beer =[ GM's 1st 16x Batches, and/or 10 mo. Brewing ]=

I don't have any beer in it, because I brewed w/ a saison yeast that wants like 85-90F - hence the fermwrap on the keg in the pic a minute ago ...
But back to the controller, it's observing the upper end to turn it on, but it's driving it down further than necessary, although I realize the density of 3 gal liquid wouldn't move all that quickly even if the outer chamber dropped 3-4 lower than desired, and yeah, I will be using the 2nd probe down in a thermowell in the fermenter along w/ a fermwrap in there ...
I need to put water in carboy and go play w/ it tomorrow ... I read the code for the STC-1000+ a while back, but I need to iron out using the programs and thermometer mode a little more concretely this weekend ...
I'm going to really have time to dig in in the next 4-5 days, so that'll be good ...
I have a soft goal of having 15 gallons in fermenter's come Monday =) ...
Toasty ...



Waiting for citric acid, tomorrow ...
It's sitting next to my desk, here, maybe becoming beer ...
I think the pH being 9.0 put that tap water out of range of being able to be brought into the range for enzymatic activity ...
I think I probably extracted sugary water, but am possibly missing some of the enabling enzymes for a good fermentation ...
This will prove to be the what happened to the last 1 gal batch of stout from the first wave, and the first batch here of the 2nd wave ...
When I brew in a little while, I'm going to bring the water down to the right pH range before I start, and then I bet we'll see a much more vigorous fermentation again tomorrow (like the first two times I brewed) ...
So, I think this is the synopsis, so far:
wave#1(std kitchen gear)
brew#1(fiji water) - brewed correctly, pitched dry yeast to 55F wort and held for a day, causing some kind of yeast life problems that resulted in poor attenuation and then bottling tabs = bombs.
brew#2(fiji water) - brewed correctly, successful fermentation, successsful drinking - yay!
brew#3(tap water, chlorinated) - brewed incorrectly, mash exceeded 170F, fermentation fail, drain poured.
wave#2(brew gear)
brew#4(filtered tap water) - brewed correctly, ? fermenting vs not really.
brew#5(filtered tap water + citric acid pH modification) - coming up, later on, this evening!!!
just a couple of things to do to be setup, and then i'm starting ...
blackened halibut tacos during the mash, I'm thinking ...

got grains? ...


let's go ...


stand in awe while the liquid in the tubes darkens ;)


pressure cook chicken for tacos ...


90 mins later, start towards the boil ...


during which time I got out the adjuncts ...


recipe called for 2.25 cups maple syrup, I used 2 so I'd have a serving left ...


and sub'd in a little ...


and pitched the progress hops (2/3 total hops) ...


more after a bump ...

lots pics, sorry ...
thx man!

less pics next time, for sure!

so, after 75m, and 15m from the end of the boil, it's time to sterilize the immersion chiller ...


and pitch the last 1/3 the hops, and look, one of the kits had fuggle instead of progress ... ugh!




most of it, in action, there ...


that's about it, from the groundwater ...


smarter tonight, just paused the pump and filled fermenter using lid ...


much, much, better ...


vodka ... since i filled it up, and in case it sucks it in ...


as low as i got it, pitched dry yeast packets ...


dual-stage setup w/ fermwrap ...

env's nice ...


fingers-crossed ...

Oh mam, took me a minute to remember you reprogrammed your STC-1000 for Degrees F. I was about to start yelling NOOOO!!!! At the top of my lungs

Looks good, hoping to see good action from that. BTW, how much citric acid did you wind up adding to get it from 7 down to 5?

like a teaspoon.

i though i was giving it an increment, took it to a smidge under 5 in one move ...

oh shit, didn't take a gravity ...

i need to, don't i? ...
If you want to be able to calculate the ABV you do. Plus it's good to help figuring out when your yeasties are finished by how much you've dropped in SG.