• Blog your pepper progress. The first image in your first post will be used to represent your Glog.

GNSLNGR 2013,14, and 1 to grow on 2015!,..Just some pics of another on the go "grow"

The grow begins....pictureless. Because everyone should be able to "minds eye" a picture of dirt. Dirt on the road.....
in the back of an FJ for afew days -parking managed by sun light availability.3 days later 1 65 watt halogen to keep em warm.
On the tenth day(10 days after germ beganso closer to 2 weeks), I head back to the ranch-metaphorically thinking...or typing-whatever;)!

Over watered, because got over dry, sink or swim kids.....if you make it, you will rule!
At this point , they're being fed with 2 strip flourescents and a 90 watt grolight.
One cat thought , awesome, it is warm, the humans fuss over this spot, so I will sleep here.I gently extricate cat, for it knows not what it does. I assume waking up in the air will get my point across, as far as "must not sleep there".Seems to work.Uno , my ever watchful Jack Russell Valkyrie Familiar, drives the exclamation point home by chasing "Lira"up the nearest tree.Not much damage due skillful cat handling ;).

3 weeks....getting a watering schedule dialed, most sprouts have returned to their precat status, and yes some got helped back "up".2 or 3 were brutally uprooted in frustration, which I played off as "Let that be a lesson to the rest of you!".No time for the sissy stuff this year.The missing plants have been split and put into 12 Oz'rs.
4 days after this, all potential plantlets were transplanted into 16/20oz cups. Yes I know"Its way to early said the choir"!!!!
Tough shit, hit the dirt, time to drive back to Houston.So I packed up the truck "and they moved to Beverly....", well Houston.
The next pic you will see one tupperware tray, the little kids get to stay home with the evil princess;).

I talk all this smack , and then notice when I get to Houston that the vibration has toppled half of the plants(narrow bases of the 16 oz cups walking around....ahhh F*ck,"We have casualties on the ground, I need air YESTERDAY! I say again...".Shit , Its 23:30.
In 30 minutes, they have been recupped and dual large bore IV'd.To prevent further damage, I seak out plastic cups at the nearest late night Indian owned gasvenience station.....What about beer you ask?....HeHeHe-I left home fully loaded, on ice, I hate driving around late at night looking for beer. I don't really like doing it for cups either, but you what you gotta do, or won't have a grow.The cups were(and did) to provide buffers for the tippers, and were placed inverted in various places to prevent VIT during additional transit required.Photo bucket crapped out so this is it for episode one.
Have a good one-

Addition relevant comments:
I believe new grow seeds for this round are all Chinense, and in order of appearance:
First up 1. Peach Bullets -R Alber; 2;Melissa's Black Scorpions Tongues -3 days.
Second up 3. Carolina Reapers-Pepper Joe/Ed Currie; 4. Bhut Jolokia X 7 Pot Douglah-Matt G; 5. 7 Pot Browns-OBN; 8. Bhut Jolokia x Cleo's Dragon-R Alber;-5 days
Third up 9. Jay's Peach Bhut -OBN; 10. Brain Strain Orange-OBN; 11.White Fatalli-R Alber; 12. TS Yellow x Bhut Jolokia Yellow-??, 13. Bhut Jolokia x Chocolate Hab-Matt G-7 days

Failure to lauch :The Pumpkin (not a Butch T)....Bummer, and 2 others......?????
At the end of the next 9 day stretch ,all were tx'd to 20 oz cups, and nice rootage;)
The beasts of the bunch-Melissa's Black Scorpions Tongues, and Then The Bhut Jolokia x Cleo's Dragons, all of which had 6-8 leaves on departing for Ghana.
Time to push "play" again!....So, to recap-5 freezes close out the 2013 season.These plants are tough, but not tough enough...anticipate 95% loss of overwinters.
....I get knocked down, BUT I GET UP AGAIN :onfire: !!!! Work ,as usual rears its ugly head, smack in the middle of start time. :mope:
The upside, my cache of seed stock is bursting with new crosses, and I have stock from all the KIA overwinters. Loaded up the FJ, standard "all of the above,...and then some"(I'm a  "bring 2 JDAM's to a gunfight " guy ) so besides the usual ,"could end up anywhere" mobe...I bring 126 seed varieties, 2 36 pellet starter kits, 1 90 watt Halo/reflector unit, digital laser thermometer,12 qrt sack of organic starter mix. The little voice trying to say .."dude -you'll be back at the homestead in a week", another , more learned voice saying..."Better to bring and not need , then to need and have not", no brainer....refer to gunfight rule number one, official rule, not mine;ie:Always bring a gun. The rest is obvious, hit the road for Houston, 263 miles away...on day 3, it becomes apparent, that I my services will be required for an extended period.
So  the Mark 1 Mod 2 mobile grow starter kit and seeds are offloaded into the hotel room.Now , the fun part....which ones to start first...eenie , meenie , minee, 1 through 126.....Moe. Well several varieties were left at the house, but thats how it goes.Shit, Jamie's Green Hornet is not among the "present and accounted for" roster...well at least King Denniz's Trinidad Scorpion Green turns up hiding after the first round-so I'm temporarily covered;).The list emerges, and I realize, I need soaking trays(usually some tupperware ice trays)....so I zip over to Specs Liquor, and procure a pack of plastic shot glasses-and stage 2 begins.
24 hour soak, warm water, keep near 80-90 degrees by the light.The next day I return and the peat pellets prepped while the soak started are primed with the desired payloads. The light then promptly goes poof at 2330. Fu4K! Oh well, no time in the following 3 days to get a new bulb, tray temps hover in the upper 60's.
So,as the weather is warmed back up they get transferred to the FJ , I park in semi shade, plop em on the dash to warm in the meantime, and then a cold front hits
mid day, and emerge from the Hive to 36 degree temps and a freeze waning.Suck it up guys,sink or swim, it builds character and what doesn't kill em , makes em stronger...and hopefully a little pissed off :woohoo: ...and they'll get goin!
Light aquired, warmth reestablished on the ceramic tile floor, under marble counter(great as temp stabilized once its all toasty warm) in the bathroom.
I threaten them briefly after 6 days...using age ,and apparently very effective curses :party: ......
A hook appears, followed by 3 more on day eight.So on day 9, .....surprise! I am assigned a fast track project; a handover is done, and 12 hrs later...its off to Port Fourchon,La to take the Ocean Intervention 2, and go play in the water. No time to really stop by the house and drop the Little Shop of Horrors off, and I didn't want to give my dog a heart attack by popping in and taking off again.....and well, if you've read last years or the year before's log, there is another reason as well..hehe, but I digress.
So off we go , the sprouts get mobilized early, and we roll the 436 miles to Fourchon, and board said vessel..load up, test the equipment9in another rainy ,angry wet cold front, kick the tires and light the fires, and head offshore before noon the following day. Pink Tigers are popping, and the Moruga x BB7's are hookin..
My minions are rallying, and only 2 varieties are no shows.The Doughlah x C Bhuts, 7 Pot Barrackpore Chocolates, and the Armageddons-all fairly slow germinators.
So , here we go again , :woohoo:
Special thanks to King D- who stepped up and got my PT's in country for me, then mailed them to me. I'm on a "list" apparently, every seed pack from abroad get taken by customs as a result.So a round about method was required. To get my Jungle Rain order in, I had to do the same thing......
So I sleep soundly in my bed at night, knowing that rough men stand ready to protect this country from the insidiously evil, mercilessly fiendish bands of ...
Pepper seeds?.....whew, good thing eh?My apologies to Col Grossman for partially misquoting him, but he'd probably appreciate the humor.
Matt, I just gave you a run  for the money in length of a single post :dance: ..so-

The results of freeze number one, 7 Pot Infinity Red(Shane's Nemesis! :woohoo: -and anyone else's who eats a whole one).The beginning of the end.

The face of evil, if pods were root canals, this is what they'd look like; Bhut Jolokia Red x TS CARDI Yellow, salvaged from the second freeze, and the next to last pod saved from the freezes.Yes, that's a war face!

Yes, this is bad juju for a "greenhouse", the "Ice J", after a trip during the killing third freeze.

Warming the minions.......the morning of the afternoon of their "Cold Weather Imersion Training"

They are now underway on the Ocean Intervention 2, playing Jarheads onna Gator Freighter :rofl: .The MT tray is for  class # 2 2014 , so....
selection time again .
Jeff, a pic for you will be in the next post :shh:
Have a good one-
You should try Google +. No issues like photobucket and if you have a smart phone, the photos get uploaded automatically. Simple.

Just to tide you over, here is one hosted on Google+. My newest purchase a couple of months ago.
That's a sweet heart Jeff- a .40 SW (assuming 40 Shield is a .40)in a nice smooth edged  :P package.This is a new one to me still, and can't wait check one out at a range. I recently resurrected  my only wheel gun..a 357 586 SW , by the addition of a low profile mini red dot(Fast Fire II).....fun stuff.We just switched to google everything at work, so I will definitely look into that first chance.
Jamie-Roger the land legs, stuff is flyin all over the place out here!
Now its time pick through the next seed start , things are getting bumpy out here , so I had to duct tape the trays in place,LOL!
Yo gnslngr! Good to hear from you. Love the underwater pics. Sorry to hear about all the wx issues but like you said, doesn't kill/makes stronger. If you ever needs seeds, from anywhere, you give me a shout. Hope you get the time you need to grow some great plants.
Class #2, soaking now....
1. 7 Pot Congo SR Gigantic
2. 7 Pot Primo Orange
3. 7 Pot White
4. 7 Pot Jonah Yellow
5. White Fatalii
6. Trinidad Scorpion Green
7. Trinidad Scorpion FG Mustard
8. Trinidad Scorpion VV7
9. Bhut Jolokia Purple-3nd gen from original plants imported-very stable.. Freeze ko'd both 2nd gen parents..fingers crossed on third gen parent
10. Black Naga "Big Head"(Just a name for the var that produced the Jekyl and Hyde pods in 2013 grolog, to differentiate from the other 3 strains)
11. Habanero White Giant
12. Yaki Blue
13. Bhut Jolokia x Pimenta De Nyde Black
14. Black Chili-Annuum x Chinense cross
15. 7 Pot Primo x Chocolate Habanero
16. Africa Tunisian
17. Donni Sali
18. Blondie C Baccatum
19. Aji Pineapple
20. Chilhuacle Amarillo
21. Aji Chinci Amarillo
....Jigsaw was on the list, but it looks suspiciously like the Douglah x Butch T TS in the 2012 grolog, if I taste one and they are markedly different maybe next year....
G-man-I'll be up in May for another Shootout, PM your contact info, I didn't have it last trip , or I would've "made contact"....didn't wanna just pop by the house unannounced.You're welcome up at Brown's Bend anytime we make the trip, and I'm sure at least one day will be down on your end of the lake as well.
Patrick-Great to hear from you! How's the Arachnid Ranch these days?....remember this is all your fault :rofl:
Super Chief-Never turn your back on the water!How's that "reduced" grow goin? See , um , I'm cuttin back too........No, Really :liar: ... :shh:
My fault? :shocked:   Lemme see if I remember correctly it was you throwing hundreds of dollars at me trying to get seeds. ;)   Kind of cut back a bit on the spiders, spending too much time riding the new bike. Still got a couple of dozen and occasionally a male will find it's way into a females abode. Can't deny a man a little lovin' now can I?
I'm happy to see you're still growing peppers. Best of luck to you this year.
Nothing like starting a grow on the run! Gotta hand it to ya, improvise, kick ass and take names. I like it!
Good luck this season!
Okay-let's "GET SOME"..... :woohoo:
Well, looks like a teeny bit o progress....some are in a real dirt starter tray even. :dance: Damn it, I miss my cups, screw all this delicate doctor transplant stuff-I mean really, these little bastadges think they OWN me now."Oh, yeah, we got him trained, silly Fauna!
REALLY? I heard that, so, peat pot breakin' time, an if you aren't green enough or big enough-as Alice would say:"No , more...Mr Nice Guy, no more...."
Too short, too thin?stunted?Well guess who gets a swirly if they can't get their growth on ?Hear that?That was the slow ones,so, remember-It pays to be a winner...
Soooo, good bye to 9 peat pots(3 per) from Class 1.Works every time :hell: Muh,HUH,HAHHAHAHHAHA!
Well we last left you all, out in the middle of the Gulf of Mexico , well now they have marble lined quarters.....and loamy,fluffy gromix....class 1, down to 36, tryin to figure out where everyone else went....

Pink Tigers in center row,Top row ,Mojo Big Browns,Sawyer's Not White Bhut,but bumpy Yellow-Like real Bhuts!The bottom row, is some Primo x Butch T's....getting back to captions under pics....

A call for reinforcements from Meat Freak-Mustard Bhuts, Pimenta Lisa, and some of Greg's cool Scotch Bonnet  x 7 Pot Brain Strain Yellows.

Class 2, hearing the cries of demise from the non performers in Class 1, kicking it into high ....7 Pot Congo SR Gigantics @ 8 days....

Winners, they have special holding quarters.....Trini Scorp Greens(King D), Black Chili(Annum x Chinense cross from Jungle Rain) and The SR's

The Rest of Class, playing hard and fast, showing 90 degrees under the Hotel Sink-seem to be loving it.

For range days on the road, and piece of mind in bad places, a plethora of AR Uppers, Top to Bottom :Alexander arms/Daniel Defense AR .50 Beowulf;
AR-57 in FN's 5.7 mm, and Olymic Arms AR 45, in .45 Super Express/.45 Auto.

...My other sidearm, UNO, 17 #'s of Train Charging Fury, playing with her evil eye look-on evening patrol. She makes my world a much better place.
Okay-damn its midnight, and I have at least 1 more Samuel Smiths Organic Chocolate Stout to go, but I'm guessing the transplants will just have to wait till tomorrow....?
Have a good one-
DJ :fireball:
Nice update 'slinga. plants all look very healthy for having a life on the road. How long until they get a permanent home in the ground?
Uppers are nice too, but you already knew I would comment about that. :drooling: . That reminds me, it is going to be High-power season soon. Time to get mine dusted off and ready to go.
UNO a Jack Russell? Any kind of Terrier are simply a fun dog. I have 2 Rat's and a Pit-BullMastiff mix, they make me feel safe out here in the boonies.
Liking the Uppers! I really want an AR, just waiting to see if our next Prez has his head in the same place as the current one. Can you say, never mind, you know where it is....
Doing really well for always running!
Keep it green!
Devv said:
UNO a Jack Russell? Any kind of Terrier are simply a fun dog. I have 2 Rat's and a Pit-BullMastiff mix, they make me feel safe out here in the boonies.
Liking the Uppers! I really want an AR, just waiting to see if our next Prez has his head in the same place as the current one. Can you say, never mind, you know where it is....
Doing really well for always running!
Keep it green!
ARs are where it's at right now and maybe for a while. I just have this suspicion that we won't being seeing much imported Russian stuff for a little while. Good thing I have 700 rounds for my SKS.
I have a couple complete ARs but Gnslngr has me thinking about a couple extra uppers to keep them company.
Gnslngr, how many lowers keep those uppers company?