beer =[ GM's 1st 16x Batches, and/or 10 mo. Brewing ]=

So ah GM, it's Saturday evening now and I was just wondering where the brewing is. Yeah, I know how you 90 hour a week work-a-holick toys are, I married one All jesting aside, can't wait to see the new rig in action!
RocketMan said:
So ah GM, it's Saturday evening now and I was just wondering where the brewing is. Yeah, I know how you 90 hour a week work-a-holick toys are, I married one All jesting aside, can't wait to see the new rig in action!
yeah, yeah ...

It's happening.
I woke up and it was storming and Booma's birthday, so I'm cooking lobster and ribs and enjoying Ten Fidy from the NitroBrew and planning to work this evening ...
I fully intend to grocery shop (incl pick up ice) and brew tomorrow.
It's coming. And like everything I get into AND LIKE ... once it starts, it's not going to stop.
Soon you'll be like ... "you don't have to share each time you brew" ...
OK ...




Haha ...

Ten Fidy goes in ...


Ten Fidy comes out ...



Danielle requested that we grocery shop and brew tomorrow, so I'm working today and tonight ...  it really kind of sucks, to be honest. LOL ...
19 straight hrs work, and counting ... that said, I'm sitting in good shape for sleep, shop, & brewing some beer today - finally!
Fingers crossed ...
grantmichaels said:
19 straight hrs work, and counting ... that said, I'm sitting in good shape for sleep, shop, & brewing some beer today - finally!
Fingers crossed ...
Damn, I've got nothing to complain about with 12 today… 
It's 8AM Monday and I've had two CCB Invasion, three Ten Fidy, an All Day IPA, a Seadog Blueberry, and a BC Sofia ... while putting in a half a work week on Sunday (20 hrs) ...

Why? Because I should be able to brew this evening, now .... that's why!

HigherThisHeat said:
On with the brewing!

What is the next brew gonna be?

I'll be brewing a smoked lager Wednesday. First of its kind for me
Yeah, I'm working some more today, but I will have the time tomorrow afternoon to brew ...
Smoked lager - sounds interesting ...

What is the next brew gonna be?

Survey Says! ... Ten Fidy!



I have ingredients for three gal ea of Bumper's beer, a saison, and three three's of kits from brooklyn brew shop to cook up ... chocolate maple porter, a (jalapeno-less) saison, and i think the last is summer wheat, i think ...

I'm going to burn through the kits while I get to know the equipment this week.

grantmichaels said:
will be interesting to see what happens w/ this batch ... some shit went awry ...
pretty, though ...
You guy's are right. The last time I brewed was now over two months ago, which is plainly unacceptable.
That said, this picture does more to motivate me than any amount of peer-pressure =)

I need get back to that smell-place stat!
where can one buy this beer. online i mean. all ive seen around here is old rasputen which is everywhere.

im one of those ugly assholes that likes overly hopped beers usually... but beer advocate is creaming itself over this beer.
id like to try it.

cigars and stout beers. better than pissing yourself while swimming.
im just a lazy f**k.
ill google around.
i found some... iu think.

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im going to buy this beer. and im going to smoke a cigar. and document both with a digital picture.
my favorite prostitute is out that way too.

have all of it, and then watch from fear & loathing, pulp fiction, almost famous, american beauty, and/or big lebowski ...

that's livin' ...