beer =[ GM's 1st 16x Batches, and/or 10 mo. Brewing ]=

sometimes i sit at my desk for three hours and extract one billable hour from it ... most afternoon's of late around here, actually ... lol.
Bumper said:
Nice work Grant, can't wait to see it in action!
Me too. I need to do a slightly better job of tightening the weld-less ball-valve/spigot to the pot still, and I'm waiting for verification that it's OK that the bazooka is in contact w/ the heating element ...
Other than that, I will check it for being watertight, and then figure out the Auber and boil some water etc etc ...
I have three beers to brew where I won't have any input in the recipe ...
and the third is the jalapeno saison, although I'm not using any jalapeno in mine, or using their yeast packet (i'm going to use a little orange zest and pitch a yeast vial from my own supply instead) ...
So ... I figure I'll have the freezer's programmed under PID control and will have ran liquid through the build by the end of this weekend, and then it's all just brewing for a while ...
After the kits, I have another 15 lbs of pilsner and loads of saison yeast options ... so I'll probably get some saisons going on some room temp fermentations, and then start getting into the cold-fermentation varieties ...
Happy to get back to brewing now!

JoynersHotPeppers said:
You are a busy man!
This is going to be a tough one ... I've got a full load back at work this week, I'm approaching it from the weeds, and I'm going for a slider TD entry and a tandem brewing w/ Bumper on some two Nation Ten Fidy clonage ...
I should do a test run of Modernist amylase slider rolls earlier in the week before I count on them on Friday ...
I need to tighten the plumping of the ball-valve for the kettle, check and see if everything is water-tight, and figure out the PID controller ... and then do a batch of saison/farmhouse this week, in advance of doing the Ten Fidy next Saturday/Sunday - since that's a pretty big beer (I think the recipe we're using has it coming in just over 11%) ... oh, and I have to measure the brew kettle and get #'s into a BIABacus spreadsheet to scale the recipe for my gear, and eBIAB in general.
Also need to find out what the fermentation schedule should look like for an Russian imperial, and get through programming the temp controller for the chest freezer.
And, oh ... do all of this while dieting pretty annoyingly strictly ... going to be Asian ginger salads, and dashi, and pho, and tamaki rolls, and wok bok choi all week, from after today's burger, and until next Friday night's TD sliders =(
So, yeah ... I think I'll just take the weekend after next entirely off, no matter what. LOL.
We left off w/ a ball-valve with too much play in it ...


Just needed the second tool (Vise Grip) to grab ahold of that smooth coupler on the inside ...


Quickly celebrate, and get after STC-1000+ ...


Grab probe and squeeze and pray for a blue LED beyond 80F ...












The protocol and flashing and uploading is working, now I just need to learn what a few of the more particular settings mean PRECISELY ...
There have been umami beers w/ mushroom, but it's atypical ...
WaffleBum was kind enough to share some shiitakes, which is perfect, because I'll be using them throughout this week!
grantmichaels said:
The protocol and flashing and uploading is working, now I just need to learn what a few of the more particular settings mean PRECISELY ...
Press and hold S until it flashes F1, press S again, set desired temperature, press S, press power button, make box tempy thing workey now.  
I tend not to read the manual.  The above seems to work just fine.   ;) If I attempted to understand all of the above you posted, I am confident I would cock it up permanently! 
Bumper, he's no longer working with a standard STC-1000. He's flashed the memory and reprogrammed it with a system available on Home Brew Talk that allows a little more customization of and control of the fermentation chamber. I've been considering it on mine but I'm going to watch Grants and see how it goes before doing mine.
It can be run in thermostat mode too, which is of course much simpler ...
I wanted to be able to program a fermentation schedule in, though, because I sometimes am inundated w/ work and do crazy things w/ my own schedule - and I didn't want beer to suffer for it.
Also, that wily Wheebz put forth his first recipe for me w/ ramping and diacetyl rest etc, so I just put together the system that I would need to be able to execute instructions like that =)
Hopefully the rest of the silicon tubing and clamps arrive tomorrow, so I can do a water test of the system tomorrow night, because I'm planning to slider Thursday night ...
RocketMan said:
Bumper, he's no longer working with a standard STC-1000. He's flashed the memory and reprogrammed it with a system available on Home Brew Talk that allows a little more customization of and control of the fermentation chamber. I've been considering it on mine but I'm going to watch Grants and see how it goes before doing mine.
Ah makes sense then.   ;)   I tend to check mine daily so hadn't really thought about additional customisation.  
Expecting to receive grains/hops/yeast for brewing this weekend this afternoon ...
Hoping the yeast hasn't bubbled out of the container quite like last time ... the Belgian strains loved the high temps of the day then spent in the UPS truck in Florida in June, LOL ...
Reminded me of the zit scene from Meatballs ...