around here with that in it though.
When the leaves are young they'll faint and burn in the sun, but once they get big and hardened up it takes a  really hot day to burn them.
I think I will stick to milk LOL. Milk won't kill me if I breath it in haha. Thanks for the tips!
Changing the subject slightly...
Well I saw this really cool idea on youtube for watermelons I wonder if there is truth to it or not, seems though, that the bag would not allow the deep tap root to go far, unless it really pushed itself it may break through the bag IDK. I might try this since I want some watermelons this year and my local nursery sells plants. Here is the vid:
BTW I forgot to ask... What are you going to do with the Atlantic? 
Now that you've harvested, whats next for that pumpkin? Last October, I bought a 25 pound pumpkin and was able to make enough pies to get through the winter. I might still have one in the freezer.
I'll chop it up and get seeds, then I'll give the rest to my Mum and sister, they can try and make stuff with it.  If its no good it will probably go on mums worm farm
Probably not, I'll use what Ron sent me, I've got alot of people lined up for seeds so I'll probably be sharing my regular atlantic seeds around and the seeds i get from the Rahe pumpkin
I went outside today to check on my Rahe. I noticed something very surprising...
Down towards the middle, in a very odd place for a leaf to be starting, underneath the second leaf, there is a little leaf starting!
Does this mean it will vine soon? 
I hope so. The little flower buds and tendrils are getting larger as well. It is neat seeing this odd growth, I hope this means it will vine!!! 
Arizona weather is so fickle sometimes. We usually have a last frost in April but I had thought it past already. Through Friday it is supposed to be like this.
Here are some pics from this morning. In the second picture I tried showing the growth in the middle. There is like 5 leaves all starting in a cluster kinda cool...


In the first picture you can see how big the plant is compared to the crate, gunna need a new cover for it lol.