beer =[ GM's 1st 16x Batches, and/or 10 mo. Brewing ]=

The nylon ones work too. You can tie a loose knot then open open them back up and turn them inside out and dump and wash.
I actually used a larger nylon bag with those whole hops.
I just opened the bag back up for each addition and tied back up.
If I knew more about beer styles, I'd probably know that this probably is something else, and not a stout now ...
With so little roasted barley, whole at that, and no chocolate malt ... I mean ...
It's almost like a Black Imperial Pale Ale leveraging the Midnight Wheat ...
I could get a wild hair and whirlpool hop it with sweet orange peel and Citra, and throw like 4 oz cacao nibs in secondary w/ some more Citra and scratch the itch ...
I probably need to rethink how much of a stout it really is ... because, well, it really isn't ...
tctenten said:
For your dual mash technique, is it as easy as lifting the grain bag out and sticking new one in?
Yup ...
I did the first in the bag, in the strainer ...
Propped it up, sparged it a little, and then yanked the bag ...
Then I put the 2nd batch of grain into the basket directly ...
It's got that delicious sweet and smoky pod from FB ...
Crab-apple or something ...
This beer is totally unstyle and massive ...
I'm literally adding flavors as I go, and then changing and updating the recipe as I brew it ...
It's got FB's pepper, and it just got some dried rose hips and tea of rose hips in the mash, because I wanted to see if that floral note seemed like it might play nicely w/ the pepper ...
It might be hopeful to expect that the flavor of pepper flesh will translate through fermentation as well as the citrus zest did, but whatever, fingers crossed ...
I just swapped the Magnum Hops for the bittering addition to Columbus ...
Earlier I changed the yeast ...
It's probably going to get some demerara, cacao nibs, dried rosehips, and possibly some reaper ... we'll see.
tctenten said:
It will be interesting if you detect any of the different flavors you are adding.
I have a good feeling about this beer ... in a weird way ...
Kind of fun to brew one taste-first, actually ... massaging the numbers as I go ...
Might totally suck, but that really doesn't matter ...
When it doesn't, I've made a second beer with prominent peppers, and this is THP after all =)

going to mash this puppy out soon, and taste it ...

meanwhile ...




golden promise ...


and a hodge-podge ...


Midnight Wheat is dead sexy ...

It's Black Prinz kinky lover ;)


Because know the taste of it in a similar-ish scenario ...


After the first mash only, before the Midnight Wheat ...