beer =[ GM's 1st 16x Batches, and/or 10 mo. Brewing ]=

Ozzy2001 said:
Imperial GM
Biggie Boy like Biggie Beer ...
I've realized that I just enjoy the complexity that high alcohol brings ...
I like the notes from alcohol, and rarely complain about the perceived hotness that seems to turn other people off ...
Maybe it's because I was always a shot shooter, and never a mixed-drink guy ...
Yeah, I'm not a shot guy at all. I do like straight bourbon, but that's it. Although the only beer I've ever not cared for due to boozyness was that St. Bernadus 12.
I've drank enough water beer (Bud Light) that I don't mind lighter beers as long as they have taste. Although, if I go to a ball game I will choose Bud over Bud Light. The only time I will get Bud Light these days, is if I'm doing something that I may drink all day. Like a float trip, or golf trip.
I've always like beer. I believe it's due to my construction roots. When it's nice out we will grab some beer and drink a few and shoot the shit after work. Even in college I mostly drank beer. If. Did drink a mixer it was run and Coke or vodka red bull. But that wasn't often.
Ozzy2001 said:
I've always like beer. I believe it's due to my construction roots. When it's nice out we will grab some beer and drink a few and shoot the shit after work. Even in college I mostly drank beer. If. Did drink a mixer it was run and Coke or vodka red bull. But that wasn't often.
Ditto here. My first real job was cutting grass at a golf course and the head greenskeeper liked his budweiser. It has always been beer for me.
tctenten said:
Ditto here. My first real job was cutting grass at a golf course and the head greenskeeper liked his budweiser. It has always been beer for me.
I like potato vodka, agave tequila, and now small-batch rum ...
It just occurred to me that I'll need to setup for milling for Saturday ...
I haven't assembled the MM3, and don't have a 5g bucket, so I'll have to see if I have something else that'll work well, or run out to Ace H. and grab a couple of buckets etc ...
I guess I'll have to figure out how to gap it and shit, too, I'm figuring ...
Credit card gap
So you know, when you kill it makes way more dust than you would think. Enough that it will cover surfaces. May want to do it outside so Danielle doesn't kill you.
grantmichaels said:
None of my homebrew, or any other beer that I've had, tastes anything like Ten Fidy ...
I bought something that's en route that I plan to use in a stout in the next months to take a crack at something Ten Fidy'ish, but it's a hopeful shot in the dark, at best ...

I won't open my Founders Imperial bottle until I have some port in the house ...
After my last, I swore that it would be excellent w/ some port ...
Wheebz agreed, mentioning that he used to do that w/ Old Rasputin ...
Just need the bottle of port ...
Sandeman Founders Reserve, excellent Porto! Love having a glass with a really rich and decadent Chocolate cake. Walmart used to have a really great chocolate cake that was even more awesome with the Sandeman :)
Ozzy2001 said:
I really like Merlot and Cabs. But nothing too sweet. So I'm not sure I would be a fan of port wine.
Port is a bit sweet, you just need to match it to something, like the Chocolate so that it pairs up nicely and you don't get such a sense of the sweetness. That's why I think Grant is onto something with the Stout and the Port.
RocketMan said:
Sandeman Founders Reserve, excellent Porto! Love having a glass with a really rich and decadent Chocolate cake. Walmart used to have a really great chocolate cake that was even more awesome with the Sandeman :)
Port is a bit sweet, you just need to match it to something, like the Chocolate so that it pairs up nicely and you don't get such a sense of the sweetness. That's why I think Grant is onto something with the Stout and the Port.
It's far from an original idea of my own, as I think it's pretty well-known, and I think Wheebz has already mentioned liking Old Rasputin and port ...
That said, I really get those notes from the Founders Imperial in particular, and I would most like to try it using that beer, first ...
I'll see if I can't find your rec ...
RocketMan said:
Find the ratio of port to stout and you could figure out how much to add to the bottling bucket/keg and have it premixed.
Having a lot of fun turning beer into multiple beer-based beverages, here lately ...
I use the last third, or quarter, of the beer usually ... worst case, I dump it ... best case, I find something tasty ...