beer =[ GM's 1st 16x Batches, and/or 10 mo. Brewing ]=

screw it ...

i'll just not bottle this one, and load it into a keg when it's "time" ...

forgot yeast nutrient, too ... guess this round will go without ...
oh, alright ...

i'll steal sanitizer from the bottle w/ the blow off from the saison and clean the thief ...
brb ...

Temp corrected OG = 1065.

It's foaming like crazy.

Fermenter is sticky and it's behind the fermwrap which is kind of gross, but ...

I'll clean it in a few days when things chill out ...
Nice run and my sweetspot starting gravity too. Congrats!
the liquid sugars get the yeasts going big time, blow off valve is definitely the way to go!
Bumper said:
Nice run and my sweetspot starting gravity too. Congrats!
the liquid sugars get the yeasts going big time, blow off valve is definitely the way to go!
Oh yeah ... was making a mess ... is a mess ...
I need to get some more fermwrap's ...
I only had one ... plan to brew tomorrow, but I think I'll do a saison and no-chill it (I need to use my saison yeasts) ...
I'll siphon the saison I did the other day into the BrewDemon plastic conical and free up the 3 gallon keg for beer more likely to pan out ...
It's still taking me a long time to brew, but it feels a lot better when the feedback an hour later is positive ...
Just need to use the 2nd chiller now and get some ice water involved for those last stubborn degrees ...
I can see the path now, sink water through the plate chiller from 212F down to like 115F, and then ice water from  the sink basin through the immersion chiller for the last part of the chilling ...
No need to involve separate containers for the ice water etc ...
The brew was pretty chill yesterday, sprawling in terms of time, but relaxed and a pretty good experience for the most part ...
My brew days are rarely under 5 hours if I do each step properly.  Is what it is.. But hey, you my friend are on a long weekend, grab another beer!! 
Bumper said:
My brew days are rarely under 5 hours if I do each step properly.  Is what it is.. But hey, you my friend are on a long weekend, grab another beer!! 
I woke up and decided to work, today instead of Sunday evening ...
Well ... I woke up and Danielle made up my mind to work today, instead of Sunday =/ ...
Why waste what could be a perfectly nice vacation day ... Sunday.
Bumper said:
… speechless….   3 days off wouldn't kill you… 
What I mean is - she irritated the shit out of me, and I decided to lump the inevitable Sunday night work into the shitty atmosphere I found myself in, in hopes of a better time in the time slot from whence the work came ...
It's like pulling the arm on the slot machine sometimes ... this morning I drew all red X's, LOL ...
I get it now
grantmichaels said:
What I mean is - she irritated the shit out of me, and I decided to lump the inevitable Sunday night work into the shitty atmosphere I found myself in, in hopes of a better time in the time slot from whence the work came ...
It's like pulling the arm on the slot machine sometimes ... this morning I drew all red X's, LOL ...
Bumper said:
I get it now
It's all good - she cleaned the whole house and went for a nap ...
Now my work's almost done, the kitchen is spotless, and it's peaceful ... I think I'll blacken some halibut before long, and have some fish tacos out of the clean kitchen, LOL =) ...
I've been demoing some healthy changes to my diet, and mostly not finding them too annoying so far ...
I can definitely transition my tacos to pulled chicken and fish without feeling much of a loss in transitioning off the ground beef, there ...
I actually like a 50/50 of lean ground beef and ground turkey for meatloaf (makes it light, how I like it), so that's not problematic ...
So, that just means having the fatty, awesome ground beef for burgers - and that isn't not up for discussion whatsoever!
Haha ...
OK, so ...

The beer I made most recently definitely is fermenting, but ...

It's the first batch I've had in a freezer, and there's a shrill smell in the bottom half of the freezer ...

I mean it's noxious, really ... wonder if it got infected somehow during the transition to the blow off, or the taking of the OG, or if it isn't just the smell of the normal gases from being contained ...

It's kind of gross, really.

The only thing that was clumsy this brew was that I couldn't get the wort below 83F, and I pitched thinking the freezer would bring the temp down faster than it did - basically took 24 hrs to get from 83F to 68F ...

Hmmm ...

At least it's fermenting, but I have aceto worry, I think ...
Pitching temp wasn't an issue. In fact you could have pitched at around 85 degrees and been OK for ales

I take a refractometer reading when I end the boil so it's still hot to sterile everything before I cool it. You can do the same for a hydrometer reading just let it cool first or you will shatter the hydrometer. Done that before.

What yeast did you use
wheebz said:
Pitching temp wasn't an issue. In fact you could have pitched at around 85 degrees and been OK for ales
I take a refractometer reading when I end the boil so it's still hot to sterile everything before I cool it. You can do the same for a hydrometer reading just let it cool first or you will shatter the hydrometer. Done that before.
What yeast did you use
going to guess it's US-05 ... kit yeast ...

last kit is the summer wheat - once that's gone through this week, i'll be into full recipes ...

smells like formaldehyde, or yeah, vinegar ...

guess we'll see!

i think maybe i introduced something trying to change the stopper/airlock to rubber cappy thing w/ thermowell and blow off ...

I mean it fermented like mad, but nothing to date prior has smelled like this, lol ...

shrill sweet, aromatic, bitter =/
wheebz said:
Pitching temp wasn't an issue. In fact you could have pitched at around 85 degrees and been OK for ales
I take a refractometer reading when I end the boil so it's still hot to sterile everything before I cool it. You can do the same for a hydrometer reading just let it cool first or you will shatter the hydrometer. Done that before.
What yeast did you use
i have a refractometer too... forgot about it, haven't used ... been using hydrometer ...
timeline ...


1:35AM Friday- shaken wort, yeast pitched, foam from shaking.


2:40AM settled 84F wort ...


5:15AM blowin' off through the tube I changed to ...


12:35PM calmer, hint of bitter leaning into freezer, temp down to like 74F or so ...

I'm now wondering if the vodka from the original airlock just got bubble-aspirated all over the fermenter and is smelling weird because it's pretty sealed and not that cold at 68F?

Because I saw this picture:


Remind me the vodka's clearly displaced by krausen ...

Anyways ...


2:35AM this morning ...


8:00PM this evening ...

Hopefully it's just from the displaced vodka!
Looks like she has krausened hard and then dropped back in. Hard and fast initial ferment!  It will take another 3 weeks to finish properly from 1.065.  
Looks delicious Grant, hope there aren't any issues.  It would be very odd to get vinegar right off the bat like that.  Yeasts sometimes throw off sulphur smells but not vinegar.  My bet is blame the aroma on the vodka.  
i'm super stoked w/ the gravities i'm getting using the new system, and i clearly got fermentation this time (which has been the problem), but in the heat of the moment w/ krausen bubbling all over the place at six in the morning after brewing all night - i just grabbed that orange rubber stopper and squirted the inside w/ star san (not 30s immersion etc) ...

Hopefully it's vodka and not aceto ferm!
