beer =[ GM's 1st 16x Batches, and/or 10 mo. Brewing ]=

If I get bored later I'll try to reverse-attribute this beer to the closest style, but it's very unstyle ...
I sent Wheebz a "ffuuuu ... got a minute?" text after I mashed in and realized my inventory was off re: chocolate malt, and that with the rye so low, it wasn't really much of a stout any longer ...
In truth this is like a stress test of an extreme amount of midnight wheat malt ...
And otherwise just a trial of double mashing and having an extended time, to have an easier time brewing ... which it was ...
It's really nice to operate the system within capacity, even if you are trying to do something outrageous, which, this is pretty outrageous ...
It's probably going to hit damn near target, and might go over, honestly, depending on how many points just over a pound of demerara sugar adds to the gravity, in 3 gallons of beer ...
The maillards are starting to join the smoke notes from FB's apple wood smoke and the hops are riding on top of what was a pretty intense sweet roasty goodness ...
The hops will fade, because Wheebz remind me earlier that this one's going to have to chillax for a good while ... which is fine with me ...
Well ... time to sanitize the keg and hook up the plate chiller, and get ready to hit it w/ some cacao nibs, dried rose hips, and I'm going to taste it to see if it warrants another smoked pod or not ...
wheebz said:
Grants beer is either going to be the worst most boozey alcoholic thing ever or the best thing I've eve tasted
OG is off the Refractometer, but extrapolated looks like it might be about 35P ...
I feel the same way ... pics after TB run w/ D ...
She asked for that, when I was done ... so it will be so ...
I'll be back to upload pics in 45-60 mins =)
Mulberara Un-Style
Yield: 3 gallons
Boil: 75 minutes
Efficiency: 55%
Est. OG: 31P
Est. ABV: 15%
SRM: 65
IBU's: 55
Grain Bill (Both Phases):
 10 lbs Simpsons Golden Promise Malt
   2 lb Munich Malt
   1 lb CaraMunich III Malt
   1 lb Flaked Oats
   1 lb Victory
   1 lb Briess Midnight Wheat (Whole)
7/8 lb Gambrinus Honey Malt
1/2 lb Roasted Barley (Whole)
1/2 lb Flaked Rye
    1x  WaffeBum's Crab-Apple Smoked Rocoto
Reiterated, Cyclical 147F and 152F mash using one half of the grist, try to get about two-thirds of the way to a pre-boil gravity of 26P (I achieved 25 after both), and then exchange grist and mash the other half of the grain bill.
Boil for 75 mins.

1oz Columbus Leaf Hops (16.7%AA) at 60 mins.
With 15 mins remaining in the boil:
 1/2 pint Mulberry Preserves from HM01
 1-1/4 lb Demerara Sugar (15.5 oz)
     1/4 lb Cacao Nibs
       2 oz Dried Rose Hips
       1.5x Whirlfloc
3L/sec O2 for 60-90sec
Liberal Yeast Nutrient and Fermaid K
2x pkg Safale S-04
pre-boil gravity ...


HM01's mulberry preserves ...


get in there!


demerara cubes ... I only at like three, lol ...


a couple of onces of dried rose hips!


and finally, 1/4 lb cacao nibs from Ghana or whatever ...


crazy smell!


looks like someone's been brewing ...


gravity =)






which are real, because ...



what a mess!



getting that pure ...


budding ...


in a bit, I'll bubble in a little more fermaid k end oxygen once more ...


think it ends up gettin' some o'dat oak?

within the next day you HAVE to pitch a yeast that can sustain that ABV otherwise its going to shit out with 4 or 5 more percent ABV to ferment and taste like that sweet barleywine you made
get some super high gravity or something that can go to 15%. Maybe even a Cote De Blanc or Champagne yeast
Before I went to bed I gave it more o2 ... it's like a giant starter, lol ...

Just barely getting going, yet ...

I have two vials each of WLP090 and WLP099 of which the latter might be a good choice ...
tctenten said:
when will this be ready to drink?
You can plan a beer like this all you want, but it really is borned through the process ...
I'm straightening up my house a little bit, because my boss is coming to visit to bring some cheer ...
After, though, I'm going to sift through some of the post-brew pictures and update the thread =)
It's fermenting, though ... more on that in a bit ...
So ...


Remember these fucters ... always #fail for me, bushings or not ...

That last Zorg batch gave up ten points after I thought it (S-04) had conked out, but tonight - after wondering why my latest wasn't blowing bubbles despite apparent fermentation - I traced it to a leak in that liquid connection up there ...

So ...


Last night, the wort was too awesome for the tunnel's strainer, lol ...

So there's some cacao nibs in the primary corny ...


I gave it some extra O2 around 3-4AM ...



Just pulled a vial of WLP099 out to get up to room temp ...


Later I'm pitching it with some Fermaid K and the contents of a Servomyces capsule ...


And now ... beer!

So ... nobody's brewing? ...
I want to brew ... I could brew right now, actually ... since I did a nice job w/ my CIP and cleaned up pretty fully from the other night's batch ...
Hmmmm ...
But ... what to brew? ... I still don't have fucking maris otter ... fucked that up but good ...
I have a bunch of British pale ale malt, though ... like ... 20# or so, I think ...
I could definitely stand some more Citra in my life ...
Bringing over Wheebz recipe from tctenten's thread ...
wheebz said:
Alright let's bite this in the ass now

Wheebz Americanized adjunct lager

75% pilsner malt
10% 6 row (just for the diastatic power to break down the corn)
12% flaked corn
3% Cara pils/dextrin malt

Shoot for a 148 mash temp and hold for 75 minutes. If you can raise to 156 do so and hold for 20 minutes

This is a 75 minute vigorous boil. You want 12 ibus from your bittering addition at 75 minutes. Forfor 5 gallons add .25oz of cascade at 10, 5, and .5 ounces at flame out. Whirlpool for a minute, rest for 10, cool and transfer

Pitch and ferment at 50 degrees, and after it hits 50% attenuation let it free rise to room temp/70 degrees, and rest until it's terminal plus 3 days. Transfer to secondary, crash to 32 degrees, and let it sit for 3 weeks cold then bottle/keg.

I only use pellet hops for every beer I make except wet hopped beers. Easier to weight and manage.
lost and found ...

wheebz said:
take the 940, do an initial pitch at 62 degrees, drop it to 55 12 hours after pitch, let that bitch rock out until around 65-68 attenuation, bring it to 62 to 63 for a diacetyl rest for 2 or 3 days until its terminal and it passes a VDK test (diketones), transfer to secondary and then drop that ish down to 32-34 and hold it there for like 14 days, SOOO GOOD
make a pils recipe using all pislner malt and some cara-pils and thats all you need, do a 20 min, 15, 10, 5, and WP addition of your favorite low AA hop, I really like hallertau or styrian, and you will have one of the best pils on the market
put it at 18-22 IBU's, with an OG of like 10 plato
check your water profile for this one, make sure you are as neutral as possible, like having ZERO minerally things in your water, and it will be awesomme
if you can get your hands on some German Saffir, or some Aussie Summer, or some New Zealand Wakatu hops, use those, and i promise if you do it right, its going to be epic