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off-topic Good Mornin' Thread - For those that get up really early and post

good morning all 
picked a nice harvest of peppers yesterday in the overwinter room  :party:

Wife thought it would be more impressive to take the pic in the snow that was left from the last snowfall 
I agree it is neat to see the bright colors of various peppers when there is snow on the ground here in Minnesnowta  
i kinda wish that i hadn't trimmed the plants back so aggressively now :mope: , but... I got some aphids anyway :( and can't imagine how bad the aphids would be if i hadn't trimmed all the plants back before using Azamax and bringing them inside. 
Fortunately i had a backup plan in the fridge.

these little ladies will go to town eating any and all aphids!
sadly they will eventually need to be swept up off the garage floor when they run out of food and die :( 
I am convinced that within a closed space Ladybugs are among the top if not the best natural means of eradicating aphids 
If any of you know of and have experience with any other means of natural elimination of aphids please correct me :)
just boring Oatmeal again for breakfast today, but for lunch i plan on having; shaved oven roasted rosemary chicken breast , fresh aji finlandia peppers, sprouts, heirloom (storebought) yellow tomato,avocado, smoked serrano powder, and a tiny bit of alderwood smoked sea salt. sandwich!  :party:
with fermented barrel pickles on the side  :drooling:   :dance:
i can't wait for lunch :lol: can you tell ?
anyway, I hope all of you have a magnificent Monday 
S.M.I.L.E. :D
Good afternoon! A bit late, but still thinking of you all. Sic, I'm glad you weren't in that wreck, but please ride safely.
GIP, what a haul of peppers!!! All this after your horrible hail debacle. The plants sure recovered quite well. Wonderful colors, too. Your oatmeal breakfast should do well for you. That sandwich sounds like a work of art.
Have been celebrating a bit early with friends.
Enjoy the rest of your day. Stay safe and share the smiles.
Good Morning all :)
7F/-14C this morning  Brrrr
Sic sorry to hear about your wife getting hurt on the bike :(  i hope she heals up quickly 
catherinew said:
GIP, what a haul of peppers!!! All this after your horrible hail debacle. The plants sure recovered quite well. Wonderful colors, too. Your oatmeal breakfast should do well for you. That sandwich sounds like a work of art.
lunch yesterday was epic 
can see it here: http://thehotpepper.com/topic/32458-sandwich-of-the-month/?p=1510605
:bday:  Jane   hope you get to do something you enjoy today :)
hope everyone has an awesome day 
S.M.I.L.E. :D and be excellent to each other 
Good morning everyone. GIP, that sandwich looks amazing! I've never made brine pickles so Ill have to look into how theyre made. Always something new to learn. And thank you for the birthday greeting. We have a cookie exchange today so I should come home with at least a dozen different kinds of cookies for sharing. I made double chocolate crinkles and salted caramel fudge - both very easy.

Blessings for you today and remember to share them with others. Like the old song another day older and deeper in debt. But its going to be a fun time. Enjoy your day!
AvidLiving said:
Gip- love the lady bugs. I need to order some to keep on hand.. kids love them. How long does it take till the pests are gone?
depends on how bad the infestation was and which pests you are using ladybugs to eradicate
last year i had more aphids then this year, and the ladybugs took care of them within a couple weeks
Here i wont be able to put these plants back outside until the end of May :mope:  so i'm hoping that some ladybugs will lay eggs and i will get a couple generations from them. 