• Everything other than hot peppers. Questions, discussion, and grow logs. Cannabis grow pics are only allowed when posted from a legal juridstiction.

Giant Pumpkin+veg. GLOG!!!

24 hours later, I have tendrils.
Since the Dill's is a maxima, I'll try using it's pollen on the Jumbo Pink Banana. Last year I realized the pink bananas make a better pie. It will be interesting to see what some big genetics will do to it.
RobbieWT said:
24 hours later, I have tendrils.
Since the Dill's is a maxima, I'll try using it's pollen on the Jumbo Pink Banana. Last year I realized the pink bananas make a better pie. It will be interesting to see what some big genetics will do to it.
Seems like overnight doesn't it? I have heard of people accidentally crossing squash with giant pumpkins it either makes for a really small kin or does nothing to either. I am interested to see what happens! Hey maybe you will get a giant pink kin lol. Keep us posted, I probably won't post a picture until my Rahe gets bigger. 
Some idiot threw a boomerang at my Pumpkin!  Came home from work and found a boomerang in my lounge room!  The dog must have found it outside and was chewing on it.  Uncovered the pumpkin today and its got a gash in it!
I dont think it was an accident!  That pisses me off

I've put some sulfur on it, hopefully that stops it rotting.
Man that sucks a bunch!!! How strange too! People just don't have respect for others anymore...

Hate to poke fun at your misfortune, but...

At least you can say you had a boomerang lodged in your pumpkin?

Who in the world can say that? LOL

I hope it pulls through. Did it cut through the flesh?
Its cut into the flesh but not through it, the walls are too thick for that, luckily I had two towls over it.  Looks like I'll need to put more protection on it.  I'm going to put some rubber matting on it before I go to work.

crap found another little hole in it, this one actually looks like its from a rat.   Not sure how much longer I'm going to have this pumpkin!
Plant update time! I said I wouldn't show the Rahe for a while but I couldn't help it lots happening in this short time...

First up tomatoes!
On the left we have the 2.87 Knox, on the right we have the 8.41 MacCoy. Next picture is the 4.5 evans



Next up is the 190.5 Weston watermelon. This is a 3 year old seed this one is very weak I may cull it since I have back ups. Took weeks to germinate.

Next this monster! Giant sunflower, I only have one now the others died. About a foot tall (30cm)

895 Rahe


I have to turn the camera just to fit the whole leaf into the picture.
Measurements are 1ft x 1ft. 30cm x 30cm
Yup! It seems to get a bit taller everyday. I take pictures daily, of course they don't all make it on the posts, but I get to see the growth. When I look at the plant it doesn't look like it's doing anything but you look at the pictures and you can see it even it is gradual.  I don't know when the vine lays down,  when did yours do so? 
It has been four days since I last posted a picture. A lot of growth since then.
Dill's Atlantic on the right. Other two are Jumbo Pink Banana.

Dill's vine. The top half of the picture grew in the last three days. Auto-focus had a little trouble with this angle.

The weather reports are saying that we may get some of tropical storm Ana's outer bands near the end of the weekend. I don't expect it to get too bad here. Maybe some rain and a little wind.
Looking awesome Robbie! Great looking soil too my friend... Wish mine was as good, probably why everything is slow. That and the daily cold night temps have an impact. Oh well I work with what I can..
What are the night temps in Bowie?
This week the nights were between 55 and 61, the days were between 79 and 85. But that is about 10 degrees above average.
The soil is a product called Leafgro. It is composted leaves and grass clipping produced by the state. I also mixed in some rock dust.
There ya go! The night  temps really effect the growth that is why it has basically blown up. Night temps here... 30-40
Yeah I see a problem. Don't worry though summer night temps will be well into the 60's in AZ. I shall catch up! muahaha
Checked my Rahe and it has a bit of freeze damage. It should be okay, but will continue to keep an eye on it. If it freezes another couple days I fear the plant will not make it.
Yeah I had but I guess I didn't well enough because the cover was blown off. I think I will just keep it covered until I know for sure it won't freeze at night. Strange weather this year. A very wet and cold spring for sure. It's usually getting up there in the 80's. We have yet to breach that...
Just would like to show the vine... It is about 1ft/30cm long. The pieces of wood are to train the vine. It was going the exact opposite the way I wanted it to go. I know I put the plant in right, oh well. Here she is...