• Everything other than hot peppers. Questions, discussion, and grow logs. Cannabis grow pics are only allowed when posted from a legal juridstiction.

Giant Pumpkin+veg. GLOG!!!

Bloody green caterpillar chewed on my pumpkin while I was at work!!!!  Only a small hole, I've put sulfur powder on it, should heal up just fine.

Just measured it, its 201 inches 186lbs/84.5kg!  It weighs more than me!


Fast approach on 200 man. Congrats!
Where do you get sulfur powder?
Still got that slightly odd shape to it, Wonder if it will go round like the 823 or not... Very pretty kin, grow em big!
Yes its still a bit odd, but it is filling out on top a little.  Under the blossom end is starting to grow out too though, so I think its always going to be a bit odd.
I got the sulfur powder from my local hardware/gardening shop, Bunnings.  Should be readily available out your way, seems very popular on the Big Pumpkin forum.  Sulfur isn't the only option though, I've even read about guys using diluted mixes of water and bleach as an anti bacterial.  Personally I dont have the balls for that, if my pumpkin died because I got that wrong.........
Yeah no thanks. LOL
Wonder if Home Depot would have it? The only other place I could think of around my area is the nursery down the road, kinda like a hole in the wall though. Too bad we don't have a hydro store here, sure they would have it. Should really think about that type of stuff because it is getting close to where I would want it haha. I want to get some stakes to train the vine a bit. 
Ugh time for a list...


Update on my giant sunflowers, little things are doing fantastic. I don't know if and when you fertilize, so I am just going to guess yes and soon. Here they are...



One is in a pot for now since I thought it was dying, it has recovered and will be transplanted.
Rahe has officially outgrown it's crate!!!

I swear that third leaf was half the size yesterday. Getting huge and all that stuff in the middle is clumping together. Hopefully a picture in a few weeks will show it vine.


I see little white dots and I think it's sunscald. I don't know how to shade the sun, any ideas? AZ sun is different than the rest of the world it seems...
That looks fine!  I dont think that will damage it, when its scalded you'll know for sure, by the next day it will be shrivelled up and dead.
Thats going to pop any day now!  Lots of food and water!! Its go time now  
I have upped the feeding once again today. I nearly have to water it twice a day to 1) it takes up all the water I give it. and 2) AZ weather is so dry and windy that you have to water more than you would otherwise. I am super excited!!! You should see the size of the "stump", I am thinking it's at least an inch if not two inches thick.
To all people growing these or are thinking about it, find something with genetics, you will really know the difference... 
Finally got the second sunflower planted, I will use that one for seeds and the other one for the family to enjoy. 
Opened up the mail to find more giant maters and tons more giant watermelons! I sent someone a bubble of pepper seeds a couple weeks ago, they were looking for hot peppers and big bells. Didn't ask for any of it so that was very kind of them. Bigpumpkin.com has some great people I tell ya, right up there with THP.  
Here is mine a little over a week after going in the ground. There is a bit of growth at the base and should start to vine soon. It has been getting rain every other day, so I have not had to do anything since planting it. There is a high risk of severe thunderstorms this afternoon.
Got the tomato weighed up!  1.248kg, which is 2.7lbs.  I'm pretty happy with that! Not bad for a first effort and it was cut short from grubs that chewed it out!




Beautiful! I would be happy to take some seeds off your hands :P
I would also like to take this time to brag about my weather coming up next week. 
Yes no worries! I'm going to try and leave it a little while, see if I can get it more ripe before I chop it up for seeds.  Might try and see what it tastes like
Haha awesome. Let me know when you got it chopped... I was watching a video earlier of one of the giant growers and he says he throws his giant tomato seeds in a warm cup of water for 4-5 days and you get germination within that time. I am trying that, I have no idea what I am doing wrong because none of my tomatoes have germed, neither has my cucumbers, peppers or anything else I have started. I don't know what is wrong. I will try this method and any other I run across hoping for the best. 
I decided to spend some quality time with my Rahe, yes I even talked to it. Leave me alone. :P
Anyways I got the bright idea to compare pictures of other peoples young pumpkin plants on the bigpumpkins.com. Well as of 4/21/15 I am pleased to announce 895 Rahe has started to vine. It is seriously days away from laying down and exploding. I thought it would be a little longer than days away, nope now is it's time. You won't be hearing from me much LOL. I tried to take a picture of it but it's too dark right now. Next picture of the kin will be when the vine gets a bit bigger. 
I will continue to post other pictures as they happen. 
Here's one from a couple years ago at a state fair in my home state. Good luck guys. It's crazy watching them move theses monsters!
Valleyman said:
Here's one from a couple years ago at a state fair in my home state. Good luck guys. It's crazy watching them move theses monsters!
I have seeds from that same pumpkin! That pumpkin has since been beaten by the 2323.7 Meier:
ThePepperTrent said:
Haha awesome. Let me know when you got it chopped... I was watching a video earlier of one of the giant growers and he says he throws his giant tomato seeds in a warm cup of water for 4-5 days and you get germination within that time. I am trying that, I have no idea what I am doing wrong because none of my tomatoes have germed, neither has my cucumbers, peppers or anything else I have started. I don't know what is wrong. I will try this method and any other I run across hoping for the best. 
I decided to spend some quality time with my Rahe, yes I even talked to it. Leave me alone. :P
My tomatoes all sprouted very easily, I had mine in wet rockwool in a take away container.  They were pretty fast too!
yeah dont worry! I talk to my pumpkins all the time!