beer =[ GM's 1st 16x Batches, and/or 10 mo. Brewing ]=

wheebz said:
I probably will do a bottle club, 6 releases a year, 150 bucks plus a custom pint or something, 100 members, only 100 bottles to ever be sold with local pickup, that kind of deal
Please let me know when this is available.
I'm going to biggie-size this monster if need be ...
I'll totally add some more pale malt on the fly to the 2nd mash load it's going anything less than balls deep ...
I really want to see the other side of an US-05 ferm on a 30P stout ... just to know it can, and that I can ...
I'm very happy w/ the Fermentis yeast's performance so far in terms of ease of obtaining (lightweight for shipping expedited), ease of use (especially with some canned wort), good attenuation (each dry yeast beer has done better than every liquid yeast beer, independent of whether or not I made a starter), and clean taste (the US-05, so far, anyways, seems to be almost or as clean as my ferms of WLP001) ...
I believe some of the problems I was having where related to the degradation of liquid yeast in getting it to Florida ...
I'm sure I'll use some liquid yeasts, but I'll build as many staple recipes on dry yeasts as I can, and go to liquid only when I feel something is lacking from the dry offerings ...
I took out the molasses and some port wine jelly in case I get randy ...
Ohhh ... definitely using some of HM01's Mulberry in this biznatch ...
So tasty, just like the Black Raspberry ...
Going to be a nice little add ...
I just looked up pectinase and it looks like that's for extracting shit from a mash of real fruit, and there's accounts of people warming/stirring jelly to feed to beer with the consequence being increased haze ...
I don't think that'll affect the appearance of this one all that much, it's off teh charts dark at like 70 SRM or some shit ...
God this jelly is good ...
tctenten - have you tasted the jellies yet? ...
tctenten said:
No.  Most likely Sunday morning.  I have a dental appointment tmrw morning at said I will be there for hour and a half....not too happy about that.
Well, speaking of ...
I went outside to grab the strainer basket to throw in the kettle to run w/ the Saniclean and I'd neglected to dump the spent grain from the BIAB bag last night as I'd planned ...
Oops ...
Sadly, while the weather was dry two night's ago, yesterday evening and overnight through today have been 100% humidity and warm and the smell of the spent pilsner grains was disturbing ...
God awful smelling, really ...
So, I rinsed the strainer and the nylon bag, but I'm going to put off brewing until tomorrow so Danielle can run the nylon bag through the washer w/ some oxyclean for peace of mind ...
It's all good ... making oven pizzas and drinking beer sounds nice ... well, always ... but especially on a rainy day ...

it's a good day to stay inside ... max humidity ...

killer HM01 mulberry j!
I did a good job on the CIP inside of the kettle, pump, and plate chiller ... but forgot the basket was outside w/ the grain bag in it ...

Holy shit did it stink ...

It's in the machine now, but I also realized that I don't have MO for a Red-Eye re-brew ...

I have Pale, British Pale even, but no M.O. ...

And ... not brewing it without M.O. ...

So, I'll do this big stout this weekend, and get some R&R, and make pizza, and try to get my work done such that I can brew Tue perhaps ...

I wonder if JDubs would sell me 10# M.O. ;)
Ok, enough with the talkity talk talk, lets get on with the brewing!
Jelly discussions, well that must be some kind of good jelly but I want to see a leg of lamb along with it :)
RocketMan said:
Ok, enough with the talkity talk talk, lets get on with the brewing!
Jelly discussions, well that must be some kind of good jelly but I want to see a leg of lamb along with it :)
I just tried and wasn't thrilled by lamb, but I do plan to use some in a batch, for sure ...
As for brewing, I'm working that out, now ...
Keep running into the logistics of only have two of the three freezers available to me ...
If I would have brew the 3 gal batch this past weekend, it would have blocked the 10-12 gal batch from having any cold storage to occupy ...
I really DO NOT enjoy the mess being made and left in the kitchen behind brewing, so I'm going outside!
In a few minutes I'll grab another gravity and siphon the most recent batch off the cake and 1st dry-hops, and onto some more Galaxy in a service keg, and plug it in (once I kill the wheat, tonight, which I'm working on) ...
RocketMan said:
By the way, when are we going to get a review of the Bhut Subduction at Pitch Lake or did I miss it?
I had it all ready for Wheebz, but didn't see him, so once I figure out how to bottle using the BeerGun (theoretically over the coming two weekends), I'm going to send some out ...
I've been procrastinating on the BeerGun/bottling, because 1) I have not enjoyed each new operation involving CO2 and liquids, and 2) bottling doesn't affect my experience =)
Ozzy2001 said:
You going to do some wood aging on the split batch?
Yes, but not until after I've compared the still beers in terms of the yeast comparison ... two stages of experiment, side by side ale yeast 1st, then i'll just add some variation for my own consumption ... the best tasting one will get nothing, one will get oak, and one will probably get vanilla bean truth be told ... i have some cacao nibs around, too, so we'll see ...