beer =[ GM's 1st 16x Batches, and/or 10 mo. Brewing ]=

tctenten said:
Is that for your tandem brew?
Yuppers ...
There's some extra yeast in there, but most of that stuff, plus some fuggle hops I had elsewhere are are going into the pot this weekend =)
I'm just waiting on some silicone tubing, now.
Your Fault ;)


I guess I need to find out if my kettle's watertight today, and figure out how to switch the Auber between temp/timer and manual mode for the boil =) ...

Are you brewing this weekend, or next ... that mope could have myriad meaning, haha ...
It was in reference to wanting

grantmichaels said:
I have all the ingredients, so should be right to get it on tomorrow.
If you aren't doing the gale prize old ale this weekend let me know and I'll squeeze an Amarillo pale ale in tomorrow and brew it next weekend with you.
grantmichaels said:
Anyone seen The Bumper From Down Under?
lol just saw this, it's on!
I need the clamps and tubing that haven't arrived yet, but otherwise I got to see how it works ...






Only took minutes to make a mess, almost ruin the element and wet the entire counter, LOL ...

If the silicone tubing and clamps arrive this weekend, brew's on ...

If not, I'll have to postpone it for a week on my end =/

I might brew some Brooklyn kit beer or a saison just to brew, though ... using the old, manual gear ...
grantmichaels said:
I need the clamps and tubing that haven't arrived yet, but otherwise I got to see how it works ...






Only took minutes to make a mess, almost ruin the element and wet the entire counter, LOL ...

If the silicone tubing and clamps arrive this weekend, brew's on ...

If not, I'll have to postpone it for a week on my end =/

I might brew some Brooklyn kit beer or a saison just to brew, though ... using the old, manual gear ...
Damn, you don't want to do that with boiling wort that's for sure.  
All good - next weekend works for me, I had popped a smack pack for a starter but have another one.  Still crushing apples, but won't be able to press until tomorrow, still another 5 bags to crush and pectenase needs to do its thing on this lot, by the time we are done, so it will make tomorrow easier to bump a brew back.  
Doesn't really matter if we are smack bang on the same timeframe if you do end up brewing, so long as we make the same recipe we can compare tastings once its done!   

Honestly, it was almost exciting enough just running the pump and figuring out how it works ;)

Clamps and tubing might come tomorrow, still, too.
Ahh projects….
And I will see how fast I can press - the washing the apples before crushing them is slowing us down, but I may make up time in the morning on the pressing.  not sure I want to wild ferment this lot, although if I get 60L I will let one naturally ferment to get some funk going on.  
In other news, my little aji lemon drops are 8 weeks old and flowering… wtf…  am I going to do until November… get a bigger grow tent I guess..
How's the cider coming along, Bumper? =)
I'm still waiting for my clamps and the translucent silicone hose to arrive this week, guess they got held in customs longer than the box which was shipped expedited ...
Oh well. I'll be able to brew this weekend, I think ... did you brew? ...
Fermenting, just over 30L at 8%. Twice as much work as a double batch of brew, but its seasonal and tastes great.  Thought we would get more juice, but put some of the pulp into the juicer and got bugger all, so we got what we were going to get out of them.  A bit of malic acid, some tannin and now we wait.  No, didn't brew, drank a few instead after the cider was done!! 
Bumper said:
Fermenting, just over 30L at 8%. Twice as much work as a double batch of brew, but its seasonal and tastes great.  Thought we would get more juice, but put some of the pulp into the juicer and got bugger all, so we got what we were going to get out of them.  A bit of malic acid, some tannin and now we wait.  No, didn't brew, drank a few instead after the cider was done!! 
Sounds like a lot of work, hope it comes out nicely =)
Speaking of ... I'm going to bust out one last hour, then cycle down for an hour, and go to sleep before the bloody birds start their shit, LOL ...
I thought we might see some slider action when I didn't see brewing action =) ... beer drinking action is nice, too, though - haha ...
i need to do a good job this week, so i can have the time/space for fun stuff this weekend ...
easier said than done, but that's the goal, anyways ...
i want to try my first batch on the new system, and my first hollandaise sauce, lol ...