beer =[ GM's 1st 16x Batches, and/or 10 mo. Brewing ]=

Well the recipe I'm using is supposedly a Ten Fidy clone. Wheebz looked at the recipe and thought it looked good minus a hop addition. I prefaced by saying I didn't care if it cloned Ten Fidy. I just wanted a good recipe. So I'm pretty anxious to try it and see how it turns out.

I agree with the article in that there a bunch of imperial stouts that aren't very good. For me it's usually that they are too sweet. That's why Founders has my favorite. It really is balanced. It has just enough sweetness and still has 90 IBUs. Fidy is also really good too, and balanced. I'm going to have to find that Darkness in the article.
Ozzy2001 said:
Well the recipe I'm using is supposedly a Ten Fidy clone. Wheebz looked at the recipe and thought it looked good minus a hop addition. I prefaced by saying I didn't care if it cloned Ten Fidy. I just wanted a good recipe. So I'm pretty anxious to try it and see how it turns out.
None of my homebrew, or any other beer that I've had, tastes anything like Ten Fidy ...
I bought something that's en route that I plan to use in a stout in the next months to take a crack at something Ten Fidy'ish, but it's a hopeful shot in the dark, at best ...
Ozzy2001 said:
I agree with the article in that there a bunch of imperial stouts that aren't very good. For me it's usually that they are too sweet. That's why Founders has my favorite. It really is balanced. It has just enough sweetness and still has 90 IBUs. Fidy is also really good too, and balanced. I'm going to have to find that Darkness in the article.
I won't open my Founders Imperial bottle until I have some port in the house ...
After my last, I swore that it would be excellent w/ some port ...
Wheebz agreed, mentioning that he used to do that w/ Old Rasputin ...
Just need the bottle of port ...
I had cerviche once. I probably should try it again as I like all the components. The texture on yours...firm or mushy?

No to eggs unless they are scrambled or used as an ingredient.
tctenten said:
I had cerviche once. I probably should try it again as I like all the components. The texture on yours...firm or mushy?

No to eggs unless they are scrambled or used as an ingredient.
firm ... shrimp has a tiny but of a rubbery quality, but nothing too offensive ... and i'm a VERY timid seafood eater ...
the fish wasn't remotely mushy until the last serving, which was at the 7-8 hr mark ...
i will make it in smaller serving sizes going forward, because it was more filling than i anticipated, and a serving or two is a more a appropriate case than all-day ceviche ...
i'll def be making more ...
ps - when you get the egg nailed (sous vide makes it easy), the yolk tastes like the best cheese in the world ...
tctenten said:
Maybe I will try it.

I just do not like eggs. Texture, smell etc. I probably eat eggs less than 5 times a year. Omelet or breakfast sammie only.
me too, man ... me too ...
i would not anything except for scsrmabled hard, or a fully-cooked fried egg with a lot of S&P ...
the problem, like most things, are the collection of experiences we accumulate at the hand's of people who don't prepare them well, i'm afraid ...
mishandling eggs brings out all of that nasty sulfur ...

eggs are also contextually gross ... what they are etc ...
I'm not going to do it, but I'm confessing my wont to biggie-size Wheebz recipe here and now ...
I'm going to brew this beer ... it's going to be tasty ... and then I'm going to want to brew a 22-25P version ...