beer =[ GM's 1st 16x Batches, and/or 10 mo. Brewing ]=

Usually under 1.03 but if it was a big beer 1.080 it may be around there. Also depends where it started. If it was only an OG of like 1.046 and it stalled out at 1.03 there is a good chance those will blow up.
Ozzy2001 said:
Usually under 1.03 but if it was a big beer 1.080 it may be around there. Also depends where it started. If it was only an OG of like 1.046 and it stalled out at 1.03 there is a good chance those will blow up.
Great. I assume you take the reading before you add the bottling sugars? My readings so far have been 1.035 after mash and 1.06 pre - ferment. So if next reading is under 1.03 I should be ok?
I think that beer should probably be < 1.020 ...
I'm not having fun ... lol.
This fucker is just over capacity and in dealing with that, I may have to boil off an extra 2 qts that I may or may not have added in addition ... I got confused when I had to add water to my boiler to make the sterilization water, and used the retained water for after mashing in ...
I'll figure that out when I yank the grain bag, though, and I'll just boil an extra long time to get right if need be ... good thing it's a stout, and there's no hopping schedule at the end, lol ...
Ok ...

More stuff ...


Obligatory grist porn ...


Changing the liquid out post from a spear to the gas type for future top service ...

Using the O2 lid this time, since the gas out blow-off apparatus worked fine last batch ...


Stone is down in there, so I can give it some more O2 in the hours after pitching ...


It's pre-chillin ...

And I boil-sterilized a 1L ...


I'm rehydrating a pack of US-05 and stir-oxygenating in 400mL canned wort ... with a large bar ...


It's on speed 1 of 5 ... lol.

Big bar, little flask ;)

Shit don't fit, tonight ... pretty big grain bill on this puppy ...


Really, really doesn't fit ...


Brewin' ...
And everybody was kung fu fightiiiiing ...


Step to 800mL ...


Boil vid in a sec ...
Well, at least it didn't have an extra 2 quarts like I feared ... I think =)
Either way, going to make gravity I think ... the sparging step gave me 1-2 Plato and it's ramping up during the 90 min boil nicely ...
Should be another big daddy ...
So I think I am beginning to understand this a little better. With your Brix at 19 that would make your gravity approximately 1.076?

Sparking gave you 1-2 Plato ....which is just another word for now your gravity is somewhere between 1.08 and 1.084?
Yup ...
I think I'll probably end up hitting my numbers, actually ...
I'm recirc'ing boiling water through the plate-chiller now ...
I'll take an OG in like 20-30 mins after I whirlpool/chill ...
Then into a sanitized pre-chilled keg to take a little more temp of the chilled wort (hopefully) ... and hopefully I can pitch right away, otherwise I'll drop the corny into the chamber for a little while, and then after an hour I'll take the starter in and pitch it ...
After I pitch the starter, I'll give it a minute of 3L/sec pure O2 and head to the shower ...
Before bed, I'll give it another 30-45-60 seconds of 2L/sec pure O2 through the suspended stone ...
In the AM, when I wake up, if there's no bubbles in the blow-off container, I'll hit it w/ O2 again ... or if there are, I'll let it go at 67F ...
Hit OG on the spot.
23P ...
Pics in a few, have to run water in reverse through plate-chiller into kettle ...

I chilled down to 78F while whirlpooling ...


Took an OG ...


Bubbled in plenty of O2 ...


Phwew =)
That vid reminds me of my liver when I was  Now it just foams over and clogs up.
I tried to fill some bottles with the keg a couple days ago.  I put a tube into the end of the pick nick tap and backed off to 5 psi.  Chilled the bottles a poured some beer in a pitcher until it dropped.  The tube had a # 2 rubber as per "we don't need no stinking beer gun" thread.  The first 2 went well and filled to 3/4 inch from top and a little foam.  Then in went downhill and mostly foam.  The full bottles are pretty good.  The foamy bottles suck.
Regarding FG...3 days at a bottomed out reading and tits time.  Wait did I just say tits.   
I have these for a different use, but might help you ...


Three brews in a row, all huge, all 55% efficiency, and the boil off rate is 1/2 gal/hr ...

Just as my equip profile's finally settled in, I'm moving on ... lol.

How the O2 goes in ...

No plugs/nips for  Just transferred the Haus PA to secondary.  Nice krausen makes me feel confident.  Honey is gone but I could taste it! 

FG came in at 1.011ish.  Another quick turnaround beer.  I didn't bother to save the slurry.  I'm going with 05 on the next APA.  Then judge the saving 1332 slurry I have in the fridge.

Speaking of O2...My uncle just got out of the hospital.  He has an O2 generator and bunch of bottles that he wants to give me. 
Been a couple of hours and ferm getting go a bit, so I bubbled in only like 15-25 sec of 3/4 L/sec O2 until bubbles came out the blow-off, and rocked the keg a bit to distribute it and the yeasties ...

It's on it's own, now ...
It's fine the way it is, for me ...
We'll see if it's something worth sharing after it's carb'd up, but the only thing on the table still is freeze-concentrating it a bit ...
My understanding is that you shed some sugar along with the ice ...
I might do that just to scratch yet another itch with the batch, but otherwise I've moved on from tinkering with it ...
I really believe it's just done.
I don't find a 1038-1040 FG all that surprising for it ...
I am, however, planning to try to calc out the Lintner values to prove that, before I carbonate it and nothing further's possible ...
ferm bubbling to the extent that the two-week old StarSan in the blow-off catcher has become reanimated and has begun foaming out of the erlenmeyer, lol ...

sitting in front of football, mostly reading about tinctures, tisanes, steam distillation of essential oils etc ...