beer =[ GM's 1st 16x Batches, and/or 10 mo. Brewing ]=

Trial run of half of the wort chilling duo, and the only half I'm using today ...



Looks like a 13gal trash can holds enough ice water for maybe 8-10 mins of coolant action through the IC, which is probably more than enough considering I'll be recirculating the wort simultaneously (albeit without the inline PC this go) over the coils ... and for some whirlpool action.


Fermentation chamber is now ready to receive, too - took a while to come up from ten below =/
I'm going to put the chcocolate maple porter through, I think ...

Having a double latte now, then it's going down, and then Danielle's cleaning up from me and making taco dinner while I bang out some work and get smashed on nitro beers ...

So, I can chug in 10s an IPA - that I can't even drink, otherwise - if I tame it down w/ some nitro =)
OK ...

Saison L'Orange ...

I used the grist and Pacific Jade hops from Brooklyn Brew Shop's Jalapeno Saison ...



18q filtered water ...


Sculpin on nitro.


Nice and organized ...


Mash never more than a tenth of a degree from target ...


Switch to Manual and full-throttle to 100% ...


Better formation of hot break than previous brew sessions ...


More in a few!
man getting all sorts of technical in here. Fancy brew gadgets. I have freinds  acquaintances that brew. I though about it for a while when I was still drinking. Looked like a fun way to get your drink on. 
Wrap up ...

Hat tip AUS, realized this batch could no-chill ...


Tried to minimize any of the bitter white ... light microplaning ... also, Sunkist ...


Next time I'll compost ...


Tacos mid brew ...


and without lettuce for tb ...


and into a cube ...


On it's side for sterilization reasons ...

And then up ...


And then I threw a tshirt over it to block light ...

I'm super-jiggler siphoning into a three gal glass carboy with a thermowell and airlock stopper and setting it up with a fermwrap tomorrow ...

I'll do a nice 85F, I guess ...

Pitching a saison yeast in the AM ...

Bumper said:
Looking great there!  I have filter envy right now, that thing is awesome, haven't seen one like that before.  
inexpensive carbon filter from amazon, does have metering though, so you know when to replace ...
D3monic said:
man getting all sorts of technical in here. Fancy brew gadgets. I have freinds  acquaintances that brew. I though about it for a while when I was still drinking. Looked like a fun way to get your drink on. 
a little bit ...
i forgot that i had all of the stuff taken out and ready to the do the saison, so i could have saved myself the effort of setting up the fermentation controller, and figuring all of the wort-chilling out - because I won't be using either ...
oh well, good to know for the next brew, anyways ...
system worked well ...
the recirculating mash seemed to make a better hot liquor - there was something different about the hot break this time ... it was both more, and stiffer, maybe half way to meringue ...
i didn't use fermcap, but i did use a little pH 5.2 stabilizer shit ...
Just need to decide what to pitch in AM, now ...




Hmmm ... any input folks? =)
I'm reversing the kit's grain bill ...
I believe it's Belgian Pilsner as the base malt, and some Caramel Crystal 20 ...
The hops were indeed Pacific Jade ...
Belgian pilsner, I'd have to go belgian saison 9724.  I have used both the belgian and the french from wyeast and you can't go wrong with either.  

Damn, I want a saison. Throwing down extra stouts now but saison would be a bliss bomb right now… 
the 3724 is the classic choice, i think ...
can someone tell me two things (because i'm working, behind schedule, and can't google) ...
1) does yeast nutrient get fridge treatment (i've had mine out)
2) when specifically do you use the yeast nutrient?
i figured to wake up, spray down the top of the no-chill cube w/ starsan, and then super-jiggler siphon it down into a (sanitized) 3 gal glass carboy (which I'm assuming will aerate it) with a dual-hole stopper ...
figure i'll take a gravity reading and then activate & pitch the Wyeast 3724 into the wort in the carboy, and finally set everything up w/ a single stage temp controller in thermometer mode w/ a probe down in a thermowell in the carboy, with a ferm wrap, and the temp set for 85F ...
the only thing i'm worried about, is that i think backpressure on that yeast is a 'thing' ... and i'm not sure i have one of those orange things that lets you use a blow off tube on a 3 gal carboy, or if they even make it for the 3 gal size actually (which i think is why i don't have one) ...
hmmmm ..
i have to  use the stopper if i want the thermowell, so i guess we'll just let the system have backpressure, and only do something about that in the future if there's a problem ...
so, yeah, when and how do i utilize the yeast nutrient, por favor & muchas gracias! LOL.
dude you definitely cant just close up that fermenter, you need a blow off tube, saison/belgian yeast has a ridiculous amount of krausen, especially at those temps
it will explode and you will have a huge mess
wheebz said:
dude you definitely cant just close up that fermenter, you need a blow off tube, saison/belgian yeast has a ridiculous amount of krausen, especially at those temps
it will explode and you will have a huge mess
? - there's no yeast, yet ...
it's about to get externally sanitized and be siphoned (through a sanitized siphon) to a (sanitized) 3 gal glass carboy (which should aerate it) and have a vial of WLP565 dumped in ...
the lifecycle of the botulism deal is 3-4 days, which is why the yeast is getting pitched this morning, to take hold ...
the AUS folks are a little more cray-cray, storing wort for months before pitching, but i'm getting in there in an hour or two, for sure ...
the DMS thing is enigmatic ... there should be DMS, based on conventional brewing wisdom/technique - but they just aren't experiencing it ... weirdness.
we'll see!
don't worry, i've ordered the fittings I was missing and i'll be wort-chilling in the future ... dualie ...
WLP565 vial is warming up a bit ...
Cleaning and sanitizing like one does ...
Had to sit down real quick to Google how to put the little terminals and springs and shit back together, for a keg =/
About to super-jiggler siphon the wort into a 3 gallon keg w/ an airlock in a stopper in a hole drilled in the lid and get this part started ...
It's right around 79-80 degrees here on the other side of the room from the air vent, so I'm just going to pop the keg on top of my CPU tower in a tupperware litter pan (yes, unused) ...
OK ...

Let's do this thang ...


Smells like beer ...


Temp corrected OG = 1056, much higher than previous brews ...

Super-jiggler for the win ...


Might well have the prev zested orange ...


Then I decided to sanitize a length of 1/2" ID silicone and go w/ a blow-off tube for the beginning ... just in case ... it fits really nicely in the pre-drill, effectively sealing up the hole when at an angle ...


Fingers crossed!
Hum, I'll be interested to hear what Wheebz has to say about it. Probably what he expected them to be as he used to brew with that water too.

Once we get to the new house I'll probably send off and get mine done. It'll be interesting to see just how different it can be with only a 169 mile difference.
High pH which I already knew (I've measure between 8.5 and 9 here, used to cause much trouble w/ plants) ...
All the minerals he's happy with, slightly high sodium but not problematic ...
Instructions to lower pH w/ citric acid or food grade phosphoric acid =) ...
RocketMan said:
Hum, I'll be interested to hear what Wheebz has to say about it. Probably what he expected them to be as he used to brew with that water too.

Once we get to the new house I'll probably send off and get mine done. It'll be interesting to see just how different it can be with only a 169 mile difference.
In other news, this batch is failing to start ...
Wheebz noted I shocked the yeast by only giving the lquid an hour in room-temp water out of the fridge ...
It says 3-6 hrs right on it, but 1st time using liquid, and I just dumped it in ...
While the temp differential probably wasn't much, everything at room temp, I changed the yeast's temp too rapidly, I guess ...
This morning I did the same thing, w/ a second vial ...
So, I have like 4x the pitching rate of unhappy yeasties and nobody is taking foothold in the no-chill wort (which is exactly what you don't want, in terms of botulism) ...
If it doesn't start today, I'm dumping it ... it's not worth *any* risk and I have ingredients for 4-5 more brew sessions on hand ...
I'll brew again this weekend a few times, no big deal.
I was really happy w/ my wort this time ... 1056 ... seemed fine.
All of my problems are the same so far ... unhappy yeast, poor attenuation. I've had bottle bombs, a batch that never fermented, and now another where the yeast aren't taking.