• Everything other than hot peppers. Questions, discussion, and grow logs. Cannabis grow pics are only allowed when posted from a legal juridstiction.

Giant Pumpkin+veg. GLOG!!!

Super David said:
Thats looking good!!! Its all happening now! Got plans to bury the vine?
 Probably, I will wait for a while though. I guess wherever I see the roots coming out I will go ahead and bury it. I don't think I will bury the whole vine like some people do, I feel like something bad will happen lol. But I sure want to maximize my chances, I will see as things happen though. It all is growing so fast, just waiting for the vine to touch the ground.  :dance:
BTW how is your tomato ripening coming along? 
Is your pumpkin doing OK?
You wont see roots come out unless you bury it, only a white nub will come out, once that gets wet and stays wet it will turn into roots.  
The tomato ripened up, maybe a bit much.  There was alot of damage inside from the grubs. 
There were a few good bits to eat, I'm not much of a tomato person so the flavour was lost on me, but mum said it reminded her of tomatoes from her childhood.  The store bought tomatoes now dont have much flavour.
Oh interesting. To be honest I didn't expect it to have much flavor. Just seems like it would taste like those old pink tomatoes you get at the store. Plain not much flavor... I am not much of a tomato person, I know some people's can taste the different flavors, me, I just taste tomato lol.

Any tips for getting rid of those grubs? We get them here but they come sorta late into the season for a very short period, but always hear neighbors complain about them.

Speaking of tomatoes all 3 of my plants have their true leaves, one actually has a mutant leaf, which makes it look even cooler. Can't wait until they are big enough to produce.
No one in Western Australia is having much luck with the grubs, they are hear all season long and nothing seems to kill them.  I've heard some people have been using a product called success and that it might be working, but I havn't tried it myself.
Hmm I may start looking into those sorts of thing soon. I also want to get a good organic fertilizer for my peppers, sounds like I need to make a trip into town! On that note, I got my plants from CCN today, they arrived healthy and look fantastic, nice size on them, already have little buds. I ordered 1 Devil's Tongue, 1 Bhut Jolokia Assam, 2 Peach Bhut Jolokia and 2 Chocolate Habs for my dad. Can't wait, here are the pics!

Opening the box of awesome...


Dad's habs, he is pretty excited...


Giving them rest from the cross country journey...

I found a small split on the vine. I guess it was either the temperature or the wind that did it. On Tuesday it got up to 90 and by Wednesday morning it was 43. There was gusty wind most of the day on Wednesday. I'm not too worried, I've seen squash plants recover from worse.
Well today is the first day I am able to properly harden off the pepper plants and giant tomatoes, weather has been almost like monsoon storms, and I have been out of town which is why I couldn't get anything done. Here are the plants...


Tomatoes are getting big but I have kind of neglected them. They seemed to have not cared much they still are growing like crazy. My 4.5 Evans plant has strange mutated leaves which is any awesome sign! :)
I sure hope LOL.
Still gets kind of cold at night but the temperatures aren't fluctuating like they were last week and the week before. More steady now, feels almost tropical outside. I like it! 
Rahe putting on any more weight?
My pumpkins are taking over. The last two weeks have been very dry and my rain barrel was almost empty. Luckily we got a thunderstorm on Saturday and two more today. Now there is a thick wall of humidity out there.
Here is the unruly patch.

There are a half dozen female buds forming.

Very tiny Pink Banana.

I think flowers may start blooming in a week or two. I'll be out of town for a little while, I hope I don't miss anything.
Well depending on what you want to do, or how big you want to go. I would wait on pollinating anything too close to the stump. Farther away from the stump the bigger the kin. If all else fails you can fry up some pumpkin petals or eat them with salad mmm-mmm-mmm. That plant looks amazing! 
Na the Rahe is pretty much done, the storms killed almost all of the leaves on the vine, I've probably only got a couple of meters of leaves and they are a bit messed up too.  I'll wait for that to die off completly and then I'll take the pumpkin off the vine.
That vine is looking very good! Very healthy!  Yes further up the vine the better for pollinating flowers.  But at the same time, it could be risky to put all your eggs in one basket.
Super David said:
Na the Rahe is pretty much done, the storms killed almost all of the leaves on the vine, I've probably only got a couple of meters of leaves and they are a bit messed up too.  I'll wait for that to die off completly and then I'll take the pumpkin off the vine.
That sucks. Well at least you beat your personal record! 
Yes I'm happy about that! I even beat it with the small pumpkin I grew!  I'm looking forward to weighing the Rahe and clearing my backyard for a while! 
I chopped up the 67kg pumpkin a couple of days ago, people say they are inedible but I disagree!  We roasted some with olive oil, salt and pepper and it was really nice!  
You have to have it in your mind that its more like a squash than a pumpkin.  It doesn't have a strong pumpkin taste and the flesh goes a bit softer if you over cook it but it is still very much edible.  So much so that I'm having second thoughts about making a canoe out of the Rahe.  I may just keep it for eating.
Not all the seeds were mature, I threw most of them out, still got a few keepers.






That sounds good. Mom always made roasted squash with rosemary and a bit of garlic with olive oil. It sounds like I may try eating my kin too. I must say though, those are some thick walls on that little pumpkin. How cool!

They probably don't advise eating the 2000+ pounders LOL
I am sure it's a monster!
Well here is what the weather will be doing in the next week or so...

Looking more like Northern Arizona weather to me! This year has been the record coldest and wettest here in North AZ, average temps thus far have only been 68F (20C) with average night temps 40F (4.4C). Which is 7.5 degrees lower than the 117-year average. Which means my town hasn't seen this weather during May since 1898! My little ol town was only 50 years old at the time! 
But things do seem to be getting warmer. June temps average 88-95, seems to be jumping there. Anyways that was my little history lesson for the day. Bring on the warm weather!
Post hog time again.

This time I am doing a little experiment...

I am try to root this cherry tomato and aloe vera it a bottle of water and tiny bit of kelp. Will keep everyone posted on the progress, may try to do some sort of hydroponics with the tomato. Aloe grows wild here in AZ so no point in doing anything special. Just helpful and beautiful plants!



Plants were photobombed by the barrel of a 303 British. Lol :P